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Polands new immigrants from the West.

pawian  219 | 24895
29 May 2021   #31
Will Poles warmly accept their new immigrants?

Especially Italians. The brother in law of mine who is a taxi driver in a big city tells me he deals with them all the time. They run businesses here. He retold me an interesting story by one Italian:

When I ran a food stand in southern Italy, I had to pay 250 euros a month to the local mafia for "protection." When I ran a kiosk, I had to pay 500 euros. When I opened a bar, the tribute rose to 1000 euros. In Poland, I pay nothing to nobody except the Tax Office.
17 Sep 2024   #32
Now that Germany doesn't want emigrants any more, can they be legally redirected to Poland to find a new life there?
Novichok  4 | 7879
17 Sep 2024   #33
So immigrants are not cool and assets anymore? What happened?
17 Sep 2024   #34
It seems most immigrants take advantage of the social system and then it's prone to collapse. When it happens, the native people try to rescue it.
Novichok  4 | 7879
17 Sep 2024   #35
When it happens, the native people try to rescue it.

That's why the native people should try to make immigrants as miserable as possible,

Instead, the native people - especially white Western idiots like Barney and Tacitus - roll the carpet out and shower these scumbags with better benefits than what the natives get when they retire. This is how stupid whites are and that is why whites are doomed.
Miloslaw  21 | 5056
17 Sep 2024   #36
This is how stupid whites are and that is why whites are doomed.

You had better ensure your daughters marry black,asian or hispanic men then.....keep them safe.....

Home / Life / Polands new immigrants from the West.

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