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Will Poland ever be multicultural like Sweden, Germany or France?

Miloslaw  20 | 5115
24 Apr 2022   #91
Russia is a "tyranny"

Spot on.You got one thing right today.

the kids in the UK are told very often how good it is that your country, like the US, is no longer white.

Nah, that must be a US problem that you guys have not yet sold to us.
Most of this "woke crap"comes from the US.

Serbia is for Serbs

That may be true, but unlike civilised people, Serbs, like Russians, are prepared to kill for that belief.
Serbs, like Russians, are uncivilized, barbaric animals.
Novichok  4 | 8844
25 Apr 2022   #92
from allover the world coming and feel safe and loved.

Through overuse, some words lost their meaning. Add two more: uncivilized and barbaric. That's how you can tell if you are talking to a dumb Polak.

Now, this is going to be haha funny...Murder rates per 100,000:

Serbia - 1.0
Scotland - 1.1
UK - 1.2

Crow, you can laugh now...
Alien  25 | 6369
25 Apr 2022   #93
@Novichok; Murders rates....
Srebrenica included?
pawian  225 | 27344
2 May 2022   #94
Will Poland ever be multicultural

It already is, thanks to Ukrainian refugees. Diversity rulez!
amiga500  5 | 1508
3 May 2022   #95
Diversity rulez!

Come on man, it's pretty much one culture with a few differnces, hardly 'diversity' or 'multiculturalism' , and one of the reasons poles have been so incredibly open hearted and genorous, ukris are our cultural brothers, a bunch of rural syrians/afghanis that have been taught from childhood that a woman without a head covering is a prostitute/wh*re and that one should not be friends with kuffars are not.
pawian  225 | 27344
3 May 2022   #96
ukris are our cultural brothers,

And sisters. :):)
amiga500  5 | 1508
3 May 2022   #97
Yes i stand corrected.. maybe i will find a Ukrainian wife.. ? ;)
Alien  25 | 6369
3 May 2022   #98
In Australia?
amiga500  5 | 1508
3 May 2022   #99
Hopefully enjoying a golden polish summer :)
Alien  25 | 6369
3 May 2022   #100
You are welcome.
Videobroker  11 | 22
3 May 2022   #101
It looks like Poland intends to keep it Polish. Multiculturalism is a choice not an obligation. Usually one or two ethnic groups end up monopolizing anyway so it's not really diverse. Example USA Mexicans are predominant over all other ethnic groups. Initially the USA favored European migration. Now it's one big mess totally out of control. I doubt Poland wants this happening. It makes the country unique in Europe
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
3 May 2022   #102
Diversity rulez!

like what? Sound like nosense you say becasue it is in fashion in the west and you are a stupid eastern european monkey.
jon357  72 | 23426
3 May 2022   #103
in USA

Not not in any sense a good role model for the way we do things in Europe.
Lyzko  45 | 9750
3 May 2022   #104
Multiculturalism has become though an economic obligation, no longer a choice, Videobroker!
As long as white America, along with Northern Europe, even the Asian Pacific Rim, above all Japan, refuses to soil their hands with D.D.D (Difficult, dangerous, and dirty) work, multicultualism is here to stay.... even Poland will eventually feel the brunt of such unstoppable competition, like it or not.

'Couldn't believe Trump four or so years ago, bragging he'd have people from Norway, The Netherlands or Germany coming to apply for jobs in the US rather than "peope from poor, "s####t-hole countries".

If we actually had taken his advice, noone could afford to live in the US any more.
jon357  72 | 23426
3 May 2022   #105
no longer a choice

Unless the advances in reducing infant mortality and increasing life expectancy in developing countries that have been occurring since the 1970s/80s are suddenly reversed (which is highly unlikely) or the economies of developing countries suddenly find ways to support their citizens (unlikely since China is hogging the lot) and at the same time climate change and desertification are reversed (I don't see that happening) then multiculturalism in developed countries will become the norm, whatever people feel about it. Those who can hold off migration will only be able to do so temporarilymor if they're as rich as Switzerland.

It would be better to have more industry, commerce and education/training in Africa, however China just wants it for its minerals and actively encourages its exploding population to move to Europe.
Miloslaw  20 | 5115
3 May 2022   #106

Some great points Jon.
Lyzko  45 | 9750
4 May 2022   #107
Switzerland though has had to succumb slowly but surely (if adamantly unwillingly) to the slow march of globalization!
I read some years back in a European trade journal that even mega firms e.g. Swatch or Omega which haven't completely outsourced, continue to use exclusively foreign-born aka non-native Swiss labor for line-level work in areas which haven't as yet been totally automated.

This information may well be faulty, but somehow, even countries such Switzerland, Monaco or Luxembourg will start to gradually feel the pinch of the real world. Not soon enough, I say.
Alien  25 | 6369
4 May 2022   #108
Will Poland or should Poland ever be multicultural.......?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
4 May 2022   #109
No. The majority of Polish people don't want any part of that. Thankfully Poland has a government that actually supports the people in this matter.

The only foreigners that are going to come to Poland are Ukranians and a couple thousand students from places like India, Pakistan, S. Korea, W. Africa, etc.
jon357  72 | 23426
4 May 2022   #110
Will Poland or should Poland ever be multicultural

it is slowly becoming so already. This isn't something that countries have much choice about
PolAmKrakow  2 | 928
5 May 2022   #111
No. Not while immigration issues are decided by Poland. While every country has some multicultural areas, Poland and its people simply do not want it. People of a different skin color and religion are simply not widely accepted here. Most know this and most wouldn't come to Poland because of it. Now with millions of Ukraine women in Poland, you can expect to see many of them marry Polish men. Housing those Ukraine people also creates less room for others to come to Poland. Poland will never become like Germany or France, it simply wont happen.
Tacitus  2 | 1271
5 May 2022   #112
Just give it some time. Poland will in due time become more economically wealthy and thus attractive to foreigners, and its' people will become more liberal.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
5 May 2022   #113
Poland will in due time become more economically wealthy

It won't if Germany has anything to say about it.
Alien  25 | 6369
5 May 2022   #114
Cojest why are you so pessimistic?
mafketis  38 | 11162
5 May 2022   #115
Now with millions of Ukraine women in Poland

Compare Ukrainian refugees, olverwhelmingly women and children, to the 2015 wave (overwhelmingly fighting age young men who cared so little for their country of origin that they ran rather than fight for it... what would they do for the countries they arrived in?)
Crnogorac3  3 | 659
5 May 2022   #116

These are the exact words of Strobe Talbott the US deputy secretary of state during the Bill Clinton administration. He openly stated this in 1994 during the war in Bosnia. Strobe Talbott was also the president of Brookings Institute and a member of CFR.

Crnogorac3  3 | 659
5 May 2022   #117
If Russia were to lose the war against the Globalists/Satanists over Ukraine, within 5 to 10 years Poland would be turned from a largely Catholic country into a libtard one just as they have already done to Ireland.

After 10 to 20 years - the swedenization of Poland.
Miloslaw  20 | 5115
5 May 2022   #118
After 10 to 20 years - the swedenization of Poland.

Don't think it will happen.

But even if it did, it's better than being Russified again.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
5 May 2022   #119
Poland will never become like Germany or France, it simply wont happen.

Thank God.

Even PO are smart enough to know that mass third world immigration is unpopular in Poland even among the left leaning.

My concern is the flood of Ukranians. Pretty soon they're going to demand more represantation, gain more power, and as a result it'll marginalize some Poles. I worry that it's going to be a situation similar to mass immigration from Mexico to the USA.

Yes, at first they're going to take the jobs that Poles don't want to do but sooner or later there's going to be so many of them where you can't walk down the street without hearing Ukranian. It's basically like that in Wroclaw now. You call an uber or taxi or go to a coffee shop and 9/10 times you're going to be served by a Ukranian.

Sooner or later though they're going to demand more and more and more though.
jon357  72 | 23426
5 May 2022   #120
But even if it did, it's better than being Russified again


There will be many changes in the decades of population growth and climate change ahead. In a century's time the world, and Poland will be no exception, will be a very different place.

Home / Life / Will Poland ever be multicultural like Sweden, Germany or France?
BoldItalic [quote]
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