I have the problem of never been interested n Sweden. It's not on my list of relevance and therefore all I know is very little. This makes me bad if you want a good debate as I am limited to media and we know how accurate that is. Sorry! I was never interested in any nordic country at all and still don't care now. I know more about france. Its a mess there Poland would never allow it.
Will Poland ever be multicultural like Sweden, Germany or France?
Sweden has in fact been called "The Nordic Model", albeit not for quite some time now, for the obvious reasons having been discussed at length so far!
She has produced many notables, known also of late as a kind of haven for Poles wishing to leave in order to study abroad:-)
Multiculturalism though was never an issue in Sweden as perhaps it has been on the continent of Europe proper, such as in France, Germany, The Netherlands, and yes, Poland:-)
She has produced many notables, known also of late as a kind of haven for Poles wishing to leave in order to study abroad:-)
Multiculturalism though was never an issue in Sweden as perhaps it has been on the continent of Europe proper, such as in France, Germany, The Netherlands, and yes, Poland:-)
All I see of sweden is when they have a problem with their migrants in segregated areas. The last thing I saw was a show on telly by this woman here who made an industry out of man bashing because she married a mental loser. She was in sweden and labelled the place the wife bashing capital of the developed world.
Hmmm, thought that distinction was Finland'sLOL
She's toxic. Her nut husband killed their poor kid with a cricket bat. Now shes doing the rounds funded by government telling woman everywhere they are in danger. Meawhile in the lounge room my wife and 4 other woman are laughing their heads off calling her a rubbish wife and saying she couldn't pick the right man while I make their drinks. That was a few weeks ago. She made a whole documentary about swedens hidden wife killing problem.
Mars, keep to the thread topic!
First, one must dissect the 3 examples
France: long history of colonizing. Relied on ethnic reinforcements to win WW1/WW2 etc. Have taken an integrate versus multicultural approach which might have aliened some demographics. Recently their government and society has begun to challenge the notion of a "Native French".
Germany: relied on ethnics [Turks] to jump start their economy in the 70's. Turks were asked/offered to return home but they decided to stay. In 2000, Germany drastically changed their requirements for nationalization. Recently their government and society has accepted the notion of a "Turkish-German".
Sweden: Still puzzling. From what I read they were taken hook line and sinker by the cultural marxist in the 70's. Successfully duped to second guess their own heritage and history. Successfully brainwashed into thinking their society was lacking in diversity and it was needed for progression if not even survival. Really puzzling stuff
imo As you see, each has a different reason for finding themselves in the current situation. Although I would personally argue Germany is not yet in the same boat as France & Sweden.
Germany - WW2 guilt
France - history of colonizing
Sweden - self hate
None of these seem possible in Poland anytime soon. We also have the Russia factor: used to spur on nationalism. Maybe in hundreds of years if Poland is light year behind the West, you might see self-hate in the form of hating Slavic heritage. But don't count on it. The only other scenario I could think of is if Poland discovers/invents something so revolutionary that seemingly overnight Poland turns into a global hot bed and gets engulfed by foreign investors/migrants.
France: long history of colonizing. Relied on ethnic reinforcements to win WW1/WW2 etc. Have taken an integrate versus multicultural approach which might have aliened some demographics. Recently their government and society has begun to challenge the notion of a "Native French".
Germany: relied on ethnics [Turks] to jump start their economy in the 70's. Turks were asked/offered to return home but they decided to stay. In 2000, Germany drastically changed their requirements for nationalization. Recently their government and society has accepted the notion of a "Turkish-German".
Sweden: Still puzzling. From what I read they were taken hook line and sinker by the cultural marxist in the 70's. Successfully duped to second guess their own heritage and history. Successfully brainwashed into thinking their society was lacking in diversity and it was needed for progression if not even survival. Really puzzling stuff
imo As you see, each has a different reason for finding themselves in the current situation. Although I would personally argue Germany is not yet in the same boat as France & Sweden.
Germany - WW2 guilt
France - history of colonizing
Sweden - self hate
None of these seem possible in Poland anytime soon. We also have the Russia factor: used to spur on nationalism. Maybe in hundreds of years if Poland is light year behind the West, you might see self-hate in the form of hating Slavic heritage. But don't count on it. The only other scenario I could think of is if Poland discovers/invents something so revolutionary that seemingly overnight Poland turns into a global hot bed and gets engulfed by foreign investors/migrants.
Although I would personally argue Germany is not yet in the same boat as France & Sweden.
I agree. At the moment when it suits them, German ``elite`` would use even `migrant situation` in order to deepen cohesive forces of its germanized populace (former Slavic/ie Sarmatian people that is gradually assimilated). Ground would prepare indoctrination with absolutist ideologies, as always. Then, eventually, in a single `Crystal night`, populace would ``get signal`` to destroy non-desirable ethnic factors in Germany.
None of these seem possible in Poland anytime soon.
Poland needs to accept healthy level of multiculturalism and look on example of former Yugoslavia (Serbia) in this regard. Yugoslavia was (Serbia still) able to exist as leading Non-Aligned movement country and still to preserve its own values. It was (is) achieved by willingness to accept, for example, African students but, very few of them got right to after studies stay in Yugoslavia. That way, Yugoslavia was helping to third world countries, was exposed to multiculturalism in return and avoided to be ``massively`` populated by foreign factor.
Factor that may bring `healthy level` of multiculturalism in Poland is exactly Intermarium, considering internal migrations within confederation and considering Intermarium`s, let`s say, image of friendly country that is willing to support development of less advanced countries.
Healthy level crow.....but what about healthy quality...just saw news in Indonesia more muslims gone beserk over their non existant god.
- Am I correct that Germany has recently increased their conscription?
- Right, Poland is in good position on this specific subject. We will get a rush of former expats returning too. It is naive to think Poland has always been this homogenous. For good and bad Poland has replaced large parts of populations. Adding Easterners/Balkins is Win/Win because they physically/culturally mix in and are "upgrading" so will be personally invested in building a comfortable life.
- Am I correct that Germany has recently increased their conscription?
- Right, Poland is in good position on this specific subject. We will get a rush of former expats returning too. It is naive to think Poland has always been this homogenous. For good and bad Poland has replaced large parts of populations. Adding Easterners/Balkins is Win/Win because they physically/culturally mix in and are "upgrading" so will be personally invested in building a comfortable life.
Healthy level crow.....but what about healthy quality...
Healthy level is nothing but acceptable level. State needs to be vigilant here when it comes to number of received foreigners with ``questionable`` cultural background- if you understand me. Everything must be by the plan and even `reserve plan`.
When it comes to quality, well,... somebody on this forum mentioned, few years ago, that one Polish intellectual said how is ``only acceptable mixing for Poles, mixing with other Slavs``. I assure you that all Slavs thinks that way, just, its not always easy for Slavic states to preserve that trend. But, as I said, important thing is top work by the plan.
- Am I correct that Germany has recently increased their conscription?
It was in the news.
Adding Easterners/Balkins is Win/Win because they physically/culturally mix in and are "upgrading"
PIERSI - Bałkanica (Official Video) [HD]
Articulately stated as always, Maf! Pretty much sums it up, I think:-)
sums it up
Donatan-Cleo "MY SŁOWIANIE"
RubasznyRumcajs 5 | 495
5 Nov 2016 #44
since when is France "multicultural"?
rozumiemnic 8 | 3893
5 Nov 2016 #45
you are probably thinking of 'multicultural ' in its correct sense. Sadly an awful lot of people who use it clearly do not know what it means, and use it in the meaning of 'lots of immigrants'. I have given up attempting to correct them.
Sadly an awful lot of people who use it clearly do not know what it means,
What does it mean to you?
rozumiemnic 8 | 3893
5 Nov 2016 #47
Maf to me it means like 'multicultural education' in which festivals and histories from all cultures are celebrated equally.
So as RR said, France could not be said to be multicultural because all the children are taught about 'our ancestors the Gauls' even if they are from eg Algeria.
So as RR said, France could not be said to be multicultural because all the children are taught about 'our ancestors the Gauls' even if they are from eg Algeria.
dolnoslask 5 | 2805
5 Nov 2016 #48
'our ancestors the Gauls' even if they are from eg Algeria.
Oh yea very true the Vandal period and all that.
Tut, tut now Robbie! Your betters are watching:-)
Maf to me it means like 'multicultural education' in which festivals and histories from all cultures are celebrated equally.
What does that accomplish? It seems more normal for a country to prioritize its own history and traditional festivals over newer arrivals.
France could not be said to be multicultural because all the children are taught about 'our ancestors the Gauls' even if they are from eg Algeria.
How should the Gauls be referred to? What has Algeria ever done that Algerian culture should receive equal treatment in French schools? The French created a country that millions upon millions would like to live in. How many people is Algeria attracting (versus how many can't wait to escape)?
Serbian mockery of new western Europe. Entire video is darker in black and white
Magnifico - Ya Mustafa (Live Session)
Magnifico - Ya Mustafa (Live Session)
Do you think that Poland will ever be as multicultural as Sweden?
It is only a matter of time. Not if, but when.
I am not so sure.
I just cannot see people from all over the world rushing to build new lives in Poland.
USA will be first,then UK and then Germany.
Poland will not even be in their minds.......thankfully...... I never want to see a multi multi Poland.
It just would never work.
I am not so sure.
I just cannot see people from all over the world rushing to build new lives in Poland.
USA will be first,then UK and then Germany.
Poland will not even be in their minds.......thankfully...... I never want to see a multi multi Poland.
It just would never work.
USA will be first,then UK and then Germany.
One day Poland will be as rich as those countries. Do you doubt it? :)
Rich Mazur 4 | 2894
7 Mar 2020 #55
Do you think that Poland will ever be as multicultural as Sweden?
My version of the same: Do you think that Poles will let the hordes of useless human waste in the way the Swedes did?
One day Poland will be as rich as those countries. Do you doubt it? :)
I don't doubt it for a moment.
But people do not move to a country just because it is wealthy.
They judge a country by how welcoming they are to foreigners and part of that judgment is based on how many people from their country live there already.
Poland fails on both counts.
Have no fear.
Poland will never become multi culti like Western Europe and North America.
Do you think that Poles will let the hordes
But it is already happening. PiS government is letting immigrants in by droves. So, as PiS is supported by over 40% here, it means many Poles don`t mind.
Read two articles about it:
But people do not move to a country just because it is wealthy.
Yes, they do. Should I really teach you such basic things? :)
it means many Poles don`t mind.
It means they don't know it. How would they know if so called opposition of tools won't even mention anything about that subject. It is a real problem that would have been easy to use and score against a gov but there nothing. I guess those tools are simple lackeys of foreign masters.
where such import of people of foreign extraction into Poland is viewed favorable. Cannot go against their master wishes poor apathic tools.
May they whiter and crumble as mangey traitors that their are.
Yes, they do. Should I really teach you such basic things? :)
No need to be so disrespectful.
You cannot teach me much at all.
You need to look at the recent history of migration and the migrants preferred destinations.
Poland is not even on their map...... they don't even know where it is.....
You cannot teach me much at all.
Yes, I can and I will coz you need a lot of education. You used to sing: Teachers leave me alone, I don`t need no education. and skipped classes and left school at 16. But those shortages are surfacing right now.