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Don't Forget: Tomorrow, March 8 is Women's Day in Poland!

7 Mar 2013   #1
Several threads already exist on the history and significance of this date, so I'll just remind any fellas out there with a Polish woman in their life: Don't forget the flowers! I know there's soviet origination to this holiday, but that's immaterial here. Let's honor our ladies, okay? Incidentally, the theme for this year's International Women's Day is, "A promise is a promise: Time for action to end violence against women".
Wroclaw Boy
7 Mar 2013   #2
Humm yes, im going to post on this thread to remind me.
ifor bach  11 | 152
7 Mar 2013   #3
A short history of the celebration of Women's Day in Poland: /a-flower-for-ewa-a-short-history-of-dzien-kobiet-womens-day-in-poland/
Abraham  - | 8
7 Mar 2013   #4
I thought it march 21 , isn't?
OP jasondmzk
7 Mar 2013   #5
Is that what you plan on saying when you show up two weeks late with flowers? I don't suggest it. Try the google.
Abraham  - | 8
7 Mar 2013   #6
Google says: It is celebrated on various days in many parts of the world.

any way, I present all my respect and appreciation for the mothers of the world and let Bog bless them all, Amen.
Dreadnought  1 | 143
8 Mar 2013   #7
Better world would be if every day was womens day!!!
smurf  38 | 1940
8 Mar 2013   #8
Mate it would be OK for a few weeks, but then y'know....when women live together their periods sync up together so imagine if all the women in the world had the painters in at the same time. We wouldn't stand a chance, we'd be wiped off the planet faster than a Mississippian eats a burger.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
8 Mar 2013   #9
I know there's soviet origination to this holiday,

interestingly this day was in fact originated in the the (shhh....) Socialist Party of America...
OP jasondmzk
8 Mar 2013   #10
Whew. Bout got this one knocked out. Found my wife's fave carnations and a bottle of Martini Bianco, now all that's left is getting my teściowa her cheesecake. Happy Chick's Day, everyone.
PolishTVCompany  - | 14
8 Mar 2013   #11
In Poland is March 8th! We celebrate on the same day here in USA!

Happy Womens Day!
1jola  14 | 1875
9 Mar 2013   #12
Celebrating communist holidays is discouraged.
Ktos  15 | 432
9 Mar 2013   #13
I'm not a woman but I like this holiday, and yeah let's thank communists for it, women had better lives in communism and communist countries, today capitalism is taking over and women are loosing out, for in capitalism feminism stands no chance it's all about economic rationalism. Thus, women of Poland and around the world remember to vote socialism next time.
jon357  72 | 23361
10 Mar 2013   #14
Still extremely popular in Poland.
pantsless  1 | 266
10 Mar 2013   #15
Ah yes, a random day celebrating an entirely random concept.
Ktos  15 | 432
10 Mar 2013   #16
It's a great concept, it's an incentive for those hopeless husbands and boyfriends who don't normally do anything for their women to finally do something, at least once a year.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601
10 Mar 2013   #17
women had better lives in communism and communist countries, today capitalism is taking over and women are loosing out, for in capitalism feminism stands no chance it's all about economic rationalism.

.....and the moon brightens the day and the sun brightens the night. Of course the most spoiled women are western females who 'feel' they are goddesses and act accordingly. By the way, when is 'men's day'?

.when women live together their periods sync up together so imagine if all the women in the world had the painters in at the same time.

It would be easier for humanity if women still retained the estrous cycle (in heat) like other mammalian animals. The trouble began when they evolved out of it :)
OP jasondmzk
10 Mar 2013   #18
By the way, when is 'men's day'?

Every single other day of the year.
Ktos  15 | 432
10 Mar 2013   #19
Men's Day? Do I need man's day to feel special? No, but, on the other hand, man's day is not on everyday, not quite.
pantsless  1 | 266
10 Mar 2013   #20
who don't normally do anything for their women

Wow, you're right. Buying flowers and some cheap present, not getting drunk again in front of the TV that night and "doing something" with the spouse certainly makes up for 364 days of neglect, abuse, and indifference.
Polson  5 | 1767
11 Mar 2013   #21
Do women need a 'woman's' day to feel special?

Obviously you've never been a woman ;)
ZIMMY  6 | 1601
11 Mar 2013   #22
LOL; it's true, women seem to have this 'need' to feel special and it shows in so many things they do (and complain about).

There are so many venues that favor women because they are women. The list is almost endless yet feminist women pretend they don't get their fair share. For instance, Obamacare will create 3 new womens health departments but none for men, yet attempts to deny women free contraceptives via Obamacare was considered "a war on women". Logic just doesn't seem to register with them.
Polson  5 | 1767
11 Mar 2013   #23
women seem to have this 'need' to feel special

Well, if you look at it another way, discrimination against women is still quite present, everywhere, even in our so-called developed countries.
Some women complain, but they are often right, that's the thing.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601
11 Mar 2013   #24
scrimination against women is still quite present, everywhere,

You've eaten Eve's apple. I cannot tell you how often men defer to women in a variety of things that are cultural. They have more latitude in clothes they wear and stores give women's apparel much more space than mens'. Women can be more politically incorrect particularly when it comes to verbal expressions while men have to be more 'sensitive' in their comments and jokes, particularly in a work environment.

When it comes to law, women have great advantage during divorce (please, don't bother listing the exception) and child care. In sentencing, men have longer prison time for the same type of crime (check it out). In television sitcoms the man is almost always the dufus while the female is the smart one. That's equally true in advertising where men are demeaned and the intelligent woman knows how to shop and what to buy, etc.

I can continue but surely these things cannot have escaped even your jaundiced eye. Give the apple back to Eve.
Polson  5 | 1767
11 Mar 2013   #25
You're giving me very 'superficial' stuff here, Zimmy.
There are many real discriminations towards women, much more important than clothes and vocabulary.

When it comes to law, women have great advantage during divorce

But women tend to be violented more often.

In sentencing, men have longer prison time for the same type of crime

At work, men make more money for the very SAME position.
And 'recruitors' sometimes discriminate applicants based on their genre.

Let's talk honestly about real life, and not ads and television.
OP jasondmzk
11 Mar 2013   #26
No, we can't have differing viewpoints based on background, cultural input, education, and personal observation. If we disagree with you it must be because we're brainwashed and have

eaten Eve's apple.

This is the same dehumanizing dogma that most radicals use in order to rob their interlocutor of rationality and dignity of argument. And oh, look,

have more latitude in clothes they wear and stores give women's apparel much more space than mens'

, that makes up for women still making cents on the dollar compared to men, not having free daycare with which to pursue their careers, and being the constant target of domestic violence. Oh, and all those clothes they have the option of buying? Guess how much more it cost for a woman to dry-clean a blouse than it does a man's shirt. You have Angry Ex Syndrome, and you're telling us stop eating the apple? Your entire train of thought is wrought of single-minded woman-bashing conditioning. Don't project your bitter and antiquated pathology on us, dude. I like my wife, and women in general. I see no reason to change that.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601
11 Mar 2013   #27
You're giving me very 'superficial' stuff here, Zimmy.

Culture is not superficial. It is the ether we live in. Indeed, culture is the air we breathe. Sad, that you don't know that.

There are many real discriminations towards women,

You've not named any. Of course men and women are different therefore have different experiences but those are not necessarily discriminatory. In fact, I've decided to treat women the same as I treat men. Women hate that.

At work, men make more money for the very SAME position.

You are still eating Eve's apple. The comment you postulated has been a myth for decades now. The monetary figures that feminists falsely misuse are from the Department of Labor. All workers income is tabulated and indeed in general men do make more but I always find it amazing that some people (like yourself) never look into what that means.

1/Men, on average work longer hours than women (more overtime)
2/Women take time off for family reasons, sometimes opting out of the work force for year before reinterring it. That affects income.
3/Men work in the harsher and more dangerous professions thus get paid more. (what that means is the total figures will compare a counter perfume saleswoman with a construction worker or an oil rig worker, etc) I'll explain this most important aspect to you in more detail if you still don't get it.

It is against the law (several actually, including state and federal laws) to pay someone less for the same job. That's why there hasn't been a case of successful salary discrimination of any note in more than 2 decades even though some have been attempted.

I've debated rabid feminists who could not counter my logical and statistical points. Instead, they try to change the specific subject at hand and in a handful of instances resorted to name-calling.

And 'recruitors' sometimes discriminate applicants based on their genre.

That's true. In the past I've had to hire women because the Equal Opportunity Commission (EOC) wanted more females hired in certain positions, usually management. I've done this even when the woman was not the best qualified. It's called affirmative action.

Let's talk honestly about real life, and not ads and television.

So you don't 'feel' that the presentation of men and women doesn't affect on how society thinks about them? I'll believe that when women are shown to be the idiots especially in ads. Of course you won't see much (if any) of that because our 'politically correct' culture doesn't allow much of that.

I shouldn't even have to explain that.

Happy womens day.
Polson  5 | 1767
11 Mar 2013   #28
Sad, that you don't know that.

Clothes is superficial.

You've not named any.

Then please read again.

1/Men, on average work longer hours than women (more overtime)

BS. You have general stuff (from I don't know where), I have a real, concrete example: my mum. She works A LOT in a private company. She doesn't leave earlier for family reasons, she always get home at 21 or later. Still, she makes less money than her male colleagues who do the exact same job.

Btw, 'women take off for family reasons', interesting. So men earn more money AND don't need to take care of their kids as much as women. Again, men's life looks easier to me ;)

In the past I've had to hire women because the Equal Opportunity Commission (EOC) wanted more females hired in certain positions, usually management. I've done this even when the woman was not the best qualified.

Stop it, you very well know most of the time the contrary occurs.

I'll believe that when women are shown to be the idiots especially in ads.

We'll talk about ads when men start touching your a$$ in the bus on your way home. Yes, that's also part of women's life. Getting abused any possible way.

Open your eyes, dude. It's still much comfier to be a man in this world than a woman. And this is Europe/America...
ZIMMY  6 | 1601
11 Mar 2013   #29
(women)....being the constant target of domestic violence.

Years ago when I was a flaming liberal I use swallow that nonsense until I used common sense and started to research these various gender related subjects. I don't have time now ti continue but will leave you with this information.

Women assault men in approximately equal numbers but the main street media (and hundreds of feminist organizations) only focus in one direction. That's part of the 'politically correct' culture we live in.

It's difficult for people to change their viewpoint or opinion on specific beliefs especially when somethings been drummed into them so often. It even takes personal courage to admit that what they believed in was wrong. I've certainly had to adjust my beliefs when facts and logic dictated.
Polson  5 | 1767
11 Mar 2013   #30
Women assault men in approximately equal numbers but the main street media (and hundreds of feminist organizations) only focus in one direction. That's part of the 'politically correct' culture we live in.

That was a short essay/article. Figures about the number of death due to domestic violence?

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