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Poland's feelings on glorified vaccinations

jon357  72 | 23426
24 Dec 2022   #31
explains it quite clearly.

No, it's just anti-vax woo.

You accuse doctors of misdiagnosing influenza (they don't).

You accuse disease prevention measures intended to save lives as being "lame propaganda".

You pretend that death from influenza are a "giant psyop"

You flounder, backtrack and spew nonsense in a vain attempt to persuade anyone foolish enough to wade through the tripe you've written to lose confidence in a simple and uncontroversial flu shot that may save their lives and the lives of those around them.

That is beneath contempt. Fortunately however, your rants have zero effect.

If it weren't so boring by now, it would be amusing to read your woo when you try to talk about things you don't understand.

Everyone's entitled to act stupid once in a while, but you really abuse the privilege.
Korvinus  4 | 603
24 Dec 2022   #32
I don't know how we all got by for a million years without pinheads sticking feces and cancerous SV-40 monkey viruses into our children's bloodstream with a mercury chaser with placenta still on them.

1910. America has gone nearly 60 years without a severe epidemic of any kind. Americans are so famous for their glowing health, height, strength and perfect complexions it is a stereotype.

1916. Doctors are so desperate for money and patients so scarce they hold conventions and decide to give away free "inoculations" against flu.

1918. Spanish influenza sweeps the planet and kills 10% of mankind.

2014. Americans all weigh 400 pounds, have a lifespan of ten years and die screaming with tumours the size of cantaloupes all over their bodies. Thanks, SV-40.
jon357  72 | 23426
24 Dec 2022   #33
I don't know how we all got by for a million years without

With a far shorter life expectancy...


You think doctors are "pinheads' then.

Doubtless if you're seriously ill or injured you'll avoid them then.

Are they 'Luciferian'?
OP johnny reb  49 | 8005
25 Dec 2022   #34
You think doctors are "pinheads' then.

'Money Grubbers' is a better word then pinhead but they both are politically correct.

You accuse doctors of misdiagnosing influenza (they don't).

Oh joun but they do.
Go back and re read this thread from the start.
It all has been explained to you in detail .
Remember back when the CDC quit counting the Swine flu cases in America.
The CDC stopped counting because their tests on diagnosed flu patients showed so many who didn't have the flu virus, who didn't have the flu at all !

No matter how long or how loud you bang your pots and pans joun you will still come up on the short end of the stick.

Thats why such a small percentage of people got their Covid boosters this time around, people have caught on.
It just takes some of the bootlickers a little longer than others to catch on, but you really do take the cake when it comes to being SLOW.
jon357  72 | 23426
25 Dec 2022   #35
'Money Grubbers'

In your country, maybe. In places with developed healthcare systems, no. there is no financial incentive.

didn't have the flu virus

So they haven't got influenza. Fortunately, influenza shots help to prevent that.
pawian  225 | 27344
25 Dec 2022   #36
With a far shorter life expectancy...

Vaccines dramatically reduced the incidence of infectious diseases that historically killed hundreds of millions, and contributed to increasing life expectancy that over the centuries rose from 55 to 80 years

In your general state of health and physical condition, you would not survive influenza.

Most flu victims in Poland are people over 65. Doctors try to popularise vaccinations for the elderly but old Poles are still too conservative or lack education.

  • stopgrypa_11.png
Korvinus  4 | 603
25 Dec 2022   #37
Vaccines dramatically reduced the incidence of infectious diseases

Remember when we used to have something called a sanitation system that kept people from eating their own waste? I do, it was great while it lasted.

Diseases dropped dramatically when people started using sewage systems to take away their waste instead of bathing and drinking from it.

Vaccines had nothing to do with it. That was some crap doctors started to hawk AFTER disease had dropped dramatically everywhere.
jon357  72 | 23426
25 Dec 2022   #38
when we used to have something called a sanitation system

We do.

Vaccines had nothing to do with it

Those came after; and greatly increased life expectancy and reduced infant mortality.

That was some crap doctors started to hawk

Know more than the doctors, do you?

Are they 'Luciferian'?
OP johnny reb  49 | 8005
25 Dec 2022   #39
Know more than the doctors, do you?

Doctors only know the standard propaganda that they have been indoctrinated with, joun.
It is very hard for most of them to color outside the lines in fear of losing their "license to practice".

So they haven't got influenza. Fortunately, influenza shots help to prevent that.

You are getting there slowly joun.
No, they don't have influenza so like we were told with the Covid vaccine, "if you get the Covid vaccine you can't get Covid" lie.

"PCR tests can have a 30 percent false negative rate and that is even higher with rapid [tests] especially if not symptomatic.
So like all the people in "developed healthcare systems" that tested positive that got false negative results.......
Thank you for your opinions on this topic joun as they get more entertaining by the day.

Vaccines dramatically reduced the incidence of infectious diseases

I agree for most of them as I have already posted in this thread but not all of them, especially the experimental ones.
jon357  72 | 23426
25 Dec 2022   #40
Doctors only know the standard propaganda that they have been indoctrinated with

Where did you pull that one out of?

Most people would say they they know a great deal about medicine. More than you ever will in what remains of your life.


Flu shots are to protect against influenza. They are recommended especially in countries which (unlike yours) have advanced healthcare systems where the priority is saving lives by preventing illness.

Fortunately, nobody here takes your anti-vax stuff seriously.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8005
26 Dec 2022   #41
It's even more fortunate that they don't listen to your diminishing Rinse & Repeats.
Is it because you have no choice because of your job in the Middle East that DEMMANDS you to be booted up with these experimental vaccines ?

I see no other reason you would you be attacking me personally with these rants, meltdowns and Rinse & Repeats over the facts that have been presented to you.
jon357  72 | 23426
26 Dec 2022   #42

It's impossible to do that to you without you disappearing altogether.

Middle East that DEMMANDS

Hard to know where you got that from. I'm not in the Middle East (btw , it's spelt demands) and there's no requirements about vaccines where I am. Nevertheless, I'll get this year's influenza shot in a couple of weeks in the UK though; they're £10 for people under 60 and they're a good idea. A sensible thing to do each year since the effect is cumulative

would you be attacking me personally

Anti-vaxxers' meltdowns are never pretty. The fact however remains that influenza shots are recommended in those healthcare systems where the state has a duty of care to its citizens and where the primary financial incentive is to save money by preventing illness.

As has been explained to you, patiently to the point of banality, influenza is a deadly disease. One of the reasons that there is far lower mortality from influenza in the past is because of yearly influenza shots, especially for those who are vulnerable.

Influenza is serious; I've had it and do not want it again.

If only closed minds came with closed mouths.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8005
26 Dec 2022   #43
I've had it and do not want it again.

You need to practice better hygenics, joun.
Start washing your hands more often with soap and hot water.
At your age and as fragile as you are you most likely would die if you caught the flu.
Hopefully your influenza vaccine will protect you from one or two of the many strains of the flu that are out there.
My buddy and his gal both got vaccinated for the flu and both of them came down with it to the best of their knowledge as the doctor described is as "flu like symptoms".

Flu like symptoms can be caused by a multitude of things from bacteria cases or fungal cases or pollution cases or tainted food cases or or eating GMO cases or weak immune cases but they aren't the flu.

Besides joun, this is 2022 so if you do die they will put cause of death as Covid anyways.
(side note: 5,000 people died of flu this year, over 70,000 died from Fentanyl overdoses.)

If only closed minds came with closed mouths.

I agree joun, so how about you letting some of the others chime in here instead of just you trying to control the narrative of this thread to get it closed with your BAITING.
jon357  72 | 23426
26 Dec 2022   #44
You need to practice better hygenics

As you very well know, that's only part of disease prevention. That is one reason public health officials push it. As they also recommend annual influenza shots since viruses are commonly passed on by aerosol transmission

the doctor described is as "flu like symptoms"

The key here is "flu-like" (needs a hyphen by the way). That's a description of symptoms, as you know. Not a diagnosis of influenza.

It seems you are floundering a lot and don't actually have much or anything to say

Normal enough when you try to start attachments and badly lose them.

some of the others chime

It's an open forum, nobody owns threads and nobody is excluded.

Put off by your hysteria maybe, however we're used to that
OP johnny reb  49 | 8005
26 Dec 2022   #45
since viruses are commonly passed on by aerosol transmission

Yes, joun, be sure to wear your mask outdoors as well as indoors.
Many paranoid people do.

The key here is "flu-like" That's a description of symptoms, as you know. Not a diagnosis of influenza.

Exactly my point joun, the doctors have no way of knowing if it is flu or not without it being tested.
It could be many different things and that is why they call it flu like symptoms and not the flu.
Only 185 children died from the flu in the U.S. last year compared to 100,000 abortions.
jon357  72 | 23426
26 Dec 2022   #46
be sure to wear your mask outdoors

Why? Is that required where you are? It isn't in Poland or the UK. Then again, we get influenza shots and have developed healthcare systems.

the doctors have no way of knowing if it is flu or not

No, doctors are skilled at diagnosis. That is their job and why they train for so long

It could be many different things and that is

Could be, would be, schmould be.

And as for your point about children, aren't offered the influenza shots. They are aimed at those most vulnerable. Your age group.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8005
26 Dec 2022   #47
And as for your point about children, aren't offered the influenza shots.

You are full of little green apples joun.
You sure are an authority on things you know nothing about and that statement proves it.
Children most certainly are given flu vaccines because they are the most vulnerable.

doctors are skilled at diagnosis.

Some doctors sometimes but not all the doctors all the time.
Joun you act like the flu is a death sentence for healthy adults and it is not.
You are sick for a week, so drink lots of clear fluids, get plenty of rest, eat some chicken soup, and take acetaminophen (Tylenol, others) or ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB, others) to reduce fever and muscle aches.

You will be just fine.
You shouldn't be here sensationalizing that people will die if they catch the flu.
pawian  225 | 27344
26 Dec 2022   #48
Children most certainly are given flu vaccines because they are the most vulnerable

Under 5 years of age.
No 1 is seniors over 65.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8005
26 Dec 2022   #49
t seems you are floundering a lot

That is a direct cause of your stubborn Rinse & Repeating so I just keep presenting it back to you each time in a simpler manner hoping you will finally get it.

While most vaccines are worth their weight in gold there are still the $glorified$ ones that do more harm than good.
The flu vaccines are for old people and sickly people like you that have low immunity.
They do more harm than good for healthy old people like me who is tougher than nails because of avoiding unnecessary poisons being injected into my immune system over the years.

We have seen this with experimental Covid vaccines first hand with the heart attacks, blood clots in the lungs and strokes that have been linked to them.

And realize that doctors are not gods that you want to paint the picture of them as.
They misdiagnose all the time as they are humans and not gods as they would like the bootlickers to think they are sometimes.
Again, if you choose the poke of poison then have atter' but I choose to opt out like 50% of Americans do each year even if they are free.

I donate mine to someone like you who is at risk of dying while me, chicken soup, drink plenty of clear fluid, get rest, and take acetaminophen (Tylenol, others) or ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB, others) to reduce fever and muscle aches.

Don't give products containing aspirin to children or teens recovering from chickenpox or flu-like symptoms.
Dr. johnny is always here to help the ignorant.
Novichok  4 | 8849
26 Dec 2022   #50
The criminality of covid vaccines is in being forced to get them. If the vaccinated were no longer spreaders, this Mengele tactic could be justified. But that's not what the vax tyrants say,

Vaxxed or not, you could still be a spreader, hence, that mask you have to wear on planes, in hospitals, or in the middle of the Sahara desert, and never mind that "my body, my decision" thing. That is only for women to flaunt.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8005
27 Dec 2022   #51
Under 5 years of age. No 1 is seniors over 65.

Correct P, I Googled that fact too.
As each new company bursts into the market with their own vaccine, it becomes harder to separate fact from fiction from what is effective and worthless imitation.

Like the Pfizer Covid vaccine being linked to developing blood clots in the lungs that killed people.
I think it better to have a cough and the sniffles for a week instead of getting booted up with an experimental vaccine that alters your DNA and could potentially kill you.

joun did you know that people who have received mRNA Covid vaccines are at least twice as likely to be infected with the coronavirus as unvaccinated people ?

Google that one Smartso.
jon357  72 | 23426
27 Dec 2022   #52
Some doctors sometimes

So you think that 'some doctors sometimes' are skilled at diagnosis. That doesn't say much for the doctors in your country.

No 1 is seniors over 65.

Similar in the UK; over 60s, the most vulnerable group. Also people with compromised immune systems and other issues.

As each new company bursts into the market

Jim still doesn't realise that in developed countries, commercial issues are secondary to disease prevention. And he keeps banging on about internet anti-vaxxer stuff related to Covid vaccinations. The thread is about influenza shots; an established and valuable disease prevention measure that saves many lives yearly.

Ordinarily people live and learn. He just lives. He should keep talking, one day he may say something intelligent, however I suspect that day is far away...
OP johnny reb  49 | 8005
27 Dec 2022   #53
The thread is about influenza shots

No joun,, it's about "Glorified vaccinations". Duh !

If the vaccinated were no longer spreaders, this Mengele tactic could be justified. But that's not what the vax tyrants say,

Exactly Novi, Fauci did irreparable damage to the trust of the CDC.
That trust was broken as we were lied to and they got caught all in the name of greed. $$$$
Now look at the mess that has developed.
Quote: A rapidly growing measles outbreak in Columbus, Ohio - largely involving unvaccinated children - is fueling concerns among health officials that more parent resistance to routine childhood immunizations will intensify a resurgence of vaccine-preventable diseases.

They shot themselves in the foot by lying and saying that the Covid vaccine was safe and effective and if you got jabbed with it you were safe and couldn't get Covid.

They knew that was a lie all along.
They also insinuate that if you get a flu vaccine that you are safe from catching the flu lie.
Then when you get the flu or Covid after being vaccinated their cop out is, "Well you would have had the flu a lot worse if you hadn't been vaccinated" B.S. to justify their lie.

Only one third of the senior citizens got their Covid booster vaccines this fall and you wonder why ?

joun, people who have received mRNA Covid vaccines are at least twice as likely to be infected with the coronavirus as unvaccinated people ?

Did you know that ? Yes ? No ? MUM ?
jon357  72 | 23426
27 Dec 2022   #54

'Glorified' how?

As you were told, influenza shots are an invaluable part of disease prevention, hence them being free to over 60s like yourself.

B.S. to justify their lie

Are you saying that Polish doctors lie?

Covid booster

We aren't talking about COVID. Influenza is a different virus.

It's like talking to a plant.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8005
27 Dec 2022   #55
So you think that 'some doctors sometimes' are skilled at diagnosis.

Joun they can only guess if the flu like symptoms are the flu or not until it has been verified by a lab.
Did you miss my post where I stated that:

Since most flu diagnosis by doctors have no flu virus in them at all.

They send them into a lab and most come back negative for the flu.
I can't go any slower for you joun.
You need to accept things the way they are and not the way you want them.
I have never met anyone like you who is an authority on things you know nothing about.

It's like talking to a plant.

At least a plant is alive.
With you it's like talking to a stone.
jon357  72 | 23426
27 Dec 2022   #56
they can only guess

On the basis of six years medical training and a four year medical placement backed up by a century of research.

Strange and boring to see Jim's meltdowns which are in fact nothing to do with influenza or disease prevention measures intended to mitigate it but are in fact all about COVID anti-vax woo

It's the middle of the night in Michigan. Rather than pick arguments and lose them, and screaming about how he thinks doctors 'only guess' he'd do better taking some sleeping pills.

Focus on the posts, not the poster, please
Novichok  4 | 8849
27 Dec 2022   #57
Rather than pick arguments and lose them,

JR didn't lose any arguments, didn't "scream", his credibility is intact, and distrust justified. I didn't notice any meltdowns, either, but I do see Euro bootlickers in action.

Just curious...Is there evidence that would make you say: now I will never trust these scumbags again? If your NHS chief said under oath that he lied, would that be good enough for you?
jon357  72 | 23426
27 Dec 2022   #58
NHS chief said under oath that he lied,

Richard Meddling?

Has he lied about influenza shots?


Why would he?

Or do you mean the Chief Medical Officer of Health, Sir Chris Whitty?

Also a person of integrity.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8005
27 Dec 2022   #59
Has he lied about influenza shots?

No, about the Covid vaccines.
So far we have established and agreed that the flu vaccine is a benefit to young children and older adults.
We have established that most vaccines are a benefit to society.
Yet you won't begin to debate the glorified experimental Covid vaccine that is being shoved down our throats.
Also you have been dumbed down to think doctors are little gods.
Fact is that all a doctor is is a person who has been "given a license to practice medicine."
"Practice" is the key word there.
How many times have doctors prescribed drugs that have been recalled three years later because of all the side effects from them with some even related to death ?

It is the same with these glorified experimental vaccines that we have no idea what the side effects will be in three years.
Some say it's all about population control since Bill Gates and company are behind them.
Personally, I don't choose to be one of their test specimens.
My Polish grandparents lived to be in their 90's and they never had a flu vaccination in their lives.
jon357  72 | 23426
27 Dec 2022   #60
he flu vaccine is a benefit to young children and older adults.

A huge benefit. Vaccination and antibiotics are among the most significant human achievements.

Covid vaccine

There's a thread already on covid, and nothing is being "shoved down our throats" except your ignorance on medical matters.

You seem very dismissive about the medical profession, bout the high level of training that doctors and nurses reveive; and also you show ignorance about the way disease prevention works in developed countries which, unlike yours, have an advanced health system and a duty to the public.

My Polish grandparents

You have said already that none of your family is Polish. You've said that you've been to Poland and that you haven't. You've also said that you've had covid and that you haven't, you've said that you've been vaccinated and that you haven't, and you've also pretended to be a cattle rancher with a beach house in Jamaica, among so many other lies. Make your mind up.

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