Yes!!! Solved after a year! :)
The climate for gardening in Poland
Have you ever heard of bugs in walnuts?
Damaged like this:
Black salsify/scorzonera?
I collected a little crop of the veg. Very tasty. I will plant more this year.
But taught a lesson by hares which nibbled at developed leaves in mid summer, I will fence the patch with barbed wire. W imię zasad, skurvyzające!
Some smallest potatoes I am going to plant in spring.
It is going to be an experiment. I read such mini potatoes produce less spuds in the ground but instead they are bigger.
Last year I planted first potatoes in late March coz it was so warm so the first harvest took place in June/July. I am not sure it will be possible this year.
What can you see???
What can you see???
O say can you see by the dawn's early light....
dawn's early light....
No, it was daylight. I just picked up a yellow sheet of paper to make a difference for this special activity. Soon I will show you my last year`s one.
What can you see???
A planting list with the numbers serving as locations of the various patches/areas you've planted veg? Your writing is really hard to read but I can make out that you planted
leek and asparagus on the 9/02 along with other stuff I can't read.
On 16/02 you planted a large amount of white kohlrabi, small amount of yellow kohlrabi, tall? leeks, small yellow kohlrabi and leeks, some celery? Can't read it all.
A planting list with the numbers serving as locations of the various patches/areas
Yes, it is a planting list but not for locations yet cos it is too early, the ground is dead frozen.
Check those shapes like circles and squares. They carry important meaning.
You are very close coz you deciphered the names of veg amasingly. :):):)
shapes like circles and squares.
I did wonder about those. There is only one circle though which corresponds to large amount of white kohlrabi. The squares appear to correspond to small amounts of white and yellow kohlrabi and tall leeks and celery.
I've just noticed at the top of the list in 'plots' 100-105, there are no visible circles/squares ( as top left bit of page isn't showing) but whatever veg the first line corresponds to it is of medium size as I can just make out średni?
There is only one circle though which corresponds to large amount of white kohlrabi
Not exactly the large amount of seed. In Polish it reads : DUŻA. What does it suggest if we consider declensions?
at the top of the list in 'plots' 100-105,
Not only at the top. All lines contain numbers.
Te be honest, I already showed a photo of that stuff a year or two ago, as a riddle and it was successfully solved Not by you, probably.
Not exactly the large amount of seed.
Large area the veg is to be planted in?
Not only at the top. All lines contain numbers.
Yes, I know. If the numbers correspond to size of plot/area and not seeds then 100-106 are medium size plots? The remaining numbers are for larger areas and taller veg?
I already showed a photo of that stuff a year or two ago, as a riddle
Vaguely rings a bell.........
Sorry, nothing is correct.
Last chance hint: Check what farmers/gardeners/growers do with kohlrabi etc in such climate zones as Poland`s when the ground is still frozen in February.
Last chance hint: Check what farmers/gardeners/growers do with kohlrabi etc in such climate zones as Poland`s when the ground is still frozen in February.
You're sowing them indoors ready for transplanting when the weather warms up?
Yes, you guessed 50% of the riddle. Now I need more details to consider it fully solved. Those details are placed on the sheet of paper above. :):):)
Can't get it. It's not going to be locations indoors of where you've planted them. Also there's only one circle and the rest are squares.
It's not going to be locations indoors of where you've planted them.
Yes, they are locations where seeds are sown. What kind???
Also there's only one circle and the rest are squares.
It is only the beginning., Until mid May, this sheet of paper will be full of my notes on both sides, with squares and circles everywhere.
What kind???
??? I have only mentioned a few different types of veg. Are you growing some types from seed and others from e.g crowns as is the case with asparagus?
I have only mentioned a few different types of veg
Because you have seen a few on the list. While I said the list will get much longer.
Never mind.
Let me repeat my question the answer to which makes the remaining 50% of the riddle: what do squares, circles and numbers mean exactly???
I can`t offer more hints coz there aren`t any and I won`t reveal the case cos it is too easy to guess.
Why don`t you use your imagination??? What are the fekkling locations indoors where the fekking seeds are sown?????? :):):)
what do squares, circles and numbers mean exactly???
I have no fekking idea!
What are the fekkling locations indoors where the fekking seeds are sown?????? :):):)
I'm supposed to know the layout of your house?
In a barn? Cold frames? Your bedroom ?
Somebody shoot me now.......
Your bedroom ?
Yes, also, but that`s not what I am asking about.
Come on. Exact locations of seeds!!!!! Numbered!!! Marked with squares or circles!!!! Imagination!!! Imagine all the people livin' life in peace!!!!
that`s not what I am asking about.
I no longer have any idea of what you're asking about. Someone help me out here......
Imagine all the people livin' life in peace!!!
John Lennon is caring for your seedlings ;)
Someone help me out here......
I will help you one day when I add more positions onto the paper and take a new photo. :):):
Vaguely rings a bell.........
I disclosed the matter in this very thread about 11 months ago.
I already looked at this thread days ago for last winter but there isn't a list that I can see. There was a riddle that I answered about black salsify. Nothing I can see about indoor seedlings.
I'm not going to get this.
I'm not going to get this.
days ago for last winter
11 months ago isn`t winter anymore.
Whether they are planted in square or round pots?
Exactly!!! The pots are round or square and they have painted numbers on sides cos I need to know what I sowed where, especially that I always gather about 70 pots until May. I am already using 30.
Good job. :):):)
Good job. :):):)
Good job. :):):)
Albeit painful!
This is life. No pain, no gain. Now, after such a strenous mental effort, you will feel proud of yourself which will help you acquire a better mood to survive the remaining winter weeks.
Don`t thank me. I am doing it for all of you for nothing coz I care. Simple. Ha!!!!
Don`t thank me. I am doing it for all of you for nothing coz I care. Simple. Ha!!!!