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Why is circumcision not practiced in Poland?

Pierdolski  - | 31
16 Dec 2011   #211
Why is it that Poland seems like such a backwards country? It's disgusting that most Polish men are uncircumcised. Medical science has proven the health benefits of circumcision yet Poles refuse to practice it?

Who the hell would want to volunteer for amputation?

If foreskins weren't intended to be there, males would be born without them.

Maybe we should circumcize all mammal males?


Personal insult removed
Foreigner4  12 | 1768
16 Dec 2011   #212
Maybe we should circumcize all mammal males?

y'know, i've never heard that suggestion before but it does open up an entire new avenue of debate regarding our animal nature. It's an argument that could be used against you by some but as I firmly believe we are animals in every sense of the word, i'magonnagoahead and say this is a trump hand. Well done!
hythorn  3 | 580
16 Dec 2011   #213
the foreskin was needed when we were primitive man moseying through the undergrowth
with the advent of under crackers, the foreskin is no longer needed much like the appendix

I really do not know why I bothered to comment

utterly bored sh*tless at work at the moment
16 Dec 2011   #214
Pierdolski wrote:

Maybe we should circumcize all mammal males?

If there was a preference among the species, it would naturally change form. Don't forget, sexual selection is very influential. Just look at the male Peacock. That big goofy tail is not to help escape from predators.

Like I said before, when women start telling men "eeww, that's gross!" then that'll be the day they stop doing it. Until then, enjoy your snipped man meat.
Des Essientes  7 | 1288
16 Dec 2011   #215
The species is called peafowl and the male of the species is called a peacock. Their beautiful crests do play a role in sexual selection but they do also help the bird escape from predators because they improve the bird's hearing. The peacock may be observed raising his crest to listen, in his forest home, when there are no peahens about to impress.
16 Dec 2011   #216
It was designed for sexual selection, plain and simple. The slight hearing improvement is just a peripheral benefit.
Des Essientes  7 | 1288
16 Dec 2011   #217
No it was not "designed" it evolved through natural selection. The hearing improvement provided by a large concave surface behind one's ears is not "slight" and peafowl, for the females have crests as well, that had larger crests were better able to hear and thus avoid predators, find prey, and thereby survive to reproductive age, mate, sire progeny, and thus pass on these genes for large crests to another generation.
Dodgefan07  1 | 19
14 Apr 2012   #218

Why is it that Poland seems like such a backwards country? It's disgusting that most Polish men are uncircumcised. Medical science has proven the health benefits of circumcision yet Poles refuse to practice it?

You seem to have a question and a statement. It depends on what country you are comparing Poland to, in order to say it is backwards, and it may be more backwards in some areas, and yet more advanced or progressive in others.

This really is a separate issue from the circumcision thing.
In many ways Poland is advanced -- they have the second oldest constitution in the world, after USA.
POland's literacy rate is 99 % -- higher than that of the USA.
Polish mathematicians cracked the enigma code that directly led to the defeat of Hitler and the Nazi regime and the Allied victory in WWII. :-)

On the other hand, they are backwards in some areas -- but this is directly due to communism, not the Polish people. Communism destroyed creative thinking and brainstorming, and created a culture of distrust and suspicion.

As for circumcision, this is directly due to the Catholicism and the long, dark history of anti-semitism. They say Peter was the first pope, and Peter was circumcised, as well Paul, and Jesus, and all the apostles -- whom they call saints. Catholicism banned circumcision, but to show the hypocrisy, they didn't ban ear piercing, or tongue piercing, or eyebrow piercing.

Countries where circumcision is routinely practiced also have the lowest rates of cervical cancer per capita in the world -- Israel, USA, and South Korea. It is much cleaner, and the MAYO clinic states that uncircumcised boys have ten times more urinary tract infections than circumcised boys do.

At least 85 % of American guys are circumcised, and the majority of those who are not are foreign.
Cervical cancer rates are lowest in the world, in countries like South Korea, Israel, and USA, where circumcision is routinely practiced -- plus we don't have issues with phimosis and not nearly as many Urinary tract infections.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768
14 Apr 2012   #219
I guess Polish men simply don't care or are completely unattracted to American women as it seems it's American women who mostly seem to be calling for this. Now why aren't Polish men interested in American women? There's probably not enough room on the internet for that:)
peterweg  37 | 2305
14 Apr 2012   #220
Who cares what the US thinks about it, circumcision isn't practice in many other western countries, its a barbaric practice dating back to pre-history.
donlou31  1 | 30
14 Apr 2012   #221
Some Pole, back in the day, had the sense to ignore this barbaric act of mutilation, and quite rightly so.
It should have been banned a long time ago but people continue to damage their own sons. If simply being born isn't already traumatic enough to a little guy, his parents whip him off within 7 days to have his foreskin yanked off.


MAYO clinic states that uncircumcised boys have ten times more urinary tract infections than circumcised boys do.

I couldn't find that info but I did find this below from the same site (

Decreased risk of urinary tract infections. The overall risk of urinary tract infections in males is low, but these infectionsmight be more common in uncircumcised males. Severe infections early in life can lead to kidney problems later on.

Kinda conflicting.

I can't believe that I just read some mother who said she got her sons done as she didn't want them to be different with their friends....Oh my god! it's not a new pair of Nikes she was buying, it's a body part she got rid of. I personally don't give a toss what their friends thought. Maybe that mother would allow her kids to get a 3rd eye implanted in the middle of the forehead, just to "fit in" because the other kids done it.

I watched a documentary years ago about adult men all at different ages, who had been cut when they were babies. All of them had some kind of problems like erectile dysfunction and desensitisation. A couple of them were even trying to grow/stretch the skin back (with little weights and belts, if I remember correctly) It was sad to watch them and I have to say seeing them on the TV was my first time viewing a cut man.....I can't say that I liked the look of it very much, it looks a bit dazzled with nowhere to hide :) I prefer my sausage with skin on.
pip  10 | 1658
14 Apr 2012   #223
that mutilation is not necessary- there are no proven health risks. It is garbage.
Chleb  1 | 25
14 Apr 2012   #224
Seems quite pointless.

Why is it that Poland seems like such a backwards country? It's disgusting that most Polish men are uncircumcised. Medical science has proven the health benefits of circumcision yet Poles refuse to practice it?


Would you rather risk having foreskin or chop it off?
pip  10 | 1658
14 Apr 2012   #225
there is no need for circum. In fact, in Canada it is not standard practice but done on request. There truly is no need for it. Just because some things have been done in our history- doesn't make them right.

All men are able to clean themselves properly- if there is an infection, typically it is because of poor hygene.
jon357  72 | 23426
14 Apr 2012   #226
Some Pole, back in the day, had the sense to ignore this barbaric act of mutilation, and quite rightly so.

It's never been standard practice in Europe, except within the Jewish community.

There's no health benefit whatsoever. Only drawbacks (if you'll excuse the pun). One is that the foreskin is attached to the glans until the kid is a certain age, and circumcision causes permanent damage - the result is a loss of sensation in the one part of the body where there's meant to be lots.
urszula  1 | 253
14 Apr 2012   #227
It's barbaric like in a horror movie, a tradition brought in by the jews. A baby feels this mutilation. Mothers who allow this to be done to their children are either stupid, insensitive or don't love thier child. Besides, it looks ugly.
Des Essientes  7 | 1288
14 Apr 2012   #228
It's barbaric like in a horror movie, a tradition brought in by the jews.

It was even used as a military tactic by them:

14 They said to them, "We can't do such a thing; we can't give our sister to a man who is not circumcised. That would be a disgrace to us. 15 We will enter into an agreement with you on one condition only: that you become like us by circumcising all your males. 16 Then we will give you our daughters and take your daughters for ourselves. We'll settle among you and become one people with you. 17 But if you will not agree to be circumcised, we'll take our sister and go."

Genesis 34.
natasia  3 | 368
15 Apr 2012   #229
It's disgusting that most Polish men are uncircumcised.

Is this some sort of a joke?

As a normal female, intact as I was when I came out of the womb, I would (as would most of the world) be horrified at the idea that anyone should 'rearrange' my genitals.

So why, please tell me why, should it be ok to chop off someone's foreskin?

The foreskin is there for several good reasons. It has a job to do, as does everything Nature provided. And given that reproduction is our primary drive, and the male organ the primary deliverer of this function ... do you honestly think Nature would have got it wrong??????

Bollocks (excuse the oblique pun) to all this nonsense about 'cleanliness' and 'disease'. I am obviously not a guy, but I understand that if one practises basic, simple hygiene procedures in the shower, it is more than possible to keep your dick clean. ! Suffice to say I have intimate knowledge of an uncircumcised male who is perhaps the cleanest person on the planet. The phrase 'you could eat your dinner of it' comes to mind.

It is a monstrous idea, cutting off the foreskin. OK, if someone has a problem, it is too tight, it hurts them ... ok. That is medical. But as a matter of culture and principle? Maybe, eons ago, when tribes lived in water-less regions, but even then ... sorry. I think it is barbaric. The mechanism of the foreskin is a thing of wonder to behold. Why oh why would anyone even think of messing with that?????
Dodgefan07  1 | 19
16 Apr 2012   #230
It's barbaric like in a horror movie, a tradition brought in by the jews. A baby feels this mutilation. Mothers who allow this to be done to their children are either stupid, insensitive or don't love thier child. Besides, it looks ugly.

Hello Ursula, Interesting perspective, You should actually read more medical statistics before you post, and your racist comments make your whole point even weaker.
First of all, most places use local anesthesia, and the majority of countries today where circumcision is practiced are non-Jewish countries and also non-muslim. ;-)

Circumcision has been practiced for thousands of years by people in Egypt before Islam ever existed, by some North American Indian tribes and by many tribes in Africa.

"Mother's who allow this to be done to their children are either stupid, insensitive, or don't love their child." LOL. So what about Mary, the mother of Jesus?? Which one was it for her??

And what about Peter's mother, and all the other apostles the Catholic church claim as saints??
I don't know if your village has access to high speed internet or not, or if you can do a Google search?
The MAYO Clinic is one of the most widely-known and respected clinics in the world, and It is located in the USA. They cite multiple medical benefits of circumcision, including lower rates of cervical cancer for women in countries where circumcision is routinely practiced, and significantly lower rates of HIV among men who are circumcised.

I don't expect you have heard of the Journal of American Medical Association, or the CDC Center for Disease Control, just to name a few.

You have the right to believe that an circumcised penis is ugly -- and anything else you want, but your charge that mothers and fathers who allow this are stupid, or don't love their child, is baseless, and makes you sound like a Wiesniak. It is because they choose to look at the medical benefits and because we love our children, and we care about the future wives of the boys, that we do this.

There is a reason that the lowest rates of cervical cancer in the world are the same countries where circumcision is routinely practiced, and it is not because we don't eat kaszanka.
jon357  72 | 23426
16 Apr 2012   #231
So what about Mary, the mother of Jesus?? Which one was it for her?? ...And what about Peter's mother, and all the other apostles the Catholic church claim as saints??

That doesn't actually mean they were good people or had any medical knowledge. We know almost nothing about them, nor did the people who declared them 'saints'..

I don't know if your village has access to high speed internet or not, or if you can do a Google search?

You might be surprised to know that much of Poland has probably got better internet speeds than wherever you live.

They cite multiple medical benefits of circumcision, including lower rates of cervical cancer for women in countries where circumcision is routinely practiced, and significantly lower rates of HIV among men who are circumcised.

Circumcision is not a protection against HIV and the cervical cancer statistic is spurious.

the medical benefits

There are none.

it is not because we don't eat kaszanka.

Dodgefan07  1 | 19
16 Apr 2012   #232
that mutilation is not necessary- there are no proven health risks. It is garbage.

Dzien Dobry, Pip, You have strong opinions about it, we can see, but don't let the mountains of medical research, scores of case studies in multiple countries involving thousands of men, and things like facts stand in your way.

I respect your right to believe shaking hands in the doorway brings bad luck, or that circumcision is mutilation, or any other fairy tales you want.

You have to remember,when millions of people in Europe died from the Black plagues and it bypassed all the Jewish communities, many Poles and other people blamed the Jews. They were following the practice given to them by God.

The facts are that the majority of countries where circumcision is routinely practiced are non-Jewish, and have the lowest rates of cervical cancer in the world. South Korea, USA, Phillipines, and Israel has the lowest rate of cervical cancer of any country.

The CDC, Center for Disease Control, and the Journal of American Medical Association, and WebMD, and the MAYO clinic cite multiple health benefits of circumcision.

All the men the Catholic church claims as Early Saints were circumcised.

It sounds better to just say you don't believe all the medical research from around the world, than to say that there are no proven health risks, PIP. wink.

-- This site alone, by a Doctor, lists more than 40 separate sources, case studies involving thousands of men in multiple countries.
jon357  72 | 23426
16 Apr 2012   #233
Are you seriously suggesting that circumcision is a prophylactic against Bubonic Plague?

All the men the Catholic church claims as Early Saints were circumcised.

Which is no reason we should be. They also wore sandals. Maybe that's why they didn't get plague.

-- This site alone, by a Doctor, lists more than 40 separate sources, case studies involving thousands of men in multiple countries.
You do realise that this is a religious site? Try this:

or this:

or this:
Dodgefan07  1 | 19
16 Apr 2012   #234
Hello Peter,
First of all, I'm not Jewish -- I'm Scots-Irish-American. Religious fixations??? Circumcision is routinely practiced, in the USA, Philippines, South Korea, and many countries in Africa, which are mostly Christian -- or at least, not Jewish.

At least it is honest for you to say that you reject all the mountains of medical and scientific evidence for the benefits of circumcision.

You have to remember, Peter, when millions of people died in Europe in the Black plagues, and it bypassed the Jewish communities, many Poles and other nations blamed the Jews. They were following practices given to them by God.

When you attach anti-Semitic Catholic tradition to your post, it makes your whole post weak, Peter.

Maybe you have heard of the MAYO Clinic?? It is one of the most widely-respected, and highly-advanced clinics in the world, and they cite multiple health benefits of circumcision.

There is a reason, Peter, that the lowest rates of Cervical cancer in the world, are in the same countries where circumcision is routinely practiced -- South Korea, USA, Israel, and Philippines, and it's not because we don't eat Kaszanka, Peter. :-)
Gruffi_Gummi  - | 106
16 Apr 2012   #235
At least it is honest for you to say that you reject all the mountains of medical and scientific evidence for the benefits of circumcision.

All this evidence becomes irrelevant once you note that you can simply wash these body parts, instead of mutilating them. The benefits of washing are comparable to the benefits of mutilating, without the side effects. You know, some warm water, soap...

Speaking of hygiene - google the NIH grant 3U01MH066701-07S1. :)
urszula  1 | 253
16 Apr 2012   #236
Circumcision is routinely practiced, in the USA,

It isn't. You have a choice, nobody is forcing you to do this to your child. Some people don't know any better and put their kid under the knife. Women prefer unaultered males anyway.

It's interesting how guys who were mutilated defend themselves. Lol.

and they cite multiple health benefits of circumcision.

Why do they do this to innocent children then? Do it when you grow up and can make your own decission.
pip  10 | 1658
16 Apr 2012   #237
the thing about your sources is that those hospitals and "respectable doctors" will say whatever the company who is footing the bill and sponsoring- wants them to say.

How about Canada? It is now only done on request so more people are opting not to have it done. Those that are still doing it- do it for religious reasons. It is not necessary.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768
16 Apr 2012   #238
LOL. So what about Mary, the mother of Jesus?? Which one was it for her??

LOL is right, you know nothing factual about if those people existed or in what capacity they did. You'd have been better off without this in your post.

There is a reason, Peter, that the lowest rates of Cervical cancer in the world, are in the same countries where circumcision is routinely practiced

The reasons could very well be circumsision but the reasons may also be correlated to standards of living. If you really want to get analytical then take the number of cases of cock cancer in those countries and compare which ones are of circumcized men vs non circumcized and then compare those rates to the rates of circumcision and THEN you'll have something to talk about.

What about animals, do they get circumsized? Do they get the cock cancer? We are animals after all, maybe it's not our bodies but it's how we live that is the problem...
peterweg  37 | 2305
16 Apr 2012   #239
First of all, I'm not Jewish -- I'm Scots-Irish-American. Religious fixations??? Circumcision is routinely practiced, in the USA, Philippines, South Korea, and many countries in Africa, which are mostly Christian -- or at least, not Jewish.

Yup, its basically a third world practice. HIV and witchcraft are also common in Africa.
jon357  72 | 23426
16 Apr 2012   #240
Pretty well. The sad thing is that people in villages in some parts of Africa are told it prevents them getting HIV.

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