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Why is circumcision not practiced in Poland?

Polonius3  980 | 12275
27 Jan 2016   #541
I have never seen one in Poland that has that issue

Why is no-one surprised that you have seen more than your share of ?#%&!ß*Ł!
Normal blokes aren't into that kind of thing!
Ktos  15 | 432
27 Jan 2016   #542
I have never seen one in Poland that has that issue.

You have never seen one that has an issue...hmmm, are you a surgeon? In order to find out about such a condition it is not enough to merely glance at the penis of someone in the out of the shower in changing rooms or even at the nudist beach, so what makes you such an expert? It is not a good argument for even if you saw 20 dicks it is a far, far , far away from 38 million, no?

I explained already why this thread no more (it is yet another thread of mine converted to a post) is valid, I will not repeat myself.
Polonius3  980 | 12275
27 Jan 2016   #543
such an expert

Apparently some people get their kicks phallus watching. Normal blokes aren't into that kind of thing!
jon357  72 | 23426
27 Jan 2016   #544
Hard (no pun intended) to say any normal person would make that comment, Po.

And no, in Poland we don't mutilate people unnecessarily.
Ktos  15 | 432
27 Jan 2016   #545
You represent Poland now? Last time you cheered for Jewish community, so which is it? Jew or Polish, let me guess Polish Jew but never Jewish Polish right? There is a difference.
jon357  72 | 23426
27 Jan 2016   #546
You represent Poland now?

Perhaps rather more than yourself who's never been here (or even to the same continent), doesn't even speak the language, has no real connection to the country yet spams a discussion forum with creepy stuff about what people should or should not do here...

Isn't it past your bedtime in Australia?
Ktos  15 | 432
27 Jan 2016   #547
One and the same argument over and over, IQ level of close to 0.
Wroclaw1010  3 | 90
27 Jan 2016   #548
As compared to someone who has no real purpose?
Borsukrates  5 | 129
29 Jan 2016   #549
1. Poland has relatively cold winters, and no one likes frostbite. I mean, really - check out the list of countries where circumcision is common. It has been especially common in ancient Egypt, and all neighbors of Jews also practiced it, so circumcusion is far from "a jewish thing".

2. You can have all the benefits of circumcision by simply keeping your foreskin retracted if you wish. The skin becomes callused, keratinized and loses some sensitivity. The best part is the process is reversible, unlike with circumcishion. Washing and hygiene is not the whole story. The vast majority of sexually transmitted diseases which affect men manifest UNDER the foreskin, suggesting warmth and humidity is a factor. You can take these out of the picture by the stupidly simple method of keeping foreskin retracted. It will take about 3 weeks, because that's how long it takes for skin to replace itself. You can even do this when you develop some kind of infection and then go back to natural state.

Doctors likely won't help you with this, because they won't get paid by the pharma industry. Doctors, especially in private clinics, are in the business of selling medicine, not healing people. Try a sex shop instead. In particular, "glans rings" (Yes, you can google "glans ring" even in Poland). Another term is "foreskin retraction ring".

Another reason to avoid circumcision is you lose about 50% of your nerve endings (sensitivity in sex!!!). That's where myths like "a clitoris has 2x as many nerve endings as a whole penis" come from. This myth is especially common in US.

There are countries which know about this - especially Japan, where wearing such rings for the very purpose is common practice.

Finally, circumcision is not some kind of silver bullet, it has possible health complications. Foreskin restoration treatments are growing in popularity in US!!!

Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
29 Jan 2016   #550
Holy Michnik ! 19 pages on circumcision !!!1
jon357  72 | 23426
29 Jan 2016   #551
This myth is especially common in US.

There is no sense whatsoever in practising this unless there is a specific medical issue affecting the patient.

Circumcised men must miss out on so much.
Borsukrates  5 | 129
30 Jan 2016   #552
Circumcised men must miss out on so much.

Let's just say a man can have an orgasm solely from foreskin stimulation.
Roger5  1 | 1432
30 Jan 2016   #553
According to Stephen Fry, Jean Cocteau didn't even need that. Perhaps it would be better for anyone interested to google this gallic party trick.
8 Mar 2017   #554
Because we were born this way you sick stupid ****!!!! For what reason you want to devastate you son penis? We leave in 21st century and I never had a problem with hygiene. No one have the right to do this anyone, NOR parents!
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
8 Mar 2017   #555
I think we don't practice it because who as an adult would allow someone with a knife to chop a piece off his todger.

therefore I dont understand why an adult would allow someone to mutilate a child, I understand that some lick the blood off the penis after circumcision (correct me if I am wrong) and at times pass on herpes to the child.

I think that because of the above this practice will not catch on any time soon in Poland.
Englishman  2 | 276
10 Mar 2017   #556
There are some medical benefits to circumcision, and a lot of women who've experienced both say they prefer circumcised. But I think it's rare in Poland because the Catholic church has often opposed it, perhaps because of its historic antipathy toward Judaism.
nothanks  - | 626
10 Mar 2017   #557
Circumcision is the easiest way to expose whom is a Native European and those that are not.

But I think it's rare in Poland because the Catholic church has often opposed it, perhaps because of its historic antipathy toward Judaism.

Circumcision was only ever needed in the Middle East/Africa (hence it being a Non-White action) because of the climate. And it became obsolete with the creation of running water. In the current day it's something Jews and Muslims no point in a normal White nation like Poland.
nothanks  - | 626
10 Mar 2017   #558
I understand that some lick the blood off the penis after circumcision (correct me if I am wrong) and at times pass on herpes to the child.

Uber orthodox Jews. You hear about it once in a while in American press [specifically New York] but they rather focus on Catholic priests instead of exposing their own Jewish crap.
jon357  72 | 23426
11 Mar 2017   #559
But I think it's rare in Poland

Mostly because there was never any reason to. It developed in certain parts of the world due to hygiene issues in a very hot region. There was never the need here.
Marsupial  - | 871
11 Mar 2017   #560
It's completely out of style here too.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
11 Mar 2017   #561
" The strange truth is that the U.S. is the sole country in the world where a large majority of its male population is routinely circumcised at birth for non-religious reasons. "
jon357  72 | 23426
11 Mar 2017   #562
There and oddly enough the Philippines which was introduced to the practice when they were occupied by America.
Marsupial  - | 871
11 Mar 2017   #563
Don't know a single parent who is doing this to their kids. Don't know any jews so i guess that is why.
Don Czajka
14 Mar 2017   #564
Because Poles aren't Jews, and there is no predominance of Jews in the medical profession in Poland. That's why the US has most of its helpless baby boys, unable to sign a consent form circumcised. Jews running the medical profession starting about 80 years ago. There is no reason for it other than custom. And it's an old custom. Fred Flintstone and Barney Rubble were probably both hacked with a sharpened stone. Why? Rule Out Hemophilia. No sense wasting limited resources like food & breast milk in particular on a baby boy that wouldn't live to be useful. So - that was the test. Later it was continued as a custom for Jews and moslems. In America, it's just that - a custom. As the replies here prove - there is nothing other than someone's personal preference making routine circumcision necessary. But I say get your nose out of the kids prepuce. You (HE) can always take it off, but no one can put it back on. And yes - it does function in sexual feeling. If you don't believe it, have your clitoral hood removed and come back and tell us how that works for you.
jon357  72 | 23426
14 Mar 2017   #565
Jews in the medical professio

The arrival of circumcision in the US predates large-scale immigration among that particular group.
mafketis  38 | 11162
14 Mar 2017   #566
and a lot of women who've experienced both say they prefer circumcised

I've read that those on the receiving end of penises (calm down, polly) that is both straight women and gay men prefer circumsized.
Marsupial  - | 871
14 Mar 2017   #567
Who cares what the recipients thing. Just shut up and cop it. Haa haa.
mafketis  38 | 11162
14 Mar 2017   #568
Just shut up and cop it.

Like that old joke, what's Australian foreplay

"Well that's that!"
14 Mar 2017   #569
" Like that old joke, what's Australian foreplay? "

"Brace yourself Sheila"
mafketis  38 | 11162
14 Mar 2017   #570
" Like that old joke, what's Australian foreplay? "

"Why isn't there wool down there?"

Home / Life / Why is circumcision not practiced in Poland?
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