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But a sure proof that they want to stay as a breakaway from China the way the South wanted to stay separate from the US. No difference except for the thousands of dead Americans.
I am not claiming that they are comparable. Only to deny the US the right to bi*tch about how unjust and illegal similar events are. Using the Civil War as a reference, every annexation, conquest, and disregard of the "will of the people" is pure bs. Which gives China a license to take Taiwan at any time it wants.
Again, there is no comparison. The differences between Taiwan/China and the American Civil War are important, IMO, for the justice argument you are trying to make.
The Am South was a part of the Union and operating under the same US Constitution as the Northern states. In other words, the south was a part of the USA.
Taiwan had not been a part of China since the late 1800's when it came under Japanese rule after China ceded it after losing a war with Japan. It was Japan who lost Taiwan after WWII, not China, and it was agreed to be handed to the REPUBLIC of China, not the commies. The ROC gov escaped to Taiwan after the chicom rebellion.
What's interesting and contrary to contemporary belief about Taiwan is that it wasn't under Chinese rule until late 17th century and before that was actually under the control of the Dutch, ie the Dutch East India Company. So, the Chinese don't have a hereditary claim to the place.
Which gives China a license to take Taiwan at any time it wants.
Today Taiwan, tomorrow your beloved Russia and the day after - the USA. You are ignorant of certain historical processes so let me remind you of appeasing Hitler by peace loving Europeans. They had fed him slogans about peace until he started the war. Instead of containing and keeping communist China in check, you want to feed them with Taiwan. Like Hitler with Czechoslovakia. Shame on you.
So, the Chinese don't have a hereditary claim to the place.
Wow, we are really impressed by your knowledge. Keep up good work.
to the REPUBLIC of China, not the commies. The ROC gov escaped to
If Taiwan was part of China after 1945 even for one minute, it was part of China. The fact that the government of China "escaped" to Taiwan and that commies are bad people has zero relevance.
It was part of China when its government was still fighting against communists. It doesn`t mean today`s communists can claim it back. Shame on you for supporting communists and their disgraceful methods. Didn`t you boast hundreds of times here how you had escaped communism in 1960s` Poland and found a safe haven in the USA????
Look, I am quite miserly in basic life matters so when I praised your broad knowledge of the topic in dispute, it is really a big thing. I don`t need to flatter you more coz I already granted you the ultimate stage of compliment, beyond which there is nothing, just void. :):):)
Well hell, then I am flattered. Well, not really, but that's just me being deeply humble about my obvious brilliance, erudition, and just all around superiority-all things I'm embarrassed by, because of my deep humility and self-effacing charity for others. Which, ironically, makes me even a greater guy deserving of more flattery, which will then cause me great angst because of my humility. It's a torturous cycle! If God would've made me only average or touch below average {sighs}.
Well, the only rightful conclusion now is that you are an angel who decided to step down onto earth and assist us, humans, in understanding certain divine prerogatives. One of them is that Taiwan must remain independent from continental China. Thank you, hallowed be your nickname. As Your will is done up in heaven, let it be done here on earth, hallowed be Your nickname
Taiwan can stay independent or go to hell. Just don't call us when Xi decides that their time is up. After all, it was the US who helped China and the PLA to be what they are today.
Joe Biden could trigger 'major war with China' over Taiwan - Pentagon insider breaks cover
That was the title. Down below...
Beijing insists Taiwan is part of its sovereign territory, and has refused to rule out using force to seize the island.
I agree and the sooner, the better for the US.
He added: "We should learn from our history in Southeast Asia and not shed American blood for another lost cause."
This one would be worse than hell. Vietnam is one thing. China is another.
In his letter Mr Gayl argued the US should "refrain from militarily intervening" in any conflict between China and Taiwan.
But not everything is lost. Taiwan will get full support from this forum and Poland. Moral, of course. The hard stuff, PF posters will happily leave for the US.
My advice for the PF posters: sent Xi some of your thoughts and maybe he will reconsider. Who knows...
nobody has any territorial claims against the United States
Nobody voice them...
Did I mention that I am a genius and the rest of you just naive, feel-good
Many times I would think that a nasty aftertaste of such a blatant lie would spoil your meal at least for a week. On the other hand you might be pretty much delusional.
What do Polish people think of the Asia and Middle East? Nobody gives a damn what Polish people think of Asia but the swamp in DC should think about what Xi does. Quoting from
WORLD War 3 fears have risen again after China vowed it will invade Taiwan if it seeks independence as the US Navy flexes its military muscle.
Beijing warned Taiwan today that any move toward gaining independence would mean "war".
Say what you want about China and Xi but it's refreshing to read unambiguous English that does not include "dire consequences", "peaceful measures", or "international opinion" - the language of the Western weasels with their "red lines".
Grateful Taiwanese thank Poland for the donation of 400.000 vaccines. Good luck, Taiwan. United shall we stand. PS. A very rare occasion when we can praise our rightist government.
...which I hope you, Brits, will be wise to stay as far away as Planet Pluto - no matter what the stupid Americans will tell you about defending my "freedom" - in Taiwan! Do you recall ...what's the name? - oh, yeah, Afghanistan?