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What do Polish people talk about?

18 Mar 2015   #1
Hi - am interested in a Polish girl ive met a couple of times but her personality is rather quiet and i sort of have to guide the conversation - are there certain subjects Polish like to talk about or even avoid?

Is this a normal thing with some Polish girls, will they open up more in time or stay a bit quiet?
smurf  38 | 1940
18 Mar 2015   #2
Polish like to talk about

butterflies, rainbows, candy and Norwegian death metal, these are topics that all Poles are fluent in.

even avoid

cheese, sheep and jazz music, these 3 subjects are like kryptonite for Poles.

Levi_BR  6 | 219
18 Mar 2015   #3
Hope not one of the poles get offended,

But most of the times that i am with my polish friends they are complaining.

Complaining pessimistically about virtually everything that you can imagine, from the food to the weather, going through music or the color of the walls.

So just complain together with them and it wil be ok.
pigsy  7 | 304
18 Mar 2015   #4
lol @ complain together :)
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
18 Mar 2015   #5
haha the thing is that is actuallly true, my Polish female outlaws are something else, you do not even need to understand the language to know that they are having a permanant moan-fest.
18 Mar 2015   #6
butterflies, rainbows, candy and Norwegian death metal, these are topics that all Poles are fluent in.

Don't believe that.

But most of the times that i am with my polish friends they are complaining.

That's true!

Recently when I talk with my friends we complain the most about politicians, situation in Ukraine, Putin, candidates for President, our families etc.

Complain with us! :-)
18 Mar 2015   #7
Money, Poles always talk about money. Lack of,how to make it or how much they have got
18 Mar 2015   #8
No wonder there's so many Poles in the UK, love complaining over here.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
18 Mar 2015   #9
yes that is why they like it here, we can all moan together.
18 Mar 2015   #10
Maybe they just wish to spread their misery worldwide. The poles always complain that the English don' t complain enough, although they do find kinship in the Irish and Scots bcus they are grumpy baskets...
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
18 Mar 2015   #11
The poles always complain that the English don' t complain enough,

OP Arnie84
18 Mar 2015   #13
Usually try to be more positive rather than complain - sports, music, movies, weather, work / business, life.
6 Jan 2021   #14
I lived with Polish people now for 2 years at work. Im Swedish, when the see each other in the morning they have 40 questions to each other right away 6am in the morning. After work they talk for 3-5 hours all the time. And at work if they must fix 10 screws of lift something for 5 second they become crazy and screaming KURWA. Ohh ja pierdole. And they only think of them self. If You leave a empty coffee cup no Polish guy will ever touch it because they know its not their cup. NEVER leave cash, tools, personal things in a room with Polish people they will steal it right away and make up the worlds weirdest lies right to your face like "-I dont know, I have no idea" even if they are on camera they believe their own lies.
Novichok  4 | 8732
6 Jan 2021   #15
How many Poles raped Swedish women? I heard that Somalis never swear and are very polite - until they are not.
pawian  226 | 27817
6 Jan 2021   #16
After work they talk for 3-5 hours all the time.

Yes. In my case, we talk about cats coz we are obsessed about them.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2136
6 Jan 2021   #17
1. You are basically complaining that Poles "overcommunicate" compared to how much Swedes communicate (newsflash Scandinavians in general communicate very little)

2. Yeah Poles are also far more emotional and burst it out by screaming swear words (the lower the social position, the higher frequency of swearing)

3. Most Poles are not raised in the same sense of community like Scandinavians, it's a cultural gap. While Poles tend to have a tremendously high degree of self consciousness about their own needs, others needs need to be stated. Otherwise it will be ignored, Polish society has become well accustomed to a plural thought where there is no guarantee of an other persons habits are the same as ones own. While Scandinavian society's are more accustomed to a set of rules that everyone needs to follow in a much higher degree.

4. Fight your dragons and guard your treasures! :)
There is a Polish saying: "Don't sleep or they will rob you"
There is no excuse to not be responsible for yourself! :)
pawian  226 | 27817
6 Jan 2021   #18
others needs need to be stated. Otherwise it will be ignored,

I thought it is the opposite. It is a Polish trait to be too caring, considerate and thoughtful of others, especially when you are offered food and drink at the Polish table. Then they impose extra portions and refills on you.
Novichok  4 | 8732
6 Jan 2021   #19
While Scandinavian societies are more accustomed to a set of rules that everyone needs to follow to a much higher degree.

Unless you are a Somali or some other kind of refugee. Then you are exempt.
I find it ironic that a Swede would complain about Poles swearing a lot - in Polish!
Strzelec35  19 | 830
6 Jan 2021   #20
"So just complain together with them and it wil be ok."

I used to do this in the ice center at adelanto complain about everything in there and being there since technically my sentence was up wnd I signed the waiver really the only person besides a German in that whole facility to go home or to Poland and the fact they kept me in there locked away behind w key months after signing it and completing my prison sentence was a lot to complain about. dont you guys agree?

the reason I mentioned this because me and this tall Lithuanian guy sileikis of Russian origin I think (he claims his dad was born in a gulag) who by the way recently told me i was right as he ended up also deported after years of tribulations going to court paying craploads of money tons of thousands his family did for lawyers multiple probations or electronic monitoring for both his federal parole and supervision of his international court case etc. they ended up deporting him anyway and i signed it day one and he kept arguing with me also claimed that I complained too much and i eventually told him this argument which was that I am polish and thats what we do. What do u fink John? was I right?
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2136
6 Jan 2021   #21
That is when hosting a meal (The hosts rules apply) and hospitality seems to be far greater trait shared across local variations. So hospitality is a far more cultural/national trait then local culture (what food to eat/how to drive/Warsaw vs Kraków differences)
Alien  26 | 6550
14 Jan 2025   #22
NEVER leave cash, tools, personal things in a room with Polish people they will steal it right away and make up the worlds weirdest lies right to your face like "-I dont know, I have no idea" even if they are on camera they believe their own lies. they steal toilet paper too?
Ironside  51 | 13109
14 Jan 2025   #23
.do they steal toilet paper too?

Is that your hobby?
Alien  26 | 6550
14 Jan 2025   #24
There are different ways to combat stereotypes. Sometimes you have to carry them ad absurdum.
Ironside  51 | 13109
14 Jan 2025   #25
Sometimes you have to carry them ad absurdum.

Really? (Shema?)
Alien  26 | 6550
14 Jan 2025   #26
Really? (Shema?)

Come on, don't pretend to be Novichok.
pawian  226 | 27817
17 Jan 2025   #27
What do Polish people talk about?

Polish teachers, who are people after all, mostly talk about:

students who:

are reluctant to study hard
are too relaxed about their final exams
are prone to cut classes
are suspected of depending on illegal substances
are rude to teachers
are aggressive to other students
are too romantic towards other students of different or the same gender
are already employed while they should focus on getting proper education first
are mentally disadvantaged
are fans of various weird fashions, movements, organisations, etc.
Alien  26 | 6550
18 Jan 2025   #28
[quote=pawian]Polish teachers, who are people after all, mostly talk about students.....

and what are students talking about?
pawian  226 | 27817
18 Jan 2025   #29
How should I know ???
Alien  26 | 6550
18 Jan 2025   #30
should I know

Didn't you eavesdrop by accident?

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