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New Royal Baby Boy - Recommended Polish Baby Names

ShawnH  8 | 1488
22 Jul 2013   #1
I think they should name the new royal child Cnut or Canute. At least recognize the Polish Heritage that goes deep into Royal History in the UK. As you may know,

Cnut was of Danish and Slavic descent. His father was Sweyn Forkbeard, King of Denmark (which gave Cnut the patronym Sweynsson, Old Norse Sveinsson). Cnut's mother was the daughter of the first duke of the Polans, Mieszko I; her name may have been Świętosława (see: Sigrid Storråda),[5][6][7] but the Oxford DNB article on Cnut states that her name is unknown.[8]

Apparently some historians feel that Canute was one of the most effective kings in Anglo Saxon History.

What are your thoughts?
Wroclaw Boy
22 Jul 2013   #2
Somebody shoot this guy down.
OP ShawnH  8 | 1488
22 Jul 2013   #3
Not a fan of the Royals?

The Royal family in todays form is nothing like the pillaging barbarians you refer to. Yes they may be billionaires, but they bring more to the table for the UK compared to the cost they bear. I feel they bring real value to the UK economy.

I herby object to this thread being re-classified to that of an official thread, saved from the jaws of off-topic.
Polson  5 | 1767
22 Jul 2013   #4
Hmm... His Royal Highness Prince Zdzisław of Cambridge.

Cnut or Canute

This is more Germanic than Polish tho.
OP ShawnH  8 | 1488
23 Jul 2013   #5
This is more Germanic than Polish tho.

If the name was good enough for Świętosława.....

Keep in mind, the UK has a very multi-ethnic feel to it and by embracing their past Polish heritage and the present number of Poles on UK soil, it would go a long way in making the current Poles there feel welcome.

Alexandra had pretty good odds I understand if it had of been a girl (although the name is spelled incorrectly). Imagine that: Princess Ola.
WielkiPolak  54 | 988
23 Jul 2013   #6
I think they should name the new royal child Cnut

What you mean as in an anagram of c*nt?
OP ShawnH  8 | 1488
23 Jul 2013   #7
No, I prefer the name Canute. I think the child would be picked on if it was spelled the other way. Not fair to the child really.
szarlotka  8 | 2205
23 Jul 2013   #9
If we have to have a Polish name then I'd go for Magdalena which would ensure that he toughens up a bit as he goes through the state education system
smurf  38 | 1940
23 Jul 2013   #10
A married woman of childbearing age has given birth to a baby boy.

The event followed nine months of pregnancy.

"Both mother and baby are doing well," a spokesman for the woman said.

It is now expected that the baby will grow up.
Polonius3  980 | 12275
23 Jul 2013   #11

Great choice! It honours Poland's great senior statesman Kaczyński as well as its future PM Gowin. Of course, one could also go with Sobieski. Sobieski Windsor has an interesting ring to it, doesn't it?
23 Jul 2013   #12
If we have to have a Polish name then I'd go for Magdalena which would ensure that he toughens up a bit as he goes through the state education system

Or he could be called Karol, as that is apparently a boy's name.
sobieski  106 | 2111
23 Jul 2013   #13
Poland's great senior statesman Kaczyński as well as its future PM Gowin. Of course, one could also go with Sobieski. Sobieski Windsor

As far as I know, Sobieski is not a first name, even you should know that.
Secondly you do not understand irony. Jarosław was intended as sarcasm. We should not shock the British people.

Interesting to see you already know btw who will be the new Polish prime minister before elections are held.
Polson  5 | 1767
23 Jul 2013   #14
Great choice! It honours Poland's great senior statesman Kaczyński

Sometimes I don't know if you're joking or not ;)

How about Sbig-New?
OP ShawnH  8 | 1488
23 Jul 2013   #15

Yes, a vert traditional Polish name, but how does it relate to the Royal Family?
Nile  1 | 154
24 Jul 2013   #16
Prince George Alexander Louis Saxe-Coburg-Gotha.
longlive  - | 2
25 Jul 2013   #17
How about Alexander....??
p3undone  7 | 1098
28 Jul 2013   #18
This is now opened.Please try to stick to the topic.Thank you.
17 Jan 2014   #19
what about małgosia or piorrek
McDouche  6 | 282
17 Jan 2014   #20
OP, I hope this thread was meant to be a joke.
pawian  226 | 27817
29 May 2021   #21
What are your thoughts?

Bolesław - the first Polish king, crowned in 1025. His dad was Prince Mieszko.

In English it would be Bohleslau and Meshko. How do they sound???

Home / Life / New Royal Baby Boy - Recommended Polish Baby Names

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