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What does it mean when a Pole winks at you?

18 Jul 2020 #1
Is that a way of greeting or it's a way of flirting?
cms neuf  1 | 1766
18 Jul 2020 #2
A way of recognizing that only you and the recipient know a piece of information

Yes it can be flirtatious - if I saw a cute girl the other side of the room my first move would be a big smile - a wink is more flirtatious than a smile :)
jon357  73 | 22638
18 Jul 2020 #3
a way of flirting?

Very often this.
pawian  219 | 24576
18 Jul 2020 #4
It can also be an eye blinking tic.
It can be cured.
Ironside  50 | 12384
18 Jul 2020 #5
What does it mean when a Pole winks at you?

You're delusional, have delirium or are dreaming. Should consider seeking a medical help.
pawian  219 | 24576
18 Jul 2020 #6
You answer is illogical. It suggests the OP is delusional about being winked at. In this way you refuse to acknowledge that the act of winking takes place .

Hmm, are you sure???
Joker  2 | 2158
19 Jul 2020 #7
it's a way of flirting?

He might have "pink eye" its been going around over there, worst than the ChinaVirus.

Do your eyes itch yet??

Home / Life / What does it mean when a Pole winks at you?

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