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Languages understandable by Poles?

Seanus  15 | 19666
9 Jul 2010   #31
Some words are, Bzibby. Ne ma is nie ma. Czekaj is, I think, czekaj. Ask Crow, he may able to point out other similarities. Na razumim and nie rozumiem are close. The numbers of Serbian are closer to Russian but I think a Pole could work some of them out.
9 Jul 2010   #32
Which is exactly why you think at first that you can understand, and then the real conversation starts and ... you have no clue what they are talking about.
Sarah W  - | 4
9 Jul 2021   #33
Lithuanian seems way different, though my whole experience with it is The Rowan Tree song; isn't it a Baltic language rather than Slavic?
Miloslaw  22 | 5222
9 Jul 2021   #34
Lithuanian seems way different

It is.No connection to Polish at all.

rather than Slavic?

It is not a Slavic language.

Polish is closer to Slowakian,Ukrainian and even Russian.
Lyzko  44 | 9730
9 Jul 2021   #35
Although Poland's national poet claimf Lithuania as his "ojczyzna"!
Miloslaw  22 | 5222
9 Jul 2021   #36

It doesn't matter,linguistically Lithuanian and Polish are mutually incomprehensible.
mafketis  38 | 11276
9 Jul 2021   #37
Poland's national poet claimf Lithuania as his "ojczyzna"!

He was not talking about the modern country of Lithuania.

Lithuanian is a Baltic language (like Latvian) sometimes grouped with Slavic as Balto-Slavic but not really very similar apart from borrowed vocabulary....
Lyzko  44 | 9730
9 Jul 2021   #38
I know that, only it shows the cross-pollination between Baltic and Slavic cultures, mutual unintelligibilty notwithstanding-:)

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