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Polish Idiosyncrasy Shaming Trait

johnny reb  46 | 7516
17 Feb 2024   #1
I have many Polish friends, friends with Polish ancestry, and met Polish people here on this forum.
One common trait that stands out in most of them is their shaming trait.
They rely on shamming others to belittle others to make themselves superior.
Has the old country suffered from shaming themselves to inherit this inferiority complex ?
pawian  219 | 24592
17 Feb 2024   #2
They rely on shamming others

Shamming is a popular activity in the forum. E.g. you also like pretending sb who you aren`t. Joker regularly ridicules your fake yacht stories or your imaginary visits to Poland etc.

I have many Polish friends, friends with Polish ancestry,

Novi isn`t your friend!!!! And if you mean Ptak, you have never met him in person!!! Stop shamming such a sociable friendly comrade now!
OP johnny reb  46 | 7516
17 Feb 2024   #3
Shamming is a popular activity in the forum.

We see that in your post.
Thank you for helping me make my point.
Your post is trying to shame me to make me defend myself.
You have just re enforced the title of this thread.
pawian  219 | 24592
17 Feb 2024   #4
shame me

Shaming you is a good deed coz you are constantly shamming sb you aren`t, thus misleading and misinforming many posters or readers in the forum. You should cut out that silly pretence of yours - it is really childish, unsuitable for a grown up man.

Thank you for helping me

No need to thank me - I do it naturally coz I am such a helpful teacher.
OP johnny reb  46 | 7516
17 Feb 2024   #5
Shaming you is a good deed

At least you admit to your nasty immature shaming.
Why do you think this is so prevalent in the Polish culture ?
pawian  219 | 24592
17 Feb 2024   #6

Are are being shamed for your shamming sb who you aren`t. It is normal in all cultures - fakes are generally rejected by decent people.
OP johnny reb  46 | 7516
17 Feb 2024   #7
No, I am asking you why shaming is so prevalent in the Polish culture.
I mean you can't hide that fact as you have even admitted to it.
I am trying to get to the root of what has caused Poland's inferiority complex.
pawian  219 | 24592
17 Feb 2024   #8
I am asking you why shaming is so prevalent

And then I am answering: shaming a person who is shamming sb he or she isn`t is popular in all cultures, not only Polish. You sham to be befriended with a lot of Poles and in result I am shaming you for your lies. Why do you think it is unique for Poland?
Alien  22 | 5460
17 Feb 2024   #9
No, I am asking you why shaming is so prevalent in the Polish culture

It's not at all. What is happening at PF has nothing to do with interpersonal relations in Poland.
OP johnny reb  46 | 7516
17 Feb 2024   #10
I am shaming you for your lies.

See, you admit to shaming people along with claiming to being a baboon.

interpersonal relations in Poland.

It's not just in Poland or on this forum, it is quite frequent with the Polish here in America too.
pawian  219 | 24592
17 Feb 2024   #11
it is quite frequent with the Polish here in America too.

You are shamming to know Poles in the US that is why we are shaming you for that.

claiming to being a baboon.

Yes, I am not ashamed to claim it coz it is true. So, your attempt at shaming me for that is futile. HA!!!!
17 Feb 2024   #12
Why do you think this is so prevalent in the Polish culture ?

It isn't. Maybe you should look at your own behaviour if you think people are shaming you.
The only purpose of this thread is to try and needle the Poles on this forum and to indulge your narcissism.

Try behaving like an adult instead of a hormonal teenager.
pawian  219 | 24592
17 Feb 2024   #13
people are shaming you.

Not only people! Monkeys as well !!!!
OP johnny reb  46 | 7516
17 Feb 2024   #14
if you think people are shaming you.

No, not specifically me, even though you try with your best Karen insults which proves my point again.
You Polish attack, insult, shame and then expect people to defend themselves like your above post. (G.U.I.L.T.Y.)

The only purpose of this thread is to try and needle the Poles on this forum

Not at all Pam, I am trying to find out the root cause of where this dysfunctional Polish trait came from.
The Polish seem to have the attitude that you are either one of us by thinking like us, agreeing with us, doing like us, and if you challenge us or poke fun at us in any way, we will insult you with nasty shaming remarks like you just tried to do.
pawian  219 | 24592
17 Feb 2024   #15
I am trying to find out the root cause

First find the root cause for your shamming practices coz you pretend sb you aren`t and boast of things you have never done or seen in your life.
17 Feb 2024   #16
You Polish attack, insult, shame and then expect people to defend themselves like your above post.

I'm not Polish.

find out the root cause of where this dysfunctional Polish trait came from.

It isn't a trait of Polish people.

if you challenge us or poke fun at us in any way, we will insult you with nasty shaming remarks

But this is exactly what you do to everyone who disagrees with you on this forum. Pull up your big boy pants and stop being such a whiny little baby.
OP johnny reb  46 | 7516
17 Feb 2024   #17
First find the root cause for your

Again, this thread is not about me and defending myself.
It is about trying to find out the root cause of where this dysfunctional Polish trait came from.
Stop attacking me with your shaming and insulative attacks and stick to the topic.
pawian  219 | 24592
17 Feb 2024   #18
your shaming

My shaming you is a direct result of your shamming aka pretending sb you aren`t. Try to understand basic logic behind it.

Listen to Fenix who always says wise things: stop being such a whiny little baby.
Joker  2 | 2188
17 Feb 2024   #19
and met Polish people here on this forum.


Why were you afraid to meet up with Rich then? You havent met anyone because you are a mulatto. 1/2Jamaican 1/2 White.

this dysfunctional Polish trait came from.

You arent Polish either.

This thread is just about your whining!
pawian  219 | 24592
17 Feb 2024   #20
you are a mulatto. 1/2Jamaican 1/2 White.

I have bad memories about mulattos in Polish literature. There was a guy called Castaneto who secretly traded black slaves and tried to kill decent Polish protagonists in Tomek Wilmowski in the Black Land novel which I read as a child. .
OP johnny reb  46 | 7516
17 Feb 2024   #21
Please stay on topic of my thread

your shamming aka pretending sb you aren`t.

Again, this thread is not about me defending myself it's about trying to find out the root cause of where this dysfunctional Polish trait came from.

a direct result of your shamming aka pretending sb you aren`t.

Actually it is the shamers here who pretend that I am someone who I am not. ie: Jim
So see, it is your shame game again.
Try to understand the basic logic behind this Polish trait.
pawian  219 | 24592
17 Feb 2024   #22
, this thread is not about me

You hadn`t planned it but it backfired straight into your face!!!! hahahaha And you got smeared with your own mud. Just look at yourself!! hahahaha

OP johnny reb  46 | 7516
17 Feb 2024   #23
Yes, more Off- Topic Insults because you just can't seem to answer my question but only fortify it.
Your ignorance is bliss.
Joker  2 | 2188
17 Feb 2024   #24
You hadn`t planned it but it backfired straight into your face!!!! hahahaha

Spot on! Haha

And you got smeared with your own mud.

He certainly looks ashamed.

"root causes" now he sounds just like Kamala Harris.

Tomek Wilmowski in the Black Land novel

Interesting subject, perhaps Ill read it sometime.

Just dont shame me!!! Hahaha
OP johnny reb  46 | 7516
17 Feb 2024   #25
Please stay on topic of my thread and keep your insults to yourself because we have already verified the shaming trait here.
I now want to know where this hateful trait comes from.

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