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Polish folk-themed pop music?

Polonius3  980 | 12275
18 Apr 2011   #1
Recently I got the following e-mail from an American wtih Polish and Ukrainian roots. I'm not much into pop-rock-techno-rap and all that rot, so I wonder if someone on PF may be able to explain. The only Polish pop-folk group I have run into is Golec uOrkiestra. Is it true that Poles are again foreign-aping more than other countries of the former Soviet bloc? If so, why?

It is my observation that eastern European countries, other than Poland, are more proud of their traditional folk music. As we troll the internet for modern music videos from around the world, countries such as Ukraine, Bulgaria, Serbia, other Balkan nations etc. even use folk instruments and musical motifs in their modern techno dance songs. I really love the sound, a nice break from the ever-present Afro **** that infects most modern music. Check out these Ukrainian videos.
Magdalena  3 | 1827
18 Apr 2011   #2

I hate your patronising tone.

Before you start another of your "philosophical" threads, kindly listen to some actual, traditional Polish folk music and tell me how well it would lend itself to "modernisation". Because in my opinion - not very well. South Slavonic folk music is completely different - listen and compare.
18 Apr 2011   #3
The only Polish pop-folk group I have run into is Golec uOrkiestra

You need to do your homework then.

Kapela ze Wsi Warszawa, for starters?
Ironside  50 | 12946
18 Apr 2011   #4
Because in my opinion - not very well.

Magdalena  3 | 1827
18 Apr 2011   #5

Well OK, maybe I don't have enough musical imagination to see (or rather hear) that Polish folk material could be so treated, even so, I still think that the southern branch of Slavonic folk music is much more "malleable" in this respect ;-)
Trevek  25 | 1699
18 Apr 2011   #6


Sw Mikolaj Orkiestra

OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
18 Apr 2011   #7
Thanks all. That's what PF is for to enlighten ther unenlightened. Also I've heard of a group called Trubunie Tutkli. But that would be more folk music than pop-folk. Anyway, I was just trying to answer an e-pal's question.

I my be wrong, but I just don't feel that much pride in Polishness and spontaneous, heartfelt patriotic ardour amongst Poles, except at international matches where they paint up their faces and don funny hats and wave Polish flags.

But that's more of a mass-hysteria herd instinct than true patriotism, innit?
chichimera  1 | 185
18 Apr 2011   #8
I my be wrong, but I just don't feel that much pride in Polishness and spontaneous, heartfelt patriotic ardour amongst Poles

You are wrong :) I've witnessed plenty of Polish patriotic pride

I hate your patronising tone.

Relaaax.. I find the tone quite amusing

I still think that the southern branch of Slavonic folk music is much more "malleable"

I know what you mean. Our folk music is sharper, not so easy to fuse with pop sounds. Not only Slavic but all southerners in the world have the special talent for music. I believe, it's the good supply of vitamin D during prenatal life and early childhood

But our pop folk is pretty nice as well. Let's take that Janosik from Zakopane :)

18 Apr 2011   #9

OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
18 Apr 2011   #10
Isn't Balkanesque music rather Turkic sounding? Why should that make it more adaptable to the pop music scene?
Qaay  - | 5
19 Apr 2011   #11
De Press:

Check also modern "urban folk" bands

OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
20 Apr 2011   #12
Thanks for the input. Soem of these I had heard of, others were completely new to me. So now I know they exist. Now the 64-złoty question: how widely are they listened to in today's Poland? Do their fans fit some geographic, age or occupation pattern?
Wroclaw  44 | 5359
20 Apr 2011   #13
how widely are they listened to in today's Poland?

a look at the Polish top twenty will show u that Polish music ain't the most popular music in Poland.

everyone will listen to the above, but not everyone will buy it.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
20 Apr 2011   #14
All you pop/rock experts out there...what is at the top of the charts in Połand these days? If there one main central chart or separate niche charts for rock, pop. disco polo, tehcno, reggae (dunno if it still exists), rap, heavy metal, punk, ska, etc.?
joepilsudski  26 | 1387
20 Apr 2011   #15

Thanks for the Slavic music...
Brathanki are quite good, and maintain the Slavic flavor even with a pop gloss...Very good interplay with guitar, flute & violins, and their vocalists are good singers and cute...

Ciechowski is also quite talented...I will have to check out his material, as he seems to have had quite a prolific career.

It was a treat to hear some modernized Slavic music that leans to pop, yet maintains Slavonic roots and musical signature...The Irish have been quite good at recycling traditional forms into a a more modern hybrid.

Polonius 3 made a good point about the current 'Afican-American' music infecting a wide swath of pop...Unfortunately, African-American music used to be the cream of the crop, what with jazz greats like Miles Davis, John Coltrane, Monk and numerous others, and the pop music, from Motown to Stax (Memphis) was also tops...Unfortunately, 'rap' which is basically a big mouthed egotist spouting a stream of illiterate junk over computer samples, has replaced a once great musical sub-culture.
jguzek  - | 3
1 Dec 2011   #16
Merged: Current Polish Folk-pop Music--Baciary

Has anyone heard of a group called Baciary? I see them on YouTube, and they get lots of hits, but I can't find their CD's anywhere. Anyone know where they can be bought?
noreenb  7 | 548
1 Dec 2011   #17
i like falk music because it gives me energy.
I liked Brathanki and a like Zakopower but their latest song heard on radio and deadly sad.

Has anyone heard of a group called Baciary?

I haven't. Is it a new band?
JonnyM  11 | 2607
1 Dec 2011   #18
I liked Brathanki

They were good. I wonder what happened to them?

the current 'Afican-American' music infecting a wide swath of pop

You do realise that what we call 'pop' music emerged from a synthesis of African American, Irish and Jewish tradtions?
noreenb  7 | 548
1 Dec 2011   #19
The vocalist had an accident. Maybe it is one of the reasons?
blackadder  1 | 114
1 Dec 2011   #20
Isn't Balkanesque music rather Turkic sounding? Why should that make it more adaptable to the pop music scene?
jguzek  - | 3
2 Dec 2011   #21
According to this Wikipedia page they were formed in 2002. (you have to add the http and www portion of the address--for some reason the forum will not let me post the entire address)


They seem to have nine CD's. Some of their songs have over a million hits on YouTube. For example--

They recently played a gig in Chicago that was sold out--

It seems really strange to me that their CD's do not seem to be available anywhere.

Never mind--I found a source.
pawian  226 | 27509
7 Sep 2023   #23
It is my observation that eastern European countries, other than Poland, are more proud of their traditional folk music.

yes, we are but it is often too unnerving to be listened to for longer than 5 - 10 minutes. E.g, highland music performed on their traditional instruments is as shrill as a lathe cutting metal and full of unbearable wailing.

That is why pop or rock folk was invented - to make the music more tolerable for an average listener.

The only Polish pop-folk group I have run into is Golec uOrkiestra

Of course there are more.

Turnioki - highland folk rock. Not bad coz they sing in the dialect which sounds amusing combined with rock music.

pawian  226 | 27509
7 Sep 2023   #24
Here, the same group Turnioki with a patriotic song - they sing about the love for their Highland region.

My home is in Gronicko region,
far in the clearing
Here I sit all alone and I sleep in the hay
A little dog is watching the sheep, so they don`t go in the forest
There's plenty of everything I love any time

Gronicki valleys, hissing streams
Hey beautiful girls and daring boys
pawian  226 | 27509
7 Sep 2023   #25
One of my fave folk pop groups - Igor & Fanny. Wonderful songs.

Here again a highland motif - a wedding:

Little highlander female

pawian  226 | 27509
8 Sep 2023   #26
One of my fave folk pop groups - Igor & Fanny.

16 years ago they made a song about a young Cossack based on Ukrainian motifs. Great music and interesting Cossack dancing.

pawian  226 | 27509
21 Sep 2023   #27
Do you remember Kukiz? The Parliament member affiliated with PiS. Fekking traitor! :):):)
But contrary to Russian music which I once liked but stopped listening to for obvious reasons, I still listen to Kukiz and his rock group Piersi (Breasts). They made a few dozen songs which I still love .

Among them there are many folk pastiche songs. Energetic rock combined with the fiddle and accordeon, played to the rhythm of polka or other fast dances.

Check it out - the best folk rock song by Piersi:

You cheated on me!

1. You cheated on me girl
i wanted to give you everything
you were supposed to be my only one
and I became lonely
pawian  226 | 27509
23 Sep 2023   #28
the best folk rock song by Piersi:

Actually, I was too fast with that comment. There are equally appealing songs with energetic music and funny lyrics.

Check this one with Highland motifs - lyrics in the regional dialect and Higland tune and instruments are exploited

Sorry, the use of this heavy dialect makes it impossible to translate quickly and I don`t have much time now. Just enjoy the music. :):)
pawian  226 | 27509
18 Nov 2023   #29
Another folk rock by Kukiz band:

It features amusing lyrics:

A white bird sat down in the clearing,
Johnny is walking along the path to his lover,
the grasshopper is shaking its golden mane,
the Aquarius is drowning a frog that is barely alive.

Come here, my dear,
you will drink wine with me,
Come here, my dear,
you will drink wine,

A bumble bee flies in the blue sky,
cows roar, pigs stink in the pigsty,
oats, buckwheat and wheat grow,
Joey catches a chicken for the village headman.
pawian  226 | 27509
18 Nov 2023   #30
Kukiz group committed a funny video clip to their equally funny parody folk song which features some German Sprache as well as American motifs. Simply amasing combination!

When I was forty-eight years old,
my father took me and said to me:
Son, I will tell you my last will.
You must have my wife from my homeland.
I obeyed him, ho, ho I listened to him
I listened to him ho, ho I listened to him I listened to him ho, ho
I listened to him I listened to him ho, ho I listened to him

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