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POLISH DANCING (how to to this holding hands and such?)

wildrover  98 | 4430
4 Jan 2010   #1
A number of times in the past i have been asked to dance by Polish ladies of varying ages , and even after declining i have often been dragged onto the dance floor , maybe its my stunning good looks , but more likely the novelty of dancing with an English person..

The problem is...i don,t know how to to this holding hands , twirling round kind of dancing , what we in the UK would call ballroom dancing , its not the sort of thing that was common in my biker circles in the UK...All the Poles i see dancing seem to be expert in this form of dancing , even the young ones , do they learn it at school , or do families usually teach their childern it...

I have missed out on the opportunity to twirl around some very pretty Polish ladies due to my lack of skills in this area , my style of dancing is the puppet with its strings caught in a fan heater type , ok at rock concerts , but not at the usual Polish events...

Perhaps my Russian lady will teach me...?
Cardno85  31 | 971
4 Jan 2010   #2
but its not quite the sort of dancing i was talking about

Just what I was going to say.

kingpolkakamon, I think you are getting the wrong idea. The videos are great, but it is of Polish and Russian girls trying to dance in a rather Afro-Caribbean fashion not evidence of typical Polish and Russian dancing surely?

I am sure wildrover is meaning the kind of dancing that people do at weddings and such like.
OP wildrover  98 | 4430
4 Jan 2010   #3
the kind of dancing that people do at weddings and such like.

Yes , thats the stuff.....I was just wondering if Poles learn this from their parents , or at school , they all seem to be pretty good at it...In the UK you would not find so many people doing this kind of dancing , other than at special ballroom dancing classes...
4 Jan 2010   #4
do they learn it at school , or do families usually teach their childern it...

polish weddings:)
dance courses are also very popular, especially in recent years. we have had a lot of dancing shows on tv and dancing's become even more popular.but in the past ..and maybe nowadays as well the best way to practise dancing are weddings

besides we learn polonez & waltz before studniĆ³wka high school party
nunczka  8 | 457
4 Jan 2010   #5

Polka dancing in America
Cardno85  31 | 971
4 Jan 2010   #6
I was just wondering if Poles learn this from their parents , or at school , they all seem to be pretty good at it

I wondered the same to be honest when I was at a wedding. It made me feel rather out of place because I just don't know how to dance like that beyond a basic box step and a that spinny roundy thing where you hold their hand above their head and they spin.

But I guess they would have the same issue if they were to come to a ceilidh (but we are taught all dances at school).
CacyUlcia  2 | 46
5 Jan 2010   #7
and even after declining i have often been dragged onto the dance floor , maybe its my stunning good looks ,

because it looks childish and retarded if a woman dances with a woman, unless a group of girls are doing a traditional dancing like Krakowiak. Polish men feel culturally obligated to dance just like women. There's many Polish folk dance types, that you must know how to dance in order to keep the tradition going.

All the Poles i see dancing seem to be expert in this form of dancing , even the young ones , do they learn it at school , or do families usually teach their childern it...

There's many Polish folk dance types. At Polish public schools, students usually learn the easiest and most old fashioned Polish folk dancing like Polish Polonez from 16th century.

Learn this one before learning two-step: Polonez is easy and two-step is mostly incorporated in many types of Polish dance.

I learned Malva at my Polish School when I was young and I liked it.

Polka dancing in America

They really look clumsy doing that Polka. Polka moves are more distinct... I have uncles who are really good Polka dancers and they do a lot of fast jumping, sometimes it's hard to keep up with them...

Here is a better version of Polka.

strzyga  2 | 990
5 Jan 2010   #8
I have missed out on the opportunity to twirl around some very pretty Polish ladies due to my lack of skills in this area

You really don't need to learn to dance krakowiak and polonez in order to do this kind of "holding hands,twirling round kind of dancing" which is danced at weddings and such. It's very very simple, just one step to the right, one to the left, and whirl around. Next time take your chance and ask one of the pretty ladies to teach you that, she should be delighted and you'll be a dancing master in some fifteen minutes :)
OP wildrover  98 | 4430
5 Jan 2010   #9
Next time take your chance and ask one of the pretty ladies to teach you that

Yes i really ought to learn many times i became knotted up trying to dance with these ladies.... i will practice with my lady when she is living here in Polska...
Polonius3  980 | 12275
9 Jan 2010   #10
Speaking of dance styles, there's this new teenage dance craze. It's called the Mess. You stand stilll and just your bowels move!!!
pawian  226 | 27559
1 May 2021   #11
The problem is...i don,t know how to to this holding hands

I also had a problem with it when I decided to do some energetic dances as a uni student . But practice makes perfect - you need to try it again and again without bothering about mistakes. Simple. You can also observe others and imitate their moves.

Watch this hit Highlander song and follow the chorus: dance without feeling sorry for the floor: You can also dance with males if you need!

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