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A couple of questions about the LGBT movement in Warsaw.

7 Feb 2023   #1

A few hours ago I saw post which stated that Warsaw has a huge LGBT movement. I just wanted to ask you guys who hopefully live in Warsaw or who are really in to the subject and details in such a satement.

Me for myself I hate the radical left and what it does to the western world today and I want nothing to with it and I dont want it where I live.

With that said, I also hate that the church and the goverment in Poland have become very controlling, especially in the choice regarding if polish people should be able to make abortions or not.

The guy stating that Warsaw has a huge LGBT movement can mean a couple of things in my book:

Either the person think about this kind of things everyday and has warped his entire perception of reality about people in Warsaw.

Or he could mean that there is a huge protest against for example the abortionlaws in Poland, and that people naturally seek allies in the LGBT movement.

But that they dont agree with the others things that movement push, (which the left has hijacked by the way) Like radical feminism, that there is 800 prounouns and that men should sit down and pee etc.

And the last one is that it´s huge compared to other demographic areas in Poland.

Anyway what´s your take on this?

Personally I´m really anti-left since I´ve seen it destroy my entire country which is Sweden. But also I am totally fine with and not suprised at all that alot of Poles seek allies in the LGBT movement today, thanks to what the government and church are doing with their too strict policys.

So what is your take? Does the population of Warsaw have interest in the LGBT movement in a mass scale? Like 20 %? Or is it only "huge" in comparison to the rest of Poland?

Also if someone knows if the Polish LGBT movement is as radical as lets say the American, Swedish or German leftwing? That would be a good thing to know and more importantly if those Poles that protest for example the abortionlaws do it only through the LGBT movement. Or if the abortionprotests isnt bound to any political faction.

Bonus question!! Almost done :P

How big are the protests against the abortionslaws in Poland? Alot of Poles must be upset with this stupid overly strict rules right?
Novichok  4 | 8732
7 Feb 2023   #2
the abortionlaws do it only through the LGBT movement.

Abortion laws go with LGBT mental disorders as much as flying F-35 does with blindness.
pawian  226 | 27817
7 Feb 2023   #3
I also hate that the church and the goverment in Poland have become very controlling

You hate it yet you want to settle here. Amasing.

What if the church and gov control last for a longer time?

I think you should reconsider your choice for a new home coz one day you might regret it. :):):)
OP TomasJ
7 Feb 2023   #4

Why did you take a part of a question and made it a statement which even wasn´t a statement? Are you braindamaged or just provoking?

Here is the whole text and the fat part is what you choose to take out.

Also if someone knows if the Polish LGBT movement is as radical as lets say the American, Swedish or German leftwing? That would be a good thing to know and more importantly if those Poles that protest for examplethe abortionlaws do it only through the LGBT movement. Or if the abortionprotests isnt bound to any political faction.
pawian  226 | 27817
7 Feb 2023   #5
Are you braindamaged or just an idiot

Relax, it is normal here to get such reactions whenever LGBT is mentioned......... :):):)
OP TomasJ
7 Feb 2023   #6

Can I ask you a question, is this a forum of people who mainly have moved to Poland or want to move to Poland? Or is it mainly actual Poles here?
pawian  226 | 27817
7 Feb 2023   #7
This forum has native Poles living in Poland and Polish expats who moved abroad. As well as pure Americans living in the USA who have Polish connections like wives etc and Brits born in Polish immigrant families in the UK. And other nationalities interested in Polish issues, e.g, Germans.

The proverbial melting pot.
OP TomasJ
7 Feb 2023   #8
Well I come from Sweden so im used to absolute garbage, I think I can handle Poland being a little weird for while. At least you have the right to vote and that people will use to choose another government, here people dont use that right. They just ignore it, follow the stream and deny everything. If it gets bad in Poland, ill just move eventually but I dont think that will happen. And even if it does your country can change, mine bareeeely cant. And the future is still unsure.

Thanks for answering the other question. Was just curious. What was the Novichocks guys problem, why would he do it because it is an LGBT issue?

Either he is mad because I say I understand Poles frustration with the government, or he is mad because I said that the abortion laws are ******. Right?
Alien  26 | 6550
7 Feb 2023   #9
Either he is mad

or he is mad

Sometimes is he generally mad, but he is a VIP on this forum.
pawian  226 | 27817
7 Feb 2023   #10
What was the Novichocks guys problem, why would he do it because it is an LGBT issue?

Some conservative posters don`t like such topics. And they don`t like posters who write about such topics. :):):
OP TomasJ
7 Feb 2023   #11
Are you talking about Novichok?
Novichok  4 | 8732
7 Feb 2023   #12
Are you braindamaged or just provoking?

I responded to your "LBGT movement" negatively because it elevates perverts and sickos to the same level as women's liberation or equal rights movement for ethic minorities, for example.

LGBT is a mental disorder, not a "movement".
On top of this, combining mentally ill LGBTs who, btw, cannot get pregnant with abortion rights is nonsense. If you know how a pair of Ls or Gs can get pregnant, please post how it's done.
pawian  226 | 27817
7 Feb 2023   #13
"LBGT movement" negatively elevates perverts and sickos as women's liberation or equal rights movement for ethic minorities,

Tomas, that is a normal reaction from conservative posters here. Don`t give up - stand up to those con bullies!
OP TomasJ
7 Feb 2023   #14
The LGBT movement in Poland are all fighting womens rights, they are super left. And the entire movement is hijacked by the left to fit their agenda.

The people who likes LGBT today most likely like to fight for womens rights or maybe radical feminism too. They would gladely protest the abortion laws in Poland.

In this link you will find proof of what I just said.

No I dont think men who are gay can have babies, cause they are not women.
Miloslaw  22 | 5222
7 Feb 2023   #15
The LGBT movement in Poland are all fighting womens rights

That's not what they are doing everywhere else!
They are championing trans people over women and actually eroding women's rights.

Or did I miscomprehend your post?
Did you mean the LGBTqwerty movement are fighting women's rights or, as I understood it, fighting for women's rights?
Novichok  4 | 8732
7 Feb 2023   #16
No I dont think men who are gay can have babies, cause they are not women.

You would be fired here for this blasphemy.

They are championing trans people over women and actually eroding women's rights.

Why would anyone sane care what mentally ill freaks champion?
Miloslaw  22 | 5222
7 Feb 2023   #17
Because some people are taking these morons seriously!!
We cannot continue to ignore this PC threat, which, it has to be said,is mainly coming from the USA and largely from California and San Francisco.....those people are it the drugs?
OP TomasJ
7 Feb 2023   #18
Why do you try to make a joke out of me? Do you have problems with yourself you clown?

Ofc they are fighting (for) womens rights, I said in this thread countless of times that I hate the left. What the **** dont you understand about that?

I know that fighting for womens rights errodes womens rights. Because the LGBT movement or radical left or whatever tries to errode the foundation of western civilisation and implement radical feminism instead among other things. And try to get people brainwashed by their agenda. Making these people fight for minortygroups etc.

Maybe you should try not to be a douchebag instead, that also brings alot light to the actual fuckin question I was asking from the beginning and what the thread is about.
Miloslaw  22 | 5222
7 Feb 2023   #19

I don't understand your English.
I am not mocking you, just trying to comprehend you!
So don't get so upset!
Simple question.
Are the LGBT movement in Poland fighting for women's rights or not?
jon357  72 | 23654
13 Feb 2023   #20
The guy stating that Warsaw has a huge LGBT movement can mean a couple of things in my book:

He probably means political/rights campaigning, something that always increases when there is perceived legal inequality.

How big are the protests against the abortionslaws in Poland?


Remember that Warsaw is the most affluent (and the only metropolitan) city in Poland. The UK has London and also Manchester, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Birmingham. France has Paris and also Marseilles, Bordeaux, Lille. Germany has Berlin, and also Frankfurt, Hamburg, Munich. Poland has Warsaw and it has the provinces.Therefore, its residents are on average far better educated and more affluent that the population as a whole and this is not replicated elsewhere in Poland. For this reason, most campaigning organisations and those who support them are based here, and the views you are likely to encounter in Warsaw are more likely to be those of intelligent and well-educated people.
Alien  26 | 6550
13 Feb 2023   #21
Reminds me of Reisbrennen in Germany.
Miloslaw  22 | 5222
14 Feb 2023   #22
Why do you try to make a joke out of me?

Because you are a joke!
The LGBTQWERTY community are anti gay and anti women.
They are as toxic and narrow minded as ISIS.
Lyzko  44 | 9730
14 Feb 2023   #23

As I understand it, Sweden has gone dramatically far to the right, principally owing to what many Swedes feel is a run-away immigration policy, not necessarily because of LGBTQ.

Having myself not been to Sweden in some thirty or so years, I do try to keep myself abreast of what's happening, in both the US as well as the Swedish press.

What I've observed thus far, your major dailies such as >AFTONSBLADET< etc. are still rather on the leftists liberal side.
pawian  226 | 27817
1 Sep 2024   #24
I have just read that a popular actor Marek Barbasiewicz was the first Polish celebrity to do the coming out in public. He did it 30 years ago. Amasing!

See him in his prime time:

  • images.jpg
Alien  26 | 6550
1 Sep 2024   #25
Marek Barbasiewicz

This name means nothing to me.
pawian  226 | 27817
1 Sep 2024   #26
That is why I said: popular, instead of famous. :):):)
But he played in many productions. Not big roles, but often enough to call him popular.
Also, he is known for dubbing. Over 100 roles since 1960s. Do you remember Lion King 1? He dubbed Scar.
Tlum  12 | 303
3 Sep 2024   #27
Are the LGBT movement in Poland fighting for women's rights or not?

I understand why the LGBT want to have women aboard, but women should not go along with this.
Novichok  4 | 8732
3 Sep 2024   #28
I understand why the LGBT want to have women aboard, but women should not go along with this.

The trans movement is a direct attack on women. The latest victim is Title IX

Yet, from my conversations with women, women support this nonsense.

Anyone who doesn't have the natural instinct of self-preservation should never be allowed to vote or be in a position to set policy for the rest of us.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 948
3 Sep 2024   #29
All Biden Title IX changes have been over turned by USSC. Thankfully.
jon357  72 | 23654
3 Sep 2024   #30

Whatever that is has no jurisdiction whatsoever in Poland.

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