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What's the best Polish radio station?

swissi  7 | 24
20 Jul 2013   #1
Hi everyone,

What's the best Polish radio station in the conversational side, that has many talking and conversation more than songs, this could be useful for my Polish language learning.

rybnik  18 | 1444
20 Jul 2013   #2
this could be useful for my Polish language learning.

I find listening to Polish radio very helpful.
I stream Polskie Radio Trójka.
It's got a nice mix of talk and music
OP swissi  7 | 24
20 Jul 2013   #3
Hi rybnik. Do yoy know its number I checked the website but I couldn't see it, I like to listen as I walk outside.

rybnik  18 | 1444
20 Jul 2013   #4
sorry swissi, I stream it from the States.(listen online)
I'm sure some of the in-country members can help you out :)
keep listening. it helps a lot :)
ShawnH  8 | 1488
20 Jul 2013   #5
OP swissi  7 | 24
20 Jul 2013   #6
That's ok , I'll try to find it , Thanks anyway.
ShawnH  8 | 1488
20 Jul 2013   #7
Link didn't work?
OP swissi  7 | 24
20 Jul 2013   #8
Yes It does ShawnH , I want its number on regular radio, I listen on phone.
ShawnH  8 | 1488
20 Jul 2013   #9
ahh, I see.
Try 96.4 in Poznan
OP swissi  7 | 24
20 Jul 2013   #10
Thanks a lot, ShawnH
I've also been listening to this 101.6 station and two women are having conversation for like an hour and a half now without songs, I think it's good too.
Harrys Moma
20 Jul 2013   #11
What's the best Polish radio station in the conversational side, that has many talking and conversation more than songs, this could be useful for my Polish language learning.

radio MARIA:)
Jardinero  1 | 383
21 Jul 2013   #12
I like TOK FM [,130137.html mainly because in addition to the radio, they have an extensive Podcast library, so you could choose and download whatever interests you...
f stop  24 | 2493
14 Nov 2013   #13
Merged: Polish radio station on the internet, in Polish

today I discovered a Polish radio and have been listening to it most of the day.


And I must say I'm impressed. Today they had alternative music segment, panel discussion on gypsies with appropriate live music, heavy metal segment (during which the dj pleaded for people to stop burning the rainbow and embarrassing everyone), then they went a little overboard with avant garde music, but now they're reading Tartar stories, pretty good.

News is short, sweet and seemingly unbiased, no commercials that I noticed.
Paulina  19 | 4484
14 Nov 2013   #14
today I discovered a Polish radio and have been listening to it most of the day.

You mean Trójka? This radio channel is a part of Polskie Radio (Poland's national publicly funded radio). It has a long history, unlike the commercial radio stations (there's a long article about Trójka on Polish Wikipedia, if you're interested).
f stop  24 | 2493
14 Nov 2013   #15
Thanks. Makes me proud. :)
BBman  - | 343
14 Nov 2013   #16
Get "tune in radio" on your smart phone. You can search for PL radio stations.
f stop  24 | 2493
14 Nov 2013   #17
You can search for PL radio stations.

Thanks. I have checked couple, and this was the only one that did not annoy me.
sobieski  106 | 2111
14 Nov 2013   #18
I am listening in the morning always to RadioZet, but that's mainly because I like Monika Olejnik and love her grilling that disgusting Hofmann every now and then. For the rest I like RadioPIN. Lots of good music, news about culture and in-depth interviews.
Monitor  13 | 1810
14 Nov 2013   #19
I listen to Tokfm. They have podcasts so you don't have to listen to everything, but programs which are interesting to you:,130515.html#TRNavSST

Recently I listen also Kontestacja - it's online nonprofit radio with talking program every evening:
I also listen them through podcast player:
jarekn7  - | 5
14 Nov 2013   #20
For business language use Radio PIN - nice music and interviews.
mateinone  5 | 58
14 May 2016   #21
Merged: Popular Polish Radio

My girlfriends mother is in the country and I am taking her for a drive tomorrow whilst my girlfriend runs a marathon.
Unfortunately I don't speak any conversational Polish still and she doesn't understand any English.
I would like to try and make the drive as comfortable as possible for her, so I was thinking of putting some Polish Radio on in the car and I was wondering if I could get 3-4 popular radio stations for say the 50-60 year age group with music a bit of news etc.

I will look to connect to it via Tunein Radio.

I have so far connected a couple in
Radio ZET

I don't know if they are appropriate or not?
Any suggestions would be very much appreciated

delphiandomine  86 | 17823
14 May 2016   #22
I don't know if they are appropriate or not?

Depends if she's a PiS voter or not.
kpc21  1 | 746
14 May 2016   #23
For many PiS voters Radio Maryja would be an appropriate station. But no, don't do that.

RMF FM and Zet are biggest and most popular stations, you can receive them almost everywhere, but they are nothing special. If I listen to them every day on my way to school, I get fed up of them after a short time, as they repeat totally the same songs all the time.

What I personally like most are regional stations of Polskie Radio (the public broadcaster), e.g. Radio Łódź (not everywhere the name of the station comes from the name of the city, for the Wielkopolska area it's Radio Merkury, for the Mazowsze it's Radio Dla Ciebie, for the Lubuskie region it's Radio Zachód).

A station playing a bit more ambitious songs is Trójka (the 3rd channel of Polskie Radio).

RMF and Zet play both modern and a little bit older songs, a station which is more focused on modern songs is Eska. But as for me, it's the same crap, after some time I can't listen to that any more.

Rather than RMF and Zet, I prefer Złote Przeboje more. The profile of the station is similar, maybe they play less modern songs and more 80's or 90's, but it's somehow easier to listen to that than to RMF and Zet. But they don't have coverage everywhere, as the first two mentioned stations do.

Sometimes local stations may be better.

If you want something with spoken, with discussions, you have yet less choice.

The options are:
- Tok FM
- Jedynka (Polskie Radio Program 1)
If she is a PiS voter, don't choose Tok FM. Jedynka is quite universal, they have some music too.

Spoken is also Maryja, but this is a catholic station, which is very church-oriented.

And Tok FM will not receive all the time as you drive through the country, only in a distance like 30 km from bigger cities. There is no much choice if you want something receiving in the whole country.
15 May 2016   #24
And Tok FM will not receive all the time as you drive through the country, only in a distance like 30 km from bigger cities

He's driving across Australia, therefore using internet radio
mateinone  5 | 58
16 May 2016   #25
Thank you very much
I went with the two I had as I was running short and she loved them, I had to explain that no it wasn't on the radio in Australia, but through the phone and bluetooth,but it was really great

I am going to add the other stations suggested here for later.

Thank you so very much!
james souness  - | 1
10 Apr 2022   #26
Without a doubt it's Radio uradio. It broadcasts in Polish and is one of the most popular an . d most listened to stations in the country. If you are listening to Polish radio stations, you are certainly missing out a lot of great music. In Poland, listeners have access to many radio stations which transmit different sorts of music and the choice is huge. The fact is, the radio stations transmit in the Polish language, so you will miss out the chance to compare the quality of the music. What's even worse is that, there are way too many unnecessary advertisements. Do yourself a favor, listen to music online. You will have a much better experience and you will truly be able to compare the quality of the music. If you don't know where to start, I recommend you check out the website This website is great for finding high quality, 24 hour radio stations which broadcast in the English and polish language.
jon357  72 | 23492
10 Apr 2022   #27
I rather like Radio Kampus 97.1, broadcasting from Warsaw but also available online. They have a particularly good programme of soul music, and plenty of other good things.

For someone with a British name like "James Souness", your English shows a lot of stylistic transference errors from Polish, and your post reads like an advert.
Alien  25 | 6430
26 Jun 2022   #28
The best Polish radio station is RMF-FM.
jon357  72 | 23492
26 Jun 2022   #29

For boomers.
pawian  226 | 27558
17 Sep 2022   #30
RMF-FM For boomers.

Exactly. :):):)

My unimate, Tomasz Olbratowski, works there and I still like his sense of humour after so many years.

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