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Posts by Newbie  

Joined: 4 Jan 2008 / Female ♀
Last Post: 28 Jan 2008
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Posts: Total: 11 / Live: 4 / Archived: 7
From: Warsaw
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28 Jan 2008
Work / Poland Work Permit / Study Visa Processing Times [191]

*Phew* Thanks so much Harry!! Once again you've provided invaluable information! Actually I had been reading up on this and what you're saying is the closest to what was my understanding, I guess that's why I got a bit confused when it was different for some people here. Yes, my husband's company is taking care of everything from soup to nuts and they did suggest approx 3 mos, so I was wondering if it could take less..See in the US, its pretty much the same and but it depends on the city/state and how fast the applications are being processed..then there is also the fast track application ie. more money less time..So maybe thats the case in Poland as well..?
28 Jan 2008
Work / Poland Work Permit / Study Visa Processing Times [191]

No worries Krzysztof :), I was not really defending the policy either, just merely guessing what the reasons could be...and ther's no such thing as "off-topic" if it matters to you, then this would be the place to make it heard :)

Thanks Andy and good luck with everything on your end :)
27 Jan 2008
Work / Poland Work Permit / Study Visa Processing Times [191]

that's the price for keeping the nasty visa system for Poles in the USA

Sorry to hear that Krzysztov, yes unfortunately the visa system is the US is quite tideous as well, but one has to consider that it was due to heightened security after 9/11. Visa to the US at one point used to be quite an easy thing, work, study or visit. Now unfortunately the times have changed.

The application process took about 3 months, but I was collecting docs from my home country long before this.

Thanks for your reply Andy, we are also hoping that since my husband's company is arranging for everything, it would not take longer than 3 mos. Oh well, atleast we'll get there with the winters behind us..hopefully ..:)
26 Jan 2008
Work / Poland Work Permit / Study Visa Processing Times [191]

Thanks for your reply Bev - I dont quite understand about leaving every 3 mos and coming back, we arent allowed to enter until we get the work visa in the US, and he cant really work until he has one (my husband's company is sponsoring him), anyway it does seem quite tideous...
25 Jan 2008
Work / Poland Work Permit / Study Visa Processing Times [191]

Hello again everyone!

Just wanted to check in about another issue. How long does it take to process a work permit for Non-EU residents (coming from the USA). We were told that it may take about 3 months, is that true? Can anyone share their experience here? Thanks :)