The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by hispaleo  

Joined: 24 Sep 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 3 Jun 2008
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Posts: Total: 4 / Live: 1 / Archived: 3
From: Madrid
Speaks Polish?: nope
Interests: Travel, Cinema, Sports

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3 Jun 2008
Life / The Polish Wedding - What is it Like in Poland? [338]

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Polish wedding

Hola everyone,

I am atending the wedding of a Polish friend and was wondering whether there are any specific peculiarities I should be aware of. For example, some do's and dont's re dress code, etc.... I am told the wedding will take 2 days(!) and that I should plan to stay in town for at least a week in order to participate in the ensuing celebration....

My friend is quite traditional and the wedding will take place in Czestocowa. As I will be staying with him/relatives I was also wondering what would be an appropriate gift to bring for his wedding and also something for his relatives.

thanks for any input.