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Posts by bigsav  

Joined: 19 Sep 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 May 2008
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6 May 2008
Life / Poles are not racist [873]

i am black and i live in wroclaw. i want to apologise on behalf of my black brothers for what ever type of racist attitude they have shown towards you but i have to say that some polish people are pretty racist too. and sometimes my black brothers are just reacting to you the same way they were reacted to. i am not racist but i recieve racist attitude all the time and its really bad but that doesnt make me racist. example i was looking for an apartment, i found one, called the landlord but he didnt allow me rent the aprtment because i am black. no other reason, just because of my skin color. well life has to go on. nobody choose what family he or she was born into but i tell you anytime that i am proud to be black. i would like to meet non racist polish guys like you for some drinks sometime.

do have a nice time