Life /
Poles are not racist [873]
go to Sudan instead to see what it really means to be unlucky? Is that what you suggest?
Def. not, Change. I see what has incensed you. Two days ago, an Iranian student was stabbed in the heart and has his wrist slit by a pack of Russians in Moscow. This was just outside his embassy. He succumbed to his injuries in the ambulance that was driving him to the hospital. The paramedics did all they could to keep him alive, but in vain. Ironically, these paramedics were Russians, too. My point is, if Russians plunged the dagger, then who were they who tried to dress the wound? They were Russians too. What's the difference between the ones that stabbed the Iranian kid and the ones that tried to save him? It's the mindset.
The sad truth is, there's a racist in each of us. We constantly profile people. We evaluate characters. We assign value and worth to individuals based on the colour of the skin, on their accent, on their faith and beliefs. But the difference between you and the Poles who beat up the sorry bloke, is that you have the strength of conviction and the dignity of character to show restraint and to constantly correct/check yourself.
I understand your rage against the racially-inspired attacks and the failure of the world system . But by choosing to refrain from generalising most Poles as racists, you won't be defeated by the system... you'll be rising above it.