History /
Poland and World War 2 -- Many history books prior to the wars end [37]
Listed below is an assortment of books pertaining to Poland and World War II.
All the books are in English, and are free to download.
A few of these were published by the Polish Ministry of Information during WW2, and quite a lot of these were published prior to the end of the war.
The Black Book of Polandarchive.org/details/TheBlackBookOfPoland
The Black Book of Polish Jewry (1943)archive.org/details/the-black-book-of-polish-jewry-1943/mode/2up
The Destruction of The Polish Elite: Operation AB - Katynarchive.org/details/the-destruction-of-the-polish-elite-operation-ab-katyn/mode/2up
Spring Held No Hope: The Facts of the German Occupation of Polandarchive.org/details/spring-held-no-hope
Hans Frank's Diaryarchive.org/details/hans-franks-diary
The Nazi Kultur In Polandarchive.org/details/the-nazi-kultur-in-poland
Murder of a Nation: German Destruction of Polish Culturearchive.org/details/murder-of-a-nation-german-destruction-of-polish-culture
German Failures in Poland: Natural Obstacles to Nazi Population Policyarchive.org/details/german-failures-in-poland-natural-obstacles-to-nazi-population-policy
The Quest for German Blood: Policy of Germanization in Polandarchive.org/details/the-quest-for-german-blood-policy-of-germanization-in-poland/page/4/mode/2up
Poland Under Nazi Occupationarchive.org/details/PolandUnderNaziOccupation/mode/2up
The New Order in Polandarchive.org/details/TheNewOrderInPoland
Where the Storm Broke: Poland from Yesterday to Tomorrowarchive.org/details/WhereTheStormBrokePolandFromYesterdayToTomorrow
Quotes reduced/removed.