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Posts by AmastiCleveland  

Joined: 11 Dec 2021 / Male ♂
Last Post: 11 Dec 2021
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From: Cleveland
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11 Dec 2021
Genealogy / What does my Polish name mean? [400]


Surname Mastej-Setlak

Does anyone know anything about the surname Mastej and the family history behind the name? From the Galician region of southern Poland.. When my great grandfather Jan Mastej came to America came to America with his 2 kids Julia and Joseph and pregnant his wife Magdalena Setlak Mastej. In 1919 Ellis island had them change the name to Masti and that is what my current last name is to this day.. When they got to America they traveled to Caspian, Michigan.. Magdalena died while giving birth to my grandfather Adam, and the doctor also presumed my grandfather dead and threw him onto a bed where he bounced onto the floor. Adam was still alive and never knew of this incident until he enlisted in the army for ww2 and was asked of his broken shoulder during a physical? He knew nothing about it and had to ask his sister Julia Masti who informed him.. The doctor was ran out of town and later the Mastej's moved to Cleveland to work in the steel mills..

I was looking for information related to Possible brothers and sisters of Jan's as well as cousins and so on... I do not have birthplace information ether.. Only from poland and at the time it was under Austria-Hungary control and his immigration papers show that as his country as well.. Ruddy skin complexion , green eyes and height 6'0 foot. His fathers name was Petar Mastej. Jan remarried to Anna Tipprovich and they had 1 daughter together. Anna had 2 boys from her widowed husband Eddy & Charlie Tipprovich. Eddy would later change his last name to Masti to help him get a job in the steel mills. My name is Adam Masti and I was named after my grandfather Adam Masti. Adam fought in ww2 in Anzio while in the army and was a truck driver. He died in 1989 in Parma,Ohio a suburb of Cleveland.

Let me know if anyone has any information on the surname Mastej.