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Posts by Novichok  

Joined: 17 Nov 2020 / Female ♀
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3 Jan 2021
News / Poles say a big YES to our European Union [957]

Simple yes or no is enough.

I would not let them in in the first place. Moot point. If I did, how many places on Earth would I be expected to help? Name that number.

abusive husbands can be dealt with easily through legal procedures and the police.

Those things take years and only if she is not scared to actually file a criminal complaint. What if she is? How long can she stay with you then?

You are again letting yourself be carried away. I thought we are talking about real refugees.

Only those who flew directly from Syria to WE are "real refugees". Others are econ bums.
3 Jan 2021
Life / Vandalism in Poland: Has it always been this way? [80]

While you told me to ask a beaten inmate and left me on my own.

Millions of words were spoken and written about violence in prisons, but you still insist on talking to one of them. Good move.
3 Jan 2021
News / Poles say a big YES to our European Union [957]

That`s inhumane. Even worse, it`s bad attitude.

Ah, that selective reading and retention. You are good at it. So let me make it a bit harder and refresh your memory:

If I did, how many places on Earth would I be expected to help? Name that number.

So, are you working on that number? To lessen the effort, I will make it a multiple-choice question: 2, 5, 10, or 20? Pick one closest to your best choice.
3 Jan 2021
Life / Vandalism in Poland: Has it always been this way? [80]

Are all convicts beaten in prisons???

Not all. So?

You told me to ask inmates.

That was a figure of speech. Like a rhetorical question, except not a question.
Pretending that the threat of violence is not a deterrent is beneath any reasonable conversation between adults. If you have to prove THAT to you as a prerequisite, my suggestion is that you reserve this debating technique for the children in your school. I am sure you can find them very receptive to it in grade 1.

In the adult world, certain things are what we call axiomatic and do not require proof. Otherwise, all civilized life would come to a screeching halt.
3 Jan 2021
News / Poles say a big YES to our European Union [957]

Why are you so obsessed with numbers??

Because ALL planning - and that includes spending money - is ALWAYS based on and expressed in numbers. Always. We can them "budgets" - a concept unknown to the touchy-feely weasel leftists.
3 Jan 2021
Life / Vandalism in Poland: Has it always been this way? [80]

If punishment was all it took there would be no crime.

The modern-day punishment punishes society twice. It's expensive and turns criminals into better criminals when they graduate. Physical pain or public humiliation would be a lot more effective. Take an average john. He would rather spend a month in jail than have his name and picture in the local paper. Add to this six whacks and he will never do it again.

Probaby those convicts didn`t contact you and don`t realize they should feel deterred by potential violence from inmates.

They don't deter because, as I just explained, they are just crime factories. Why? Because Western prisons are just long-term, free-room-and-board motels with med benefits. You can even demand a sex-change operation. All for free on my dime. Some deterrent.
3 Jan 2021
News / Poles say a big YES to our European Union [957]

That`s an old communist obsession.

That's your obsession, too, since you plan your life on the basis of available resources. Just like every liberal in the US. It's only when the money-wise-at-home leftists get hold of the taxpayers' money that they turn into the biggest and the most irresponsible morons ever.
3 Jan 2021
News / Poles say a big YES to our European Union [957]

Germany decided to not close the borders in an effort to prevent the refugee crisis from destabilizing Southern Europe

If you want to be a standup comedian I have plenty of material for you.
What a load of self-serving crap...Even my cat would know that by this idiotic act that stupid woman of yours told the world to come on over - the door is wide open and there is plenty of stuff behind it.

So, your choice is that she was either that stupid or that she was as conniving as we claim here and now - a moron who for a short term political advantage, with a reckless disregard for the future of the whites race, by trying to appear loving and caring, opened the flood gates for the hordes she immediately wanted to share with others - the victim nations like Poland who never operated extermination camps and feel no guilt to assuage.
3 Jan 2021
News / Poles say a big YES to our European Union [957]

Why is it so difficult to admit that you made a mistake

That was not a mistake. A mistake is if FedEx delivers a package to the wrong house.
What Germany and that idiot did was a crime of genocide against the whites who, by her criminal intent, became second class citizens in their own country - eventually to be out populated by hostile "guests" who would never leave while happily on the natives' welfare.

young men who often didn't even try to conceal the fact that they are migrating for economic reasons, not fleeing from war

In many cases, those hordes would be 80% men. What kind of refugee would leave his wife and kids in a "war zone" and end up in a nice German hotel for years?

A fake econ bum.
3 Jan 2021
Life / Vandalism in Poland: Has it always been this way? [80]

We had that and still there was crime.

You are confusing deterrence with the pecking order. Once inside, it's the gangs and the gang top who sets the rules and enforces them. A new prisoner is well advised to belong to one of them and to obey. Prison guards are his last problem.

Google Dahmer. It was the prisoners who delivered justice to him, not the system or the guards.
3 Jan 2021
News / Poles say a big YES to our European Union [957]

Close the borders, disrupting trade and causing economic

Another bulls**t. Every country has two borders: one for people and another one for goods. And they are independent.

knowing that Germany was capable of dealing with the refugees

Another bs. If Germany was capable, why did it try to offload them on others?
3 Jan 2021
Life / Vandalism in Poland: Has it always been this way? [80]

Those colourful benches were a citizens' project approved by the city

What was the idea behind the project? Who were these citizens? Random people or an organization?

As far as fear of violence as deterrence...This is how it works. A woman is abused by her husband. When the cops come over, he claims he has anger issues.

Now, place her 250-lb weight lifting wrestler brother next to the hubby. Poof, his desire to act on his anger is gone just like that. Amazing how it works.

The difference between this scenario and the cops looking for a graffiti vandal is that the punishment is swift and assured. With the vandals, it's neither because our societies are now matriarchal and full of that "they are just kids" crap. They need hugs, not caning. Sure
3 Jan 2021
News / Poles say a big YES to our European Union [957]

Goods and people go on the same road.

Because they are allowed. Nothing easier than filtering out people as opposed to objects. The US stopped the flights from China and Europe, but the goods were allowed, as far as I know.
3 Jan 2021
Life / Vandalism in Poland: Has it always been this way? [80]

Yes, I know, it was my mistake but I said city earlier in post 10.

You pleaded guilty too soon. "Town" is used in reference to bigger objects than a dot on the map like Kielce. How about "my kind of town Chicago is".

Also, "downtown", not downcity.
3 Jan 2021
News / Poles say a big YES to our European Union [957]

I should be allowed to use examples to show that a general statement is incorrect. In this case that if goods are allowed in so must people. False every which way. We know how to allow one without the other.
3 Jan 2021
Life / Vandalism in Poland: Has it always been this way? [80]

The idea behind the rainbow benches?

One thing I really don't like is when somebody takes me for an idiot.
I googled "Kielce benches" and those colors are all about LGBTRSXFDSO. Just as that display in Warsaw na placu Zbawiciela - now permanent. The claim that the colors are just rainbow and oh so cheerful is as dishonest as that "I am gay" means that the guy is simply happy.

Pawian, don't do this anymore. I am older than 7.
4 Jan 2021
Life / Vandalism in Poland: Has it always been this way? [80]

Not according to the initiators of the project :)

What did you expect? That they would admit their pro-gay agenda and that those benches are their little Trojan horses before they will apply for a full-on gay parade permit featuring masochism and other perversions?

They lied to smuggle that LGTQ crap into the city and society. Go slow so they will not notice is a known trick and that is why gays picked those cute, kid-friendly colors and sweet-sounding words like "gay" in the first place. Who could possibly resist pretty colors and being gay? Oh, how lovely...

Please don't insult my intelligence. It may be low but still sufficient for me to know when I am being insulted and my chain yanked.
4 Jan 2021
News / Poles say a big YES to our European Union [957]

I just did that several times now. Merkel had the choice between two options

You can repeat that crap 1000 times and nobody here will believe it unless you show evidence that she did her best to keep the hordes away. Instead, she invited the scum. Rather than deporting the hordes out, she tried to deport them within. Like to Poland.

If you close the border for refugees

If you "close the borders", they would be in Germany illegally and subject to deportation, not as welcome "guests".
4 Jan 2021
Life / Vandalism in Poland: Has it always been this way? [80]

What exactly??

Telling me all that bull how those colors were picked only because of the sky, not because they are gay. Don't do that.

Rainbow benches are just colorful, believe us.

I just said that I don't like being insulted and you are still at it. They could have painted them all colors - one color per bench. It would be less expensive, but they didn't because it would be less gay.
4 Jan 2021
Life / Vandalism in Poland: Has it always been this way? [80]

Not a proof, indeed.
In real life, we apply the "more likely than not" standard, not "proof beyond a reasonable doubt", or, worse yet, beyond any doubt. If we didn't, life would be impossible outside courthouses. So, for now, if it looks like a duck...
4 Jan 2021
Life / Vandalism in Poland: Has it always been this way? [80]

There two standards used in the courts of law - more likely than not and beyond a reasonable doubt. Which one do you use in your daily life? Did you invent the third one? If so, please tell us all about it. I am holding my breath...

In case that concept is too hard to understand...A guy with a gun walks into the bank and demands money, gets it, and leaves. Later, he says that he was just testing their security system and that he was planning to return the cash the next day. Do you believe him or do you find him guilty? According to your "logic", you have no proof that he is lying.

Pawian, you are a nice guy, but you embarrass yourself with the posts like the one above. Really.
4 Jan 2021
Life / Vandalism in Poland: Has it always been this way? [80]

Exactly. First its a bench, then come sexually explicit acts in front of children

Slow always does it. It's been tried over the centuries and found very effective. "It's only" goes the argument. For now.
Those benches...Can you imagine how hard it is to paint a bench like that using 7 different colors? They could have colored up that park using one color per bench. I could do one in ten minutes blindfolded. But, for some strange reason that has absolutely nothing - not even a tiny bit - to do with guys f**king guys they chose those "rainbow" colors. Sure. And I am a fluent Chinese speaker...

Just another proof how deeply irrational homophobia is.

Google NAMBLA before posting idiotic posts. "In front" is nothing compared to "with" these perverts "love" to perform.
4 Jan 2021
Life / Vandalism in Poland: Has it always been this way? [80]

There is no phobia at all,

They like to dangle that "phobia" to suggest that it is we who needs treatment, not the biologically useless perverts. Or some sicko who thinks that a dick is a female organ.
4 Jan 2021
News / Poles say a big YES to our European Union [957]

Oh Papacy rejoice with new souls on the market.

...because this parasite is responsible for nothing while faking that knows everything.
4 Jan 2021
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

propagated by white supremacists.

You are so correct. In Zimbabwe and Nigeria, men are oh so happy to be househusbands, cook, wash and change diapers while the women hunt and operate heavy machinery. Damn those black supremacists.

look at me - when I was a little boy, I played with a doll which depicted a black baby

...and it shows.
4 Jan 2021
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

Marxist thinking, Marxist thinking never changes.

...because Marxist "thinking" is to split, pervert, and destroy what people derive most of their strength from - their family.

Send women to work, and the family will very soon be dysfunctional with the cute little boys morphing into unsupervised teenage thugs. That, in turn, helps grow the power of the ruling class - to fight crime, of course. As an extra bonus, women competing with their husbands lower the wages and, effectively, keep the family income the same if you honestly account for all the expenses.

With that career going, the last thing the liberated woman wants is to get romantic when all she wants is half-hour without the madness of motherhood. Which quickly leads to the next logical steps - an office girlfriend for the unfulfilled hubby, divorce, and welfare.

despite race.

Post fact backpedalling...

propagated by white supremacists.

Too late to remove "white"?
4 Jan 2021
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

I will believe that women want to be equal the moment the first one says to her husband in the dead of night: Hon, stay here. I will go downstairs to check who is at the door.
4 Jan 2021
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

nothing stops

...except for that 70 cents on a dollar women make because they choose the rewarding careers at nursing homes and kindergartens instead of on the Alaska oil rigs or in coal mines.

What`s the problem? hahaha

The problem is that they never do. Just like lesbians can but don't.