26 Jan 2020
Life / A good Geriatric Doctor in Krakow [5]
Hey Everybody, My mother-in-law in Krakow has a medicine cabinet that looks like an Apteka. She takes way too many pills and I am in need of a good Doctor that will look at these medications and target contraindications. We understand that it most likely have to be a private visit and will have to pay. Thanks for any help in advance !
Moja mama zazywa bardzo duzo lekarstw przepisanych jej przez specjalistow, potrzebujemy dobrego geriatre ktory moze sprawdzic czy wszystkie te leki interferuja ze soba i jezeli to konieczne objac mame leczeniem.
Hey Everybody, My mother-in-law in Krakow has a medicine cabinet that looks like an Apteka. She takes way too many pills and I am in need of a good Doctor that will look at these medications and target contraindications. We understand that it most likely have to be a private visit and will have to pay. Thanks for any help in advance !
Moja mama zazywa bardzo duzo lekarstw przepisanych jej przez specjalistow, potrzebujemy dobrego geriatre ktory moze sprawdzic czy wszystkie te leki interferuja ze soba i jezeli to konieczne objac mame leczeniem.