The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Intermarium  

Joined: 28 Dec 2018 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - O
Last Post: 29 Jan 2019
Threads: Total: 11 / Live: 2 / Archived: 9
Posts: Total: 64 / Live: 14 / Archived: 50

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9 Jan 2019
Life / Live-in maids in Poland? [5]

Is this unheard of in Poland?

Anyone have experience with live-in maids? Would be interested in knowing the costs.
20 Jan 2019
Life / Feeling ashamed of my Polish heritage. [237]

Just think about what it's like for a German living under the Merkel Regime. That's tough.

The current Polish government seems like one of the better governments in Europe. They're doing a good job keeping the immigrants out. One thing that could be improved is stopping the coal burning. Some parts of Poland have appalling air quality.
20 Jan 2019
Life / Feeling ashamed of my Polish heritage. [237]

Completely agree. I was referring to Germany being the worst of current national governments.

Although I'd probably concede that Sweden is even worse.

The OP should be proud to be Polish and to have a government that protects the Polish people from degeneracy.
20 Jan 2019
Life / Feeling ashamed of my Polish heritage. [237]

My understanding is that a unanimous vote of all other EU members would be necessary to impose sanctions on a member country. Poland and Hungary have each others' backs. Most of the EU's former communist members and Italy and Austria may offer resistance too.

One other question for Rich Mazur, which is related to the OP's question... What is the likelihood that you see of Poland's internal politics creating a situation in the near future that opens the floodgates for third-world immigration?
21 Jan 2019
Life / Feeling ashamed of my Polish heritage. [237]

On other posts I noticed the issue of Indian workers come up, and it seemed like the consensus was that most of them aren't interested in a long-term stay in Poland. They have a skill and would rather be making more in Germany or the UK (or go back to India).

This alone doesn't mean the death of Poland, as long as it's not being used as a way to slowly make the Poles accustomed to accepting immigrants with the aim of later introducing mass welfare immigration.
21 Jan 2019
Life / Feeling ashamed of my Polish heritage. [237]

I suppose that it may boil down to whether Poland is willing to be poor if that is necessary in order to remain Polish, or would rather begin the slow but sure destruction of the Polish ethnicity for the sake of pursuing short-term economic gains.
22 Jan 2019
Life / Feeling ashamed of my Polish heritage. [237]

Those Pakistanis are British in terms of nationality, just as Steven Seagall is Russian and Serbian.
29 Jan 2019
Life / Murder / Homocide rates in Poland [18]

I'm looking at a Wikipedia map of homocide rates and see that Poland has one of the lowest rates, especially among countries with over one million people. Only 256 homocides in 2016 with a murder rate lower than that of Denmark, New Zealand, and Sweden.

I don't think of Poles as being violent, but was still a bit surprised to see such a low number.
29 Jan 2019
Life / Murder / Homocide rates in Poland [18]

OK I found the list of countries by traffic-related death rate. Poland doesn't score as well, but still better than Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Serbia, and the USA.

What do you think the reason is for Poland having so many traffic death? Unsafe roads, drinking, speeding, not paying attention?

What about pedestrians being struck by cars? Is this frequent in Poland?
29 Jan 2019
Life / Murder / Homocide rates in Poland [18]

I found the condition of the roads to be quite good in Poland, but the taxi drivers did drive too fast at night.

Of EU countries, only Lithuania has a higher rate.
29 Jan 2019
Life / Murder / Homocide rates in Poland [18]

I used the list of countries by intentional homocide rate on Wikipedia. Maybe it's the "intentional" part that's the source of discrepancy. In any case, 519 is still fairly low given Poland's population of nearly 40 million.
29 Jan 2019
Life / Murder / Homocide rates in Poland [18]


It's possible to kill someone by accident when you were only trying to beat him up. I suppose that would not qualify as an intentional homicide.

Manslaughter could be unintentionally running over a pedestrian while speeding.
29 Jan 2019
Life / Murder / Homocide rates in Poland [18]

I'm not a lawyer, but in my mind the death of the Gdansk mayor became an intentional homicide once he died of his wounds.

It's difficult to make precise comparisons across countries due to the differing legal defintions of crimes across countries, states, and regions.

Nonetheless, the figures provide a ballpark indication of a country's violent crime.