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Posts by AdrianK9  

Joined: 16 Feb 2016 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 30 May 2016
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Posts: 364
From: Chicago, Il
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Interests: Poland, Music, Cars, Racing, Investments, Real Estate, Construction,

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25 May 2016
Law / Statistics of crime rates in Poland [37]

Yes marijuana is becoming much more popular in Poland. Apparently, not just among the youth either. In fact, I've read several statistics that Poland consistently ranks in the top 3 in EU for percentage of people who smoke marijuana in the last year. France, Czech, Netherlands and Poland consistently rank at the top. Even before Poland joined the EU, a lot of the 'vice' shops like the sex shops, head shops, etc. were popping up everywhere. There use to be a bit of smart shops that would sell synthetic chemical drugs made in China, India or even some locally (i.e. Mocasz - which means strongman) but those are like the synthetic marijuana, bath salt, etc. type of drugs that people freak out on. Poland has outlawed these shops and much of the synthetic drugs. They really are terrible - people go crazy, act violent, develop tremors, kidney problems, and all sorts of other issues. The problem is that the chemists are really entrepreneurial and already have the next analogs lined up to hit the market once the existing ones become banned. It's a game of catch up that the cops and medical professionals play. I don't know why people would even use drugs that are made in some lab in China or bathtub in an abandoned house and have basically no history of human consumption nor medical testing.

However, possession laws are still pretty strict. I know someone who's in jail right now for 1 year because he was caught with a joint in his car. However, he had a previous record and didn't bother getting a private attorney (I don't think he could afford it). It's kind of ridiculous because in Poland if you're caught with say like 100 grams of marijuana, you'll get a much harsher sentence than you would in the US - jail is pretty much inevitable in that situation unless you have an excellent attorney, have an absolutely clean record, pay enormous fines, and do tons and tons of other stuff. In the US, if it's all in one bag, you'll probably get probation in most states. While in others it'd be a ticket - like in Ohio it'd be a $200 some dollar fine you wouldn't even have to go to court for.

I believe there was some push to decriminalize personal possession of small amounts but I don't know if that passed though or not. It's ridiculous because small amounts of even soft drugs carry far worse penalties than in the US or in the west. However, if you're caught with like 10 kilos of cocaine, heroin, or some hard drugs - you'll probably do like 5-7 years for that. 8-10 at the very most. In the US, you'd be looking at at least 20 years, potentially even life if you've had a previous trafficking or intent to sell charge.

which relieved judges from the duty of investigating the case themselves.

Isn't that the prosecutor's job?

in fact if the person is just a bit over the limit, they don't even lose their licence.

It really really depends on the cop, locality, how hard they're cracking down, and if cops are just arresting people to boost their arrest rates up and make themselves look good. For example, the bishop, cardinal (forgot his exact title - RCC hierarchy) of Warsaw got a 4 year license suspension and a bunch of community service for driving drunk - and not just a few beers, like he was wasted. In some areas, the police conduct sobriety checkpoints and they'll almost always nab at least one person a day. If you look up the charges of people who are in jail, you'll find that quite a few are there because of driving or biking while intoxicated. The limit is far less than in the US too - I believe it's like .02 or .04 or something... not exactly sure but I do know for a fact it's less than the .08 in the US.

Both very ineffective, corrupt and incompetent.

100% agree. It's a mix of old commie vestige with hastily changed laws to make Poland appear more democratic and EU friendly while still retaining a strict Catholic conservative stance. Some aspects of crime and punishment were actually far more lenient under Communism - but of course freedom of speech, press, assembly, etc. was limited and a person could be charged with 'crimes against the state' for something that would be considered normal today. However, things like abortion though were legal in communism.

- and have you often heard Poles admit they're wrong?

No, of course not. We're always right
25 May 2016
Law / Statistics of crime rates in Poland [37]

No, people in Poland are pretty much against such laws.

This was a while back - like around 2003-2004 I believe when there was a push for decriminalization of possession. Most older Poles and those in government, both on the left and right, still have a pretty unfavorable view of drug use even if its soft drugs like marijuana. Some even still believe in the 'reefer madness' view of marijuana. In Oborniki, there was like 4 people in Oborniki that would always get high on kompot and take relanium. They were doing it when my parents got married, when I was a child, and still would walk around begging for change and stealing stuff last time I visited there. One of them has since died but from the town gossip it appears the other 3 are still going at it. No one socializes with them and they were viewed as total scum. There's been a bit of changing attitude towards marijuana but most drugs are still viewed very negatively especially by the older generations.The youth is ever more into marijuana though as they watch MTV and it's all Polish rappers rap about (i..e Borixon, Popek, Ganja Mafia, etc.). Amphetamines are popular among some students and working class as well.

The Czechs decriminalized possession in small amounts of ALL drugs - yet hard drug use is pretty low there. The government argued that it would boost tourism and that Prague would be seen as like an 'Amsterdam of the East'

I think if a person wants to do drugs, liberal laws or lack there of aren't going to change that. Iran has the largest percentage of heroin addicts despite having very strict laws and being pretty much a theocracy. Same with Saudi Arabia -much of the wealthy youth sits at home and gets high because there's little else to do. On the other hand, marijuana is just about everywhere in the Netherlands, yet the rates of marijuana use by locals tend to be lower than France, Czech, Poland, etc.

Ewa Kopacz came up with a clever solution to this - instead of banning them, the sellers get prosecuted under food safety laws. I

Good. Those synthetic drugs like bath salts are just awful. There's been so many cases where people have gotten seizures, ended up in hospitals overdosing and needed to be restrained by 5 people

If they can do it, you can bust the big guys while the small time guy gets a fine and nothing more. Makes sense to me.

In US that is common. Oftentimes, police won't even charge a person for possession if they agree to work as an informant. Likewise, if a person is in jail/prison or facing a lengthy sentence, they can become an informant to reduce their sentence or even get out of jail/prison in some circumstances. I don't know if this is 100% accurate as I'm not an expert on this topic, but to my understanding that in Poland the police don't really do controlled purchases or use informants in the manner that the police in the US and other countries do.

Yep, .02 it is. Must say, it's a good law - Poles are idiots on the roads, and letting them have any more than 0.2 in the system is asking for trouble.

The craziest thing I've seen on Polish roads is truck drivers driving in the opposite direction - going into incoming traffic to avoid paying tolls.

I agree though, the last thing the roads need is more drunken Polish drivers.
25 May 2016
News / Poland's post-election political scene [4080]

Disgraceful refusal to contribute to the refugee crisis in ANY tangible way - drawing world-wide condemnation.

What are you talking about? Poland has taken in tens of thousands of Chechens and Ukrainians. Poland is a sovereign country and the democratically elected government can decide who they want to or don't want to take in. Don't forget that PO didn't want to take in migrants at first either - namely because the majority of Poles don't want Arabs and Africans in their country.

Badmouthing US presidents who saved the Balkans from wider genocide

Actually, much of the Serbs were proven not guilty. Also, the fact that Croatia attacked Serbia first, Kosovars were killing Serb cops left and right, and that thousands of Serbs were massacred near Srebnica BEFORE July 1995 is somehow avoided.

Attempted coup of the highest law in the land

Kind of like how PO illegally put in it's own justices and PiS refused to accept them? Yes, they shouldn't of removed all of them, but the fact remains PO pulled a fast one before they were elected out.

Manipulating the media

You do realize that in many cases the government is the one who pays the people - hence, as their boss they can decide who to hire and fire

Xenophobic rhetoric

Polska dla Polakow!! Again, according to the University of Warsaw, 69% of Poles do not want non-white immigration in their country. That means we don't want Arabs and Africans that carry diseases and protozoa = ) The government is actually listening to the people who elected them. Don't forget - PO was very much against taking in migrants too till they gave into to EU pressure like a bunch of pu$$y lipped b!tches

Ridiculous audit claims as to financial "mismanagement"

You obviously don't know who owns most of assets in banks in Poland - it's foreigners. 60% of bank assets are foreign owned to be precise. The Warburgs literally WROTE Poland's bank privatization bill in 1991. Our banks are owned by international Zionist bankers - much like the banks of England and the US. It's time to change this for the good of the country and the people. Poles are sick of all these claims of a rapidly growing and healthy economy (which it is - no question about that) while the people are still poor compared to their western counterparts. Poland has been exploited by westerners and Zionists and used as a land of cheap labor - we're like the Mexico of Europe and it's time to change that.

Banging on about the sovereign importance of a medieval religion

Catholicism is supremely important in Poland and to Polish people. If you don't like Catholicism, Poland isn't the place for you. We are a religious conservative proud people. Catholicism will always remain a part of Poland. It is far too important to us and represents our history, our culture, our customs, and our traditions. Catholicism is one of the most important, arguably the most important, aspect of Poland's identity. (FYI - I'm referring to actual Poles - not the Jewish Poles like Michnik who's loyalties lie with his tribe and Israel)


We don't like gay people. Again, see the section about Catholicism. There's a reason why you see 'Zakaz Pedalowania' signs. According to a CBOS survey, the majority of Poles would not accept a gay teacher, priest, child minder, or even a gay boss. Poles do not believe in gay marriage and do not want gays to adopt children. We do not want to legalize deviant behavior - if that is what you seek - go a couple thousand km to the west. We don't want gay propaganda and gay marriage here.

Nationalists on our streets (2 blackshirts offered violence to me a week ago and kicked my dog)

Good. Serves you right for bad mouthing my country. Take it as a hint that you don't belong here and your beliefs are not welcome here - we don't want a multicultural, pro gay, race mixed, anti-Catholic society.

You have NO respect in Western Europe and they are laughing at you and your sort. And no, you do not behave decently in any meaning of the word

In case you haven't noticed, PiS along with many Poles is finally starting to realize that they don't really care a whole lot about what Brussels thinks about us. We finally have a government that is standing up to the EU and it's hegemony. A significant minority of Poles is even calling for Poland to leave to the EU because of how much they don't want migrants to come in.
25 May 2016
News / Poland directly threatened by ISIS. Do Islamists planning terrorist attacks in Poland? [390]

Leadership of Poland that recognized Kosovo didn`t betray only Serbians but also betrayed Poles

I'm sorry Crow - at least know that me and my family will always see Kosovo as Serbian. This was Serbian land and it was only thanks to the invading, head chopping massacring Turks that Muslims came to that area.

It's only because Poland is trying too hard to be like the west and imitate what some other western countries are doing in this regard.
26 May 2016
Love / Arabs: "Polish women are easy and stupid" [132]

Saudi clerics released a how to video for husbands on how to properly beat their wives... if a picture is worth a thousand words, a video is worth a million..

I have mentioned this a few times also and still no response defending the Muslim practice.

That's because it doesn't reflect 'moderate Muslims' according to the multi kulti lovers.

However, Pew research did an extensive study which showed that the majority of citizens of Arab countries support Sharia law. Many support terrorist organizations, killing infidels, and other 'moderate' actions.

Islam is an aggressive political religion - much like Zionism... There's a reason why Saudi Arabia won't take in refugees, won't give financial aid, but has no problem spending hundreds of millions of dollars solely for the purpose of building mosques in Europe. The Saudi government use to fund terrorist groups in Bosnia during the 90's and 2000's as well.

The worst thing is there's so much Muslim influence on western nations. Even Common Core textbooks are sponsored by Arab countries like Qatar (a big Hillary donor by the way).
26 May 2016
UK, Ireland / A new mayor in London: opinion of Polish people in the UK? [317]

I think it's funny how a good portion of Poles who want to have their cake and eat it too - they want Britain to remain in the EU so they can contribute funds into the EU - billions of which went to Poland but at the same time want Poland to leave as they feel Poland has given up it's sovereignty and kow towing to Brussels's political bullying in terms of the migrant issue.
27 May 2016
UK, Ireland / A new mayor in London: opinion of Polish people in the UK? [317]

women covering their faces

I thought this was illegal in France - apparently the cops don't bother to go into no go zones, I'm sorry I meant 'special urban zones' to enforce the law.

Sounds more like London took a time machine to the previous millennium. What a dump.

Democrats and liberals say that Republicans and conservatives will turn back women's right 50 years...

Yet, the liberals love to kiss the Muslimes' collective asses even though their women's rights are even worse than medieval Europe's.
28 May 2016
Travel / Mosques in Krakow? [131]

We have a mosque in Wroclaw and I know there's one in Warsaw as well. The Tatars in eastern Poland and around Warsaw I don't mind - they are very well assimilated, they speak Polish, they contribute taxes, and are not welfare leeches who push their extremist sharia agenda like those in the 'special urban zones' (aka no go zones) of Western Europe or the Somalis in the US.

Saudi Arabia is the one who's funding all these mosques being built all over Europe. The country won't take refugees, won't spend money to build new centers, but gladly donates hundreds of millions of dollars to build mosques all over Europe. In the 90's and 2000's, the Saudi government funded terrorist groups operating out of Bosnia. The European center of jihad appears to now be Belgium and France.

I like how the Russians deal with migrants and mosques. Russian police were called to a mosque because there were explosive materials inside. Well, the police decided that it was too much trouble transporting the explosives so they decided to detonate the explosives inside the building. Kills two birds with one stone - explosives are disposed of and so is the mosque. Genius.

The last thing we need is more mosques in Poland to appease crazy migrants. Again, I don't have a problem with the Tatars - throughout history many of them have even defended Poland against foreign enemies. However, the migrants there we've been seeing from Africa and Arab countries for the past few years and entire different violent, supremacist, freeloading breed.
30 May 2016
News / Poland directly threatened by ISIS. Do Islamists planning terrorist attacks in Poland? [390]

non white ≠ muslims, there are white muslims (from Syria even), and catholics who have darker skin tones (also from syria), you can also find similar or other variations in other countries.

I know and we accept them. We've taken in Tatars and recently we've been taking Chechens - which many are fine in all honesty and assimilate.

Also, Poland has said that they wouldn't mind taking in Catholic refugees from the Arab world - Syria, Iraq, etc. A few have came in but not too many - most people in general though go for the west because it's richer and the culture is friendlier to them.
30 May 2016
News / Poland directly threatened by ISIS. Do Islamists planning terrorist attacks in Poland? [390]

Daesh adhere to Wahabi/Salafi schools of Islam...

Saudi Arabia spends hundred of millions to finance mosques in Europe..

Eventually the two will intersect.

Terrorism has no religion

Yes but most terrorist attacks are vastly caused by Muslims. The number of jihadi terrorist attacks versus right wing, IRA, FARC, whatever. It doesn't even compare. Over 20k people a year are killed due to Muslim terror attacks every year now. There's terror attacks every single almost every single day in the Middle East.