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Posts by mduda11  

Joined: 6 Sep 2015 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 Sep 2015
Threads: Total: 1 / Live: 0 / Archived: 1
Posts: Total: 6 / Live: 4 / Archived: 2
From: USA, Alabama
Speaks Polish?: mowiÄ™ trochÄ™
Interests: History, genealogy

Displayed posts: 4
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6 Sep 2015
Law / Karta Polaka - is it possible to obtain by a Polish-American citizen? [15]

This information from the consulate in Chicago seems to contradict what you are saying.

Seems to say that Americans of Polish decent, active in the Polish community and proving their family connection, can apply for the card.

DominicB I am not sure why you are so irritable with me on this issue. I apologize if I have offended you.
6 Sep 2015
Law / Karta Polaka - is it possible to obtain by a Polish-American citizen? [15]

It might help to add that my immigrant grandparents never became US citizens, and that the goal for the card would be to possibly start a branch of my company in Poland, and maybe move there perminantly.

Also, I know that the Sejm and president were recently talking about further extending benefits to polonia to possibly offset those leaving Poland. Have there been any developments in this area?

From what I have read, I thought the card was available to more than just former soviet countries. Is there a government citation defining this?
6 Sep 2015
Law / Karta Polaka - is it possible to obtain by a Polish-American citizen? [15]

Merged: Karta Polaka/Polish Card application process

I am an American of Polish decent and have been very interested in the possibilities of being more active in the polonia community, learning more Polish, and maybe applying for the karta polaka.

Has anyone applied and received the card? What was the process like? How difficult was it to attain? How fluent does one have to be in Polish?