21 Aug 2014
Off-Topic / Ukrainian language [50]
This thread is old, but I still want to answer it, maybe my post will help smb. The thing is that I AM Ukrainian, and I do speak Ukrainian with my friends, my family, moreover, I'm proud of it, and I'm proud when foreigners want to learn my mother tongue :) I'm from Western part of Ukraine, and yes, almost all Ukrainians speak Ukrainian here, but we also understand Russian, and no, we won't beat you if you speak Russian in my town :)
This thread is old, but I still want to answer it, maybe my post will help smb. The thing is that I AM Ukrainian, and I do speak Ukrainian with my friends, my family, moreover, I'm proud of it, and I'm proud when foreigners want to learn my mother tongue :) I'm from Western part of Ukraine, and yes, almost all Ukrainians speak Ukrainian here, but we also understand Russian, and no, we won't beat you if you speak Russian in my town :)