The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by princessa  

Joined: 24 Aug 2013 / Female ♀
Last Post: 25 Jan 2014
Threads: Total: 1 / Live: 0 / Archived: 1
Posts: Total: 13 / Live: 3 / Archived: 10
From: Denmark
Speaks Polish?: i understand some but dont speak it...... yet

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25 Jan 2014
Love / Are Polish men handsome to you? [182]

i find most easteuropean guys "ugly" (sorry guys) those ive seen(not all) are chubby, needs a bath and a shave, NEW CLOTHES , and a haircut.....

but i think most of the polish men have a nice smile for some reason... i think my bf is hot ofcause.. hes only 21 :D so he got some time to turn ugly lol just kidding.. and then theres a few others i know i find attractive. and another theres just WOW :O ******* HOT ohhh weeeeeeeeeeeeee :P

i actually thing that most of the men there would look good if they changed the things i mentioned, thye tend to not care much about them self cept from work work and work. and alcohol :D

beside that, i think that polish women are some of the most beautifull women... i sure envy them :P
25 Jan 2014
Love / Do Polish men make good husbands? [107]

no im danish and live in denmark.... i do have options too. but first.. hes nice too. hes my kids father, i do love him, in love.. no..... and i havnt really been single since i was 15 :/ and i have never ever lived alone.. first serious relationship was 7 years.. after i had one on 1 year, and now 5 years. so i have no idea how i would manage to live alone with 2 kids and not die lonely very slowly hehe
22 Jan 2014
Love / Do Polish men make good husbands? [107]

in my case i would say no at some points....

im not married but i have been with my polish boyfriend and lived together almost since day 1, been together for 5 years and have 2 kids. hes 21 and im 29..

he helped me out of a violent relationship back in the days and i was hiding at his moms house for 4 months, back then he was very careing, treated me like a princess and respected me..

he never been romantic tho hehe

as things looks like now.... hes is verryyyyy egoistic, he works 2 jobs (both good and bad) he promise me things allll the time and dont keep the promise... he now drink daily after he got new friends at work who drink, and then he started too :/ he never play with his kids, never really make a convo with them, he never change a diper, he dont even know where the shirts or panths in the closet is, he never pick them up from daycare, hes not really there.. he neverrrr helps at home never, not even when im sick. well he take the trash out after i asked him 20 times,, hes old fashion, think we live in the 1940's or so.. in his head its like. women take care of kids women shop women cook and do everything at home.... men work eat sleep and ****... thats his way of life.. its really sad he changed that much...

with both out kids i had c section.. at first 2 months i wasnt allowed to clean and lift and stuff.. he didnt help... i was crawling on the flor washing it while crying from serious pain, and he didnt help..

why didnt i leave may u all think... good question.... i cnat answer it...

like 90% of his polish male friends. have the same point of view , at first they are like the most careing person in the world... and booom back to 1940's

im not saying everyone is like that because i knwo some who aint...

so hard to say if your man will make a good husband.. you cant predict the future...... its a chance you gotta take and learn from mistakes