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Posts by pedromiguelppin  

Joined: 5 Feb 2013 / Male ♂
Last Post: 14 Feb 2013
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Posts: Total: 17 / Live: 7 / Archived: 10
From: Portugal
Speaks Polish?: Not really

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14 Feb 2013
Life / Why is circumcision not practiced in Poland? [701]

To answer to the topic question, maybe because they are a civilized country. No matter which opinion you have (if it looks nicer, smells better...), circumcise someone without any medical reason is just a barbaric mutilation, like many other that you can still see in some African countries and everyone will condemn. In my country is also not a common practice at all, I even think you can only do it after some good medical reason/justification. My mother always told me that when I was a small child my doctor always check that to be sure it's not needed to take the EXTREME measure of circumcision. When you will be over 18 if you would like to make that because you like it, its your right like some woman can increase the breast size, or someone can make a tattoo, BUT do it to a born child without any medical reason is just an ancient non sense mutilation that should be forbidden, at least in modern civilized countries!
8 Feb 2013
Language / POLISH 18 - 30 years old know MUCH BETTER ENGLISH language than their own native language! [102]

The main reason is that no one cares (95% or so) about english classes, so we are just learn enough to pass in the exams, because when people are in high school usually think what for I need english... Then when you think to change your country or keep with the studies you start to realize it would be good if you pay more attention to english classes in the pass...

I agree that is difficult to reach a very good/perfect level of english, what I want to say is that it's easy in few weeks of studding learn enough to keep a basic conversation in english. Now try this with polish, portuguese, french, italian... for not speak in reaching a medium level. In english you have very few irregular verbs that are not almost all the time the same for every person (me, you,...) in portuguese or italian you have more then 10 different verbal times, each one with completely different conjugation for each person/each verbal time, not like in english that 90% of the times you just need to use an auxiliary verb and its always the same (+/-)
8 Feb 2013
Language / POLISH 18 - 30 years old know MUCH BETTER ENGLISH language than their own native language! [102]

If English is quite an "easy" language, why then is yours so poor, pedromiguelppin?? One would think that the easier the language, the better one would know it:-)

I never said my english was good!!!! Me being bad in english, prove that english it's not a easy to learn language? Do you know how many years I learn english!?

If you want stupid arguments, I can give you one... I'm 10000000% sure my english is better then your portuguese...
8 Feb 2013
History / "Westerner's" most ridiculous beliefs about the time of communism in Poland [73]

I was talking about ideals... political ideologies are apply by humans, and humans are far from being perfect. Now I can agree that communism has the fear and lack of justice part, but in the socialism I can't agree... portugal, for example is changing every 4/8 years between social democratic and socialist party, honestly I can't say which one is more effective (probably non of them) but I can say that mainly we are a socialist country and no one is afraid to express their opinion and the injustice that may exist is only because of incompetence and/or some corruption (independent of the political ideology).
8 Feb 2013
Language / POLISH 18 - 30 years old know MUCH BETTER ENGLISH language than their own native language! [102]

Common the point of this thread was suppose to be a joke, of course in average a polish don't know better English then polish, what he want to say with this sentence is that polish language is quite hard and tricky some times! So it may happen that a polish with good level of English some times know better English then polish... to be honest English it's quite easy language, not so easy as esperanto, but for sure not so complex as latin language or polish... Actually I ask my girlfriend to translate this 4 sentences and it was quite hard to her to get a final answer... and I can say she is very intelligent person that study and live all her life in Poland!