19 Jun 2007
Food / Smalec - how to make it? [53]
Only had smalec when I was VERY young and can't remember it well but seem to recall it was pretty good. I was told that during the war when things were very bad and food scarce, my grandfather took bones and scraped out the marrow and made something that roughly resembled smalec. That's how desperate they were. In the American South West, in many supermarkets, you can get LARGE tubs of lard. Mexicans love it. But I'm not sure they spread it on bread. Follow the fat people.
Only had smalec when I was VERY young and can't remember it well but seem to recall it was pretty good. I was told that during the war when things were very bad and food scarce, my grandfather took bones and scraped out the marrow and made something that roughly resembled smalec. That's how desperate they were. In the American South West, in many supermarkets, you can get LARGE tubs of lard. Mexicans love it. But I'm not sure they spread it on bread. Follow the fat people.