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Posts by Mazsolika  

Joined: 20 Mar 2012 / Female ♀
Last Post: 15 Dec 2012
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15 Dec 2012
Food / 'Wigilia', the traditional Christmas Eve supper in Poland [77]

I have never heard about other number than 12 traditional dishes at the Christmas Eve in Poland, that's why I'm very surprised with your question.. I think that 12 is everywhere as the symbol of 12 apostoles, but at every home you can meet other 12 dishes. In one region as the main soup they used to serve mushroom soup in another beetroot soup with ears, as at one home you can meet with traditional carp but for example at my house (and many others) we have never had it, because noone likes it.

For sure a wafer cannot be counted as a dish.

Of course 12 dishes are many, and maybe it is too many for smaller families but we prepare very a little but from all what should be this day and "kompot z suszu" we count as one of dishes.

And I used to do "gołąbki" as Marysienka writes only with rise, mushrooms and spices! It just must be this day! :)