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Posts by Rosyjska  

Joined: 18 Dec 2010 / Male ♂
Last Post: 23 Dec 2010
Threads: Total: 2 / Live: 1 / Archived: 1
Posts: Total: 10 / Live: 4 / Archived: 6
From: United States
Speaks Polish?: I Speak Russian, English and German
Interests: Teaching my daughter polish

Displayed posts: 5
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21 Dec 2010
News / Polish President Lech Kaczynski and gov officials die in a plane crash in Russia [686]

Dear friends, Polish President's plane crashed because of fog and decision not to land in Minsk or Moscow. There were 4 attempts to land in fog and the fourth attempt was fatal.
My deep condolences to all Polish people. Please, let's stop all those political hatred between our peoples.

I'm Russian as well, I was in Russia at the time of the plane crash and this is absolutely true. You as well as anyone else know 1. the KGB does not exist anymore. We have the ФСБ (FSB) now but that does not matter. Poland and Russia have had problems in the past but they are all put behind us now. Its still apart of both of our countries history, but as far as i'm concernd Russia and Poland are friends...Or at least on friendly terms... So i can see no reason why we would want to kill the Polish president. It wasn't our fault...

So lets not have any tention between our people. More than there already is because some people are still dwelling on the past...


22 Dec 2010
Off-Topic / Random movies (not Polish) proposed by forum users [91]

Морозко, Mrazik movie (video)

I found this movie, that i had loved as a child in Russia. The name of the movie is Морозко (Morozko) but in Polish its called Mrazik. Its amazing to hear the translation from Russian to Polish :) I'm posting it for anyone who is interested, it is a fairly long movie and it is very VERY old. Below I'll post the link for the Polish version, and below that link i'll post the link for the origonal Russian version. Enjoy :)

Польский (Polish):

Note: the polish one still has the starting and ending credits written in Russian, but the language spoken in the movie itself is Polish.
22 Dec 2010
Off-Topic / Random movies (not Polish) proposed by forum users [91]

Oh dear im sorry! I was told it was Polish haha. I guess i was wrong. My mistake! and LOL Soviet fridge!
What languge is the other one in than? I cant recognise to me it sounds like Polish... lol.

When did lektor start showing up instead of dubbing/subtitles?

And i'm not exactly sure.