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Posts by PolishTraitor  

Joined: 5 Nov 2010 / Male ♂
Last Post: 7 Nov 2010
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Posts: Total: 17 / Live: 7 / Archived: 10
From: USA! USA! USA!
Speaks Polish?: Only to swear to attack Poland
Interests: Being a traitor, making excuses for Poles who murder Jews, lying about Jews

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7 Nov 2010
News / Polish Lithuanian Diplomatic War? At last. [533]

they are not minorities

Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot that to you yellow people aren't actually humans and so they do not have human rights. Pity for you that ten of thousands of these people qualify for Polish citizenship. What excuse is Poland going to use for refusing to allow its own citizens to write their names in their own language?

However, in the case presented above the issue and solution is simple, either follow the reciprocity right and EU regulation or await the punishment !

Much as Poland will do for refusing to allow British and Irish citizens exercise their EU rights.
7 Nov 2010
News / Polish Lithuanian Diplomatic War? At last. [533]

Poland give minorities the same rights

Some minorities. The tens of thousands of Vietnamese in Warsaw are not allowed to use Chữ Quốc Ngữ when writing their tiếng Việt names: they are forced to use only the Polish alphabet.

So, what your point ?

Poland should put its own house in order before attempting to tell others what to do.
7 Nov 2010
News / Polish Lithuanian Diplomatic War? At last. [533]

people should have the right to write they name in the way they like it, if they have a problems because of it, thats their problem and choice!

Tens of thousands of people in Poland are denied that right.

You Harry simply should discus the topic, not constantly deflecting it, if something bugs you so much, make a thread about it, but no, pathetic !

The actions of Poland with regard to some of its minorities are the same as the actions of Lithuania towards Poles in Lithuania. Perhaps people might be less likely to view Poland's stance as hypocritical if Poland gave minorities in Poland the same rights as it wants to insist Poles have in other countries?
7 Nov 2010
News / Polish Lithuanian Diplomatic War? At last. [533]

no matter how you treat it, there is a very real issue of human right abuse

So you agree that Poland is abusing the human rights of tens of thousands of people in Warsaw alone by not letting them use their language for writing their names? Interesting.
7 Nov 2010
News / Polish Lithuanian Diplomatic War? At last. [533]

If one parent is foreign, you can choose whatever name you like.

That's not strictly speaking true. The problem is that many registrars take the view (which is to a certain extent supported by Polish law) that while any name can be used, it must conform with Polish grammatical rules, i.e. girl's names must end with the letter 'a'. I know of one American who was refused 'permission' to call his daughter 'Lauren' and told it had to be either 'Laura' or 'Laurena' (and that they were doing him a real favour by offering him the choice of 'Laurena'). He ended up closing his business in Poland and moving operations to the Czech republic.

And of course all of Warsaw's 30,000+ speakers of tiếng Việt are most welcome to use the Chữ Quốc Ngữ when filling in their applications for ID cards etc. But for some reason all those document always come back in Polish. As is often the case, we're supposed to accept one rule for Poles and another rule for everybody else.
6 Nov 2010
News / Polish Lithuanian Diplomatic War? At last. [533]

In a civilised democratic state everyone is free to legally change his/her name according to personal preference.

I see that to you Poland is not a civilised democratic state. Luckily those of us who actually live here know that you're wrong.