21 Oct 2010
UK, Ireland / Poles in the UK, you know were the door is [102]
too true
I'm English and I don't hate Polish,
some slag England off yes, which is annoying but some don't, I know a lot of Polish who slag Poland off are never returning to Poland.
just because you're bitter, please don't try and speak for the rest of England
The country has allowed to many leeches to suck on its blood and with an aging population, it is time the government focus on helping the people that helped fill the coffers, not the vampires of the state.
too true
I'm English and I don't hate Polish,
some slag England off yes, which is annoying but some don't, I know a lot of Polish who slag Poland off are never returning to Poland.
just because you're bitter, please don't try and speak for the rest of England