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Posts by Plastic Pole52  

Joined: 18 Sep 2010 / Male ♂
Last Post: 30 Sep 2010
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Plastic Pole52   
30 Sep 2010
USA, Canada / Why are Polish Americans mocked in the American media? [226]

So a lot of people must have missed the sarcasm because they bought those jokes as truth.

They did indeed and they still do.You can see the show on YT and read the comments there.
Personally I don't find it offensive.Unlike Archie who works "blue collar" job,Mike is an educated university teacher.BTW I was told a polack joke lately by some trailer trash retard.I wish I took pictures of his familly,trailer,car and landscaping of his place.I didn't but I can tell you they live like Slovakian gypsies.
Plastic Pole52   
29 Sep 2010
USA, Canada / Why are Polish Americans mocked in the American media? [226]

President Obama makes deals with Russia at the expense of Poland's long term security.

And this is why Poland should never relay on America when her security is at stake.It would be much better for Poland to improve relations with Russia rather than antagonizing Russians by inviting Americans to Poland.There is absolutelly no need for American troops in Poland and it is very hard to get rid of them when you don't want them anymore.Russia is close and they have gas,oil and a large market for Polish goods.What America has to offer?
Plastic Pole52   
24 Sep 2010
USA, Canada / Poles and Americans, what do you think, are we friends or enemies? [187]

Interesting read Convex.Still if that was up to me PAF would be flying Grippens.And hey,we need to add CIA "black site" in Kiejkuty to the list of favors regardless of what corrupted crooks (Kwaśniewski,Miller etc)say.
Plastic Pole52   
22 Sep 2010
USA, Canada / Poles and Americans, what do you think, are we friends or enemies? [187]

Good post but pointless since he will never get it.The level of propaganda in the US is simply unbeliveble.Many of them live in mobile homes and hoop around in 20 years old junk yet still belive they live "American dream" and are way better off than anybody living outside US.
Plastic Pole52   
22 Sep 2010
Life / Why Polish people should be proud of being Polish? [370]

Poland have more citizens than Australia or Canada, not mention Czech Rep. or Netherlands but the all of those have much more significant achivements in culture and science than Poland.

What kind of achivements Australians have?Crocodille Dundee?They even needed a Pole to discover highest mountain in Australia coz they couldn't find it themselves.
Plastic Pole52   
21 Sep 2010
USA, Canada / Poles and Americans, what do you think, are we friends or enemies? [187]


Some Americans watch MTV ,some don't,some like hip hip and some don't,I can assure you there are drugs in Poland too, "politicians in Poland are way more crooked than here,there are crimminals in every country and fat people are everywhere, here maybe 25% at the most,there are also legall aliens here.As much as I have mixed feelings about US I strongly disagree with painting all Americans with the same brush.It is simply not fair and ignorant.And true SOME Americans look down at Poles and try to put us down but on the other hand there is plenty of them who welcome us here with open arms.Just got back from Rite Aid and older women at the register hearing my accent asked where am I from.I said "I am from Poland",she said "Poland? God bless you."Also I will never forget young very nice women telling me that she is very sorry and apologizes if any American ever gave me hard time here because I am a foraigner.And I am not making up this stories.There is many great people here and painting all Americans with the same brush and bashing the whole nation because of few low life scumbags is just not right.
Plastic Pole52   
20 Sep 2010
USA, Canada / Poles and Americans, what do you think, are we friends or enemies? [187]

Maybe you are taking about visa-waver, Wendy?

Please don't bring up this issue.This is simply embarassing.It is 2010 not 80ies or even 90ies.I was hoping that only dumb "Polish politicians" think that visa waiver is somehow important to Poles.I really don't who in his right mind would come to US and stay ilegally having opition to work and live in the EU.

I have a strong feeling that some Poles believe that we owe them something.

I guess some Poles do feel this way.I don't.But the truth is that Poland or some Poles did you guys few favors.To name a few:

Pułaski saved Washington and created US cavalry.
General Kościuszko helped you fight Brits.
Colonel Kukliński gave you war plans of Warsaw Pact.(Btw this mofo was a fuking traitor).
Polish intelligence agents rescued CIA agents in Iraq in 1990 before "Desert Storm".
Poland supported you in Iraq in 2003(at the great cost).Very few countries did.
Poland supports you in Afganistan (cost Polish people $1 bilion/year)
Poland bought F 16 ($6.5bilion just for the planes).Where is the the offset?
Poland allowed you to set up missile defence base (this s h i t is to defend US not Poland).
Still I don't think you guys owe us anything but if that was up to me Poland would cut all ties with US since Poland only gets f uked in this "friendly" relation.
Plastic Pole52   
20 Sep 2010
USA, Canada / Poles and Americans, what do you think, are we friends or enemies? [187]

Like we abandoned the English? The French? Even enemies weren't abandoned.. The German? Japanese?

Then where have you been in 1939 when England and France declared war on Germany?You should know that US was supplying both sides of conflict up to 1941.I know that in 1939 US army was a joke with no tanks and air force was flying biplanes but your powerfull navy could help a lot.

No.. not really. Lot of our people died for France and England. What did we have to gain? We would have made money anyway as Europe strangled itself.

No,they died for US not for France or England.And you still made a killing since everything delivered to Great Britain and Soviet Union was paid for in gold.Couple years ago the Britsh made last payment for supplies delivered during WW2.

Absolutely. The Pacific war was our case but Europe, not really.

Yea right.GERMANY DECLARED WAR ON THE US not US on Germany.If they didn't do it you would be still on the sideline since there was no public support in the US to enter the war.

Besides after finishing in Europe,Germans 3 times stronger and with technologies you had no clue about (e.g jet and rocket engines)would attack US anyway.So don't tell me you did England and France any favor.

Europeans, you need to remember that in American schools they don't teach them history,they teach them how America saved the world.Therefore any discussion regarding WW2 with 90% of Americans is pointless since they don't know the facts but propaganda.