The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Dougpol2  

Joined: 22 Apr 2010 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 Jun 2010
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6 Jun 2010
Life / Price of cigarettes in Poland? [192]

And way too cheap. Sorry to be a party pooper, but my daughter is being endangered by passive smoking in all the Kato music clubs :((

Time for some sense and a smoking ban IMO
29 May 2010
News / US to deploy Patriot missiles to Poland [405]

Exactly Convex - couldn't have put it better myself - and in a country where the constant excuse is " niestety, nie mamy pieniedzy", it's an absolute disgrace.

There are more important problems - for example, the economy?

Ah - wait a minute - that would involve creative thinking :((
28 May 2010
News / US to deploy Patriot missiles to Poland [405]

I'm guessing it was off topic so it was moved to Random.

Just start a thread on how the UK betrayed its alliance with Poland and I'll post there.

LOL - It wasn't OT - Poland doesn't need the Patriot at all - but wants to brown-nose the very people who didn't want to aid the country in the Second World War - until they were attacked by the Yellow Peril.

The UK supported Poland and it's servicemen died for Poland, and the Poles in turn who got out bravely carried on the fight. The Americans on the other hand were worse than useless until personally challenged themselves.

Better have some respect and gratitude for British sacrifice. But that's not the Polish way is it?

I'm guessing with a strong military, they will be more willing to defy economic and military threats.

But Poland doesn't need a strong military Convex, that is my point. The economy matters, and what matters is that Tusk stops handing out 100.000 zlotys to every bloke who's had his house damaged by subsidence.

I've got a drink problem. I can't afford it. Should I ask this socialist government for a handout?

Socialist handouts and outdated weapons systems are not needed. The borders of Poland are inviolate, because Russia or anybody else knows the Nato Charter all too well.

As an idiot taxpayer and ZUS bleeder, I am absolutely furious at this Tusk government now and he can **** right off.
28 May 2010
News / US to deploy Patriot missiles to Poland [405]

Lets try again - it's obviously too much for the American censors of this forum.

What is the point in your silly little forum if posters cant speak?

The land of the free? What is this ****?

We were having a good debate there and you Yanks went and pulled the posts, unless you've just shipped them somewhere else.

I hope you are proud of yourselves but you are making yoursleves look bigoted and foolish, along the lines of that Republican Fox News shite.
26 May 2010
Law / What are the bike laws in Poland? [30]

It's interesting that the opposite applies in the Czech Republic. Where there are bike lanes provided, as in Karvina for example. you must use them. If you cycle on the road you are busted.

14 May 2010
Genealogy / What are common Polish character traits? [425]

I have known Poles all my life - my "uncle" was from Plock.

My generalisations or rather stereotypes:

Likeable: Very sociable, inquisitive,
generous to those they are introduced to formally,
Cultured (Polish studies to 18...) have plenty to say (interesting),
Hard working so generally happy to lend a hand (paid or favour) when you're in a spot, will help you out on a Sunday - eg if your car breaks down outside their workshop during their Sunday lunch.

Up for a party (unlike some tedious Brits of the Katowice past lol),
Extremely affectionate to those they care about.....
Families tight, as it should be
Artistic: Great blues players, and so on. Rock on SBB and Ryszard :)
Great self discipline - don't let themselves go like slob Anglo-Saxons do
Know that dentists exist and what they are for
Brave and wont take any shite, plenty of spunk, just like us Brits!

Not so likeable:

Apparent unfriendliness: Paradoxes abound from the above stertypical nonsense....:It freaks me out when I'm sitting on a log in the forest munching through my sandwiches, and some mushroom picker or hiker comes along. An Anglo-Saxon would think it's normal to say hello, in whatever appropriate register. Well, most poles don't.

Poles are quite obsessed with money. I can never buy a bargain at any of their computer or electronic markets/ car boots as they always value everything too highly, and second hand really is just not worth the asking price, and they are strangely unable to haggle or take it as an affront,

Snobbery. Constant questions like how much did that cost you? Why do you drive a ten year old car? Lol
Judgemental - usually about the private life of somebody who is "family" or neighbour,but it really is none of their concern
Know all experts - my mother in law has apparently majored in at least 10 disciplines and is a master banker to boot.
Complainers as has been stated. "Communism could never work; but capitalism isin't working either"
Non P.C. at best - cloaked under the excuse of "he's just different and I don't understand"
TV images of thousands of dismembered dead bodies on the streets of Rwanda draw no comment at all - presumably because they are black - while two men kissing at a civil ceremony in San Francisco brings snorts of revulsion

Annoyingly self smug about religion. "I took communion today, so I qualify - you don't"
As somebody else said - like the Japanese, the word sorry is too often missing and can lead to clashes, not that Poles are confrontational, they just think that a money back offer for faulty goods is enough......

Shameless and always think they "got away with it" as in - "Yes, I was in the Party, but you had to be in it to change it" - LOL
11 May 2010
Life / Free online Polish Television (TVN). [17]

Some are free while others cost little money to watch.

Now that is a stupid business model. Pay to view? Don't think so somehow. Advert supported maybe.....
10 May 2010
Law / What are the bike laws in Poland? [30]

OK - thanks for the warning. Maybe I should consider giving the police a little more credence, specially as they're reading this.
8 May 2010
Law / What are the bike laws in Poland? [30]

ertainly for non-EU citizens, they will have the number on the Karta Pobytu - which the police will undoubtably want to see.

But the Karta Pobytu is no longer legal proof of ID - it doesn't actually exist other than as a relic for EU citizens. When a foreigner is behind the wheel or has to ID himself he has to produce his passport - this doesn't have any Pesel information of course - and the Bill didn't ask for such info when giving mme 4 points for not wearing a seat belt.

Therefore I reckon the 4 points never found it's way to my (UK) licence.

Specially as my current licence was issued in 1983 :)

Oh like you are are really going to kill someone going a half a mile per hour on a bike.! It is easy money for the police, why should you lose your drivers licence because you have been caught drunk driving on a bike. Maybe it is the same in the uk. I don't know, but is seems pretty unfair.

Nope - no such law in the UK - A sensible country with a proper perspective on some matters, just as Poland is also sensible on some matters where in the UK you would get hung out to dry.

UK law - you can be "drunk in charge of a bicycle." Instant fixed penalty of 80 quid or soemthing.....
7 May 2010
Law / What are the bike laws in Poland? [30]

We are in agreement here Jola - All Saints Day is outright dangerous.
And of course drunk drivers can expect what is coming to them. But I object to cyclists who drink responsibly being categorised together with drunk drivers. A fine maybe would be called for on occasion, but a driving ban?

I don't think so. This law should be repealed.
7 May 2010
Law / What are the bike laws in Poland? [30]

Very funny mate. But PIS laws are for Wiesniaks - most of us who like a picnic beer live in the towns and ride to keep fit and for pleasure. Not the same animal as this chap.

Anyway, for most, who drive sensibly, such a chap is not a problem - you can just drive around - unless you doing the mad 140 km an hour on a country road that is :(

Are you saying that PIS or their ilk did not concoct this law? It's new, but not that new...Surely Platforma have better things to do with their time than harass people?
7 May 2010
Law / What are the bike laws in Poland? [30]

That system isn't that bad, what's bad is fines should be scalable to ones earnings. Rich and poor get the same amount when receiving a ticket. Hence whoever is rich can take the liberty and not care, and then do the thing agian.

Frd - you've just contradicted yourself. So the rich can pay the bribes or whatever, and the system isin't bad? . 4 points or 8, whatever. 3 offences like that in a year and you're banned, after the year your history is wiped, and most of the time you can bribe your way out of it.

Another way round it also is to drive on a UK licence....... Wouldn't work for a dinking and driving ban of course but UK licences cant have points awarded. Anybody care to correct me if I'm wrong on that?

Every drunk pulled over has only had a couple beers, and hundreds of thousands believe they are safe on the road while pissed.

Pulled over lol. The boys in blue would have to pull me off my bike, and seeing as I know how to ride her they would have to shoot me to get me to stop. The fact that I don't drink has got nothing to do with it.

It's a stupid law concocted by PIS against cyclists and needs pi ssing on.
7 May 2010
Law / What are the bike laws in Poland? [30]

Me and hundreds of thousands of others believe that there is nothing wrong with cycling on a country road or through the forest or on cycle paths after a couple of summer beers.

Get off your high horse. We don't see such a ridiculous law in other countries. Priorities are completely wrong. Here in Poland you have a 24 penalty points system for maniac drivers - you'd have to be mental to be ever banned under that "system." It is far too lenient and encourages madmen to get away with kamikaze driving.

And all the while your proud police are told to lower themselves to the sad levels of lying in wait for some poor cyclist who's stopped off for a couple of Tyskies after a forest ride.

You couldn't make it up, and this law shouldn't be tolerated by any sensible cyclist.
As before, the cycle "law" in this country is a disgrace!
7 May 2010
Law / What are the bike laws in Poland? [30]

If you are drunk on a bike, you will lose your driver's license, if you have one.

The law is an ass. There is only one remedy - to wear cycle gear and a helmet and not to entertain the police.
They've eyeballed me a few times but that was because I was going 60 in a 40 zone :)
As to "drinking and riding " when the law is ridiculous (PIS again I believe) you just have to blatantly ignore it. There was some talk a while back of a 1000 cyclists going on the **** for a couple of beers in Wroclaw and then cycling em masse through the centre waving their driving licences.

Of course, this being Poland, people chickened out, afraid to put their heads above the parapet for such a "small" liberty as the right to enjoy a couple of pints when out for a picnic :((

My blood boileth over.
4 May 2010
History / History of Poland in 10 minutes. Really worth seeing! [169]

Dougpol got banned for his anti-Kaczynski views. It's a good job Son of Dougpol is here to keep up the good fight. Censorship never wins out, totalitarianism should have taught Poles that, shirley?
25 Apr 2010
Life / Any good Polish films to watch? [112]

DzieƄ wielkiej ryby

It's about a fisherman who returns to the scene of his first love affair on the Bug river (I think) after a life-long obsesssion with catching the big fish.

Not to give anything away, it's all metaphorical (not surprising, as that's Polish cinema in a nutshell, and I'm a big fan)