Genealogy /
What are common Polish character traits? [425]
I have known Poles all my life - my "uncle" was from Plock.
My generalisations or rather stereotypes:
Likeable: Very sociable, inquisitive,
generous to those they are introduced to formally,
Cultured (Polish studies to 18...) have plenty to say (interesting),
Hard working so generally happy to lend a hand (paid or favour) when you're in a spot, will help you out on a Sunday - eg if your car breaks down outside their workshop during their Sunday lunch.
Up for a party (unlike some tedious Brits of the Katowice past lol),
Extremely affectionate to those they care about.....
Families tight, as it should be
Artistic: Great blues players, and so on. Rock on SBB and Ryszard :)
Great self discipline - don't let themselves go like slob Anglo-Saxons do
Know that dentists exist and what they are for
Brave and wont take any shite, plenty of spunk, just like us Brits!
Not so likeable:
Apparent unfriendliness: Paradoxes abound from the above stertypical nonsense....:It freaks me out when I'm sitting on a log in the forest munching through my sandwiches, and some mushroom picker or hiker comes along. An Anglo-Saxon would think it's normal to say hello, in whatever appropriate register. Well, most poles don't.
Poles are quite obsessed with money. I can never buy a bargain at any of their computer or electronic markets/ car boots as they always value everything too highly, and second hand really is just not worth the asking price, and they are strangely unable to haggle or take it as an affront,
Snobbery. Constant questions like how much did that cost you? Why do you drive a ten year old car? Lol
Judgemental - usually about the private life of somebody who is "family" or neighbour,but it really is none of their concern
Know all experts - my mother in law has apparently majored in at least 10 disciplines and is a master banker to boot.
Complainers as has been stated. "Communism could never work; but capitalism isin't working either"
Non P.C. at best - cloaked under the excuse of "he's just different and I don't understand"
TV images of thousands of dismembered dead bodies on the streets of Rwanda draw no comment at all - presumably because they are black - while two men kissing at a civil ceremony in San Francisco brings snorts of revulsion
Annoyingly self smug about religion. "I took communion today, so I qualify - you don't"
As somebody else said - like the Japanese, the word sorry is too often missing and can lead to clashes, not that Poles are confrontational, they just think that a money back offer for faulty goods is enough......
Shameless and always think they "got away with it" as in - "Yes, I was in the Party, but you had to be in it to change it" - LOL