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Posts by Pro_Svet_Spb  

Joined: 10 Apr 2010 / Male ♂
Last Post: 16 Jun 2011
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From: Russia, St.Petersburg
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16 Jun 2011
History / Historic Polish-Japanese intelligence cooperation [21]

The Japanese are good people. No wonder whatever you throw at them, they rise and rise good!

Under indications on court the commander of Kvantuns army of general Otsudzo Jamady, «the Group 731» has been organized with a view of biological warfare preparation, mainly against Soviet Union, and also against the Mongolian National Republic, China and other states. By judicial examination also it has been proved that in «Group 731» on live people whom Japanese among themselves named "logs", not Japanese (Chineses, Russian, Mongols, the Koreans seized by gendarmerie or special services of Kvantuns army), other, not less cruel and painful experiences which did not have the direct relation to preparation of biological warfare [1] were spent also.

Some medical officers of group became subsequently the known surgeons doing unique operations thanks to experience, got in «Group 731». Perhaps, it is possible to name the most typical this sort of experience opening of the live person [2]. At experimental under anesthetic or under local anesthesia gradually took all vitals, one after another [3], since a peritoneum and a thorax and finishing a brain. Still the live bodies named "preparations", left on the further researches in different departments of group.

Limits of endurance of a human body in certain conditions - for example, at the big heights were studied or at low temperature. For this purpose people placed in pressures chamber, fixing on a film an agony, freezed extremities and observed gangrene approach. If the prisoner, despite infection with his killing bacteria, recovered, it didn't rescue him from repeated experiences which proceeded until there came death. "Pre-production models" never left laboratories live [4].

In similar activity with reference to pets and agricultural crops was engaged and «Group 100». Also on «Group 100» problems on manufacture of the bacteriological weapon and carrying out of diversionary actions were assigned.

The basis «group 100» was in 10 kilometers to the south of Sintszina in a place of Mentszjatun. «The group 100» was slightly less «Group 731», staff of his employees totaled 800 persons.

Activity «Group 731» was investigated in a course of "the Khabarovsk process» which has come to the end with condemnation of some the military men of Kvantunsky army involved in his creation and work, to various terms of imprisonment.

Later many employees of this group have received scientific degrees and social recognition, for example Masadzi Kitano [5]. Many have moved to the USA, for example the head of group Isii [6] where were appreciated the knowledge got in group [6]. The American authorities haven't called these criminals to account because as it is underlined in the book of Morimury, the information on Japanese experiments in the field of the bacteriological weapon was of great value for the American program on his working out...

Ask Chinese for more details about Japanese...Отряд_731

10 Apr 2010
News / Polish President Lech Kaczynski and gov officials die in a plane crash in Russia [686]

Latest Russian news (i-net transl.):«Landing was made at strong fog. The trajectory on landing shows that the deviation from strip was not only on height, but also on horizon approximately 150 metres», — the head of the Ministry of Emergency Measures of the Russian Federation Sergey Shojgu speaks.

The Russian dispatchers suggested the Polish pilots to plant the liner in Moscow or Minsk. But were refused. At landing the liner clings to tops of trees and falls downwards. To landing strip the board hasn't held on only 300 metres. On shots from place of events it is visible that chassis have got stuck among branches.

«On removal of 1,5 kilometres the group of management of flights has found out that the crew has increased vertical speed of decrease and has started to decrease more low глиссады. The head of flights has given command to crew about plane transfer in horizontal flight, and when the crew hasn't executed instructions, has some times given command on leaving on spare airdrome. Nevertheless the crew continued to decrease. Unfortunately, it has ended tragically», — the first deputy chief of the General staff of the Air Forces lieutenant general Alexander Alyoshin has declared.

10 Apr 2010
News / Polish President Lech Kaczynski and gov officials die in a plane crash in Russia [686]

Deep condolences from St.Petersburg, Russia

That was shocked everyone...

P.S. U.S. and G.B. was always putting sticks in to the Russian "wheels"...

such as a buffer zone between Russia and Europe, 'cause if they don't they will have no influence on Europe (eastern Europe incl.)

Think : 1. Russian territory
2. Russian aircraft
3. Subject of meeting : KATYN

Ideal situation to blame Russia again, when they(Russia-Poland) start talks as a partners.

And only idiots can believe it's KGB dirty job. ^100% CIA-SAS^

Once again we are very sorry for all Polish People.

St.Petersburg, Russia.