18 Jan 2010
Love / How do Polish boys feel about foreign girls? [163]
I am a Polish Aussie, and frankly, it is embrassing. Especially when in conversations I overhear Poland being lumped with other countries where the greed is certainly more prevalent. Tears my heart apart. It can't ALL be blamed on the fact that they were screwed around by communism: they are responsible for their attitudes as well.
Materialism is a disease. Thank you Americar! Thank you British Colonists! Thank you stupid
former Eastern Blok women for making Poles look like d$%ks.
I am a Polish Aussie, and frankly, it is embrassing. Especially when in conversations I overhear Poland being lumped with other countries where the greed is certainly more prevalent. Tears my heart apart. It can't ALL be blamed on the fact that they were screwed around by communism: they are responsible for their attitudes as well.
Materialism is a disease. Thank you Americar! Thank you British Colonists! Thank you stupid
former Eastern Blok women for making Poles look like d$%ks.