The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by tj123  

Joined: 31 Jul 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 5 Aug 2009
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5 Aug 2009
Life / Things that annoy you in Poland. [133]

No I mean like when those who you should be able to trust lie and scam you like goes on commonly here. I also mean like the workers in the immigration and labor offices who don't follow the rules....oops...Hairy Pinnochio fails again....but what's new eh?
5 Aug 2009
Life / Things that annoy you in Poland. [133]

That's like trying to get a brick wall to write poetry. Admitting faults and taking personal responsibility for anything is not common at all here.
5 Aug 2009
Off-Topic / What's your connection with Poland? Penpals. [574]

Nika i love Poland and everything about it and the people are beautiful.

Except for that Polish guy you were so in love with that ran off on you eh? I guess he wasn't so great...but dont worry I am sure he is the ONLY one like that. Oh and you are going to LOVE customer service and government offices here...they are super!

Your naivete is setting you up for a lot of pain. The romantic image you have of Poland is not true and you already have been cheated on by a Polish guy yet you still are obsessed with them. It should show you that no culture is as wonderful as you imagine it to be. I just shake my head at the number of people like you I have known...I really with they would listen.
5 Aug 2009
Life / Things that annoy you in Poland. [133]

I found it very amasing to see this in a country which they always call themselves one of the most educated in Europe.

This notion is at the root of why I dislike so much about Poland. No other place I have ever been or lived has felt the need to constantly tell everyone how 'intelligent' or 'relevant' they are. Do they really no understand that people find this incredibly annoying and it goes a long way to how opinions are formed about Poles? If they would just do rather than tell everyone how special they are that would truly change perception.
5 Aug 2009
Life / Things that annoy you in Poland. [133]

I found it very amasing to see this in a country which they always call themselves one of the most educated in Europe.

They 'call' themselves a lot of things. You will find in common practice as you have seen its quite different. About their driving habits...its funny how they have more training than most nations required to get a license...but then they drive like nutters. It really is a mystery.
4 Aug 2009
Life / Things that annoy you in Poland. [133]

Surely one will do, right?

Worse yet they rarely answer any of them. I HATE trying to get people on the phone at government offices or firms.