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Posts by Crow  

Joined: 14 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 18 hrs ago
Threads: Total: 155 / Live: 57 / Archived: 98
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From: Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Srbija.
Interests: New Commonwealth (Sarmatia), Slavic Union, Poland, books, sport, traveling

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18 hrs ago
Off-Topic / Serbia etc. thread 3 [423]

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19 hrs ago
News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 20 [1534]

They don't.

Of course they do.

Kosovo isn't in servia. It is a different country.

You know nothing.

Nobody actually cares about this and r*SSia is not in a position to invade anywhere else.

Oh man. Russia and the USA obviously agreed that border between Catholic world (read EU) and Slavic world, have to be clear. So, take the map and study it.

This is era of sovereignty. Era of global parasites is over.
19 hrs ago
News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 20 [1534]

The Gagauz have no representative body in a position to make such requests.


Gagauzia in Moldova have more legal capacity then Kosovo in Serbia. Especially having in mind that Albanian separatist movement KLA was on the list of word`s terrorist organizations. So, if NATO intervened in Serbia, Russia obviously can intervene in Moldova.

Not to say that Russia needs to move across Moldova in order to, on land, support Serbian liberation of Kosovo from NATO occupation.
23 hrs ago
News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 20 [1534]


Serbian media knows

Obraćanje Putinu, s molbom: Upotrebite čitav arsenal...

Jevgenija Gucul, liderka Gagauzije, autonomije na jugu Moldavije, koju su vlasti Moldavije privele, obratila se predsedniku Rusije Vladimiru Putinu s molbom da izvrši pritisak na Kišinjev kako bi je oslobodili.

Translation > Addressing Putin, with a request: Use the entire (political) arsenal...

Yevgenia Gutsul, the leader of Gagauzia, an autonomy in the south of Moldova, who was taken into custody by the Moldovan authorities, appealed to Russian President Vladimir Putin to put pressure on Chisinau to release her.

1 day ago
News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 20 [1534]

Speaking about Moldavia

How I just learned, Russia and Putin now have two legal reasons for intervention in Moldavia. He already have call for protection of local Russians from Pridnestrovlie, region within Moldavia. Now, he have political request from Gaugauzia, autonomous region on the south of Moldavia.
1 day ago
History / Poland is great Mother of all Slavs from Baltic to Balkan [202]

Rg Veda texts are dated roughly between c. 1500 and 1000 BCE.

But, scientific multidisciplinary studies suggests that events described in Vedic texts, in old Sanskrit language, happened c. 5000 to 6000 years ago, up to 4.500 BCE, post glacial era in Europe. This dating is based on linguistic and philological analysis. The language of the Rig Veda, Vedic Sanskrit, is an ancient form of Sanskrit distinct from the classical Sanskrit of later texts.

So, ethnic name of Serbs, thru Vedic Srbinda (even in modern Serbian language has meaning of Serbian in superlative, kind of super-Serbian, best among Serbs) is the oldest ethnic name in the world ever mentioned, and still in use. Name has absolutely same superlative meaning back in ancient past and in our time.

The name of Han people, ancestral name of all Chinese, in oldest Chinese texts is younger then Serbian ethnic name.
1 day ago
History / Poland is great Mother of all Slavs from Baltic to Balkan [202]

When civilization flourished in what is now Serbia, what is now Ukraine was 2 km thick ice. Actually, what was Europe back then, during Ice age, was Serbia. Even name is as such recorded back in exactly that time already, in Rg Vedic manuscirpts, in Sanskrit language. Name of hyperborean titan Srbinda, enemy of the Black God Indra.

Not only Slavs. What is White is ethnic Serbian. In origin at least.
1 day ago
Off-Topic / Music Thread - part 2 [765]

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1 day ago
News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 20 [1534]

Only those privileged are Serbians.

Background music

Hordes and hordes of monsters needs to hunt you down because you are child of the White Garden and Svetovid, and you needs to survive despite all odds, killing monsters, never to kill enough. With only Poles and Russians on your side.
1 day ago
Off-Topic / Music Thread - part 2 [765]

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1 day ago
News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 20 [1534]

Stablity in the region is the responsibility of the US, and like it or not Ukraine is a part of the puzzle here.

Its like you say Russia is responsible for situation in Texas or Canada.

Brate, I know few wh**es who sound more reasonable then you are.
2 days ago
News / Polish military contingent in Lebanon. [183]

They really aren't and weren't.

As I said in one other threat. Don`t fu*k science because that way you stealing form all humans.
2 days ago
News / Building regional alliance to stabilize Eastern Europe. [200]

The only thing that's important

Now is important for Slavic civilization to secure its resources for its own future and future in coexistence with those who are willing to trade fairly.


Let`s not BS.

How is any of that relevant to modern times?

Its the matter of science. As such it has its place in human past and future. It has also special meaning for those who exist as Slavs.
2 days ago
News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 20 [1534]

There goes Ukraine down the drain

Zelensky on life support apparatus

I truly hope that we Slavs establish Slavic rule over our entire civilization. It would be better that way. Not to belong to some amorphous Catholic Roman or Orthodox Constantinople realms. Not to some hypothetical Europe or Eurasia. We are Slavs and we deserve to have our own Slavic ie Sarmatian civilization.
2 days ago
News / Building regional alliance to stabilize Eastern Europe. [200]


Yes, of all today`s Germans it is scientifically proved that at least Eastern Germans are Serbs in origin. That is why there are Lusatian Serbs in Germany. They are not newcomers but remnant of what was populace of the back then Roman province of Germania. But they lived there since time immemorial, of course prior to Romans. That is why early Roman Empire in oldest Roman maps, when speak of Europe, speak only of Romans bordering with Sarmatians. On West, North, East, South. It is because Romans were not able properly to pronounce name of Serbians. So comes to name Sarmatians. So even now you have points in even Catholic online encyclopedia that all Slavs originate from Serbs and that there is correlation between Serbian and Sarmatian name.

Terms, Venetia, Veneti, Wendi... all come from name of Serbs. As it is said even in ancient Sanskirt. SRBINDI > SRVENDI. After all, same as are Lusatian Serbs even in our time designated by Germans. As Wends.

Not to say that oldest Frankish maps when speak of Slavs speak of Serbs. So comes the `Limes Sorabicus`. Frankish term for border of Frankish and Slavic domain. Also, oldest maps of Europe speak of Baltic as of Sarmatian and Serbian Ocean or Sea.

See. Europe has its dark secrets. Its untold truth.

You don`t want to be Serbian? Fine. But don`t fu*k science. Because when you fu*k science you steal from the future of all of mankind.
2 days ago
News / Polish military contingent in Lebanon. [183]

Would you think the same of Silesians or Pomeranian's or Kashubs

Kashubs, who are Serbs (at least were Serbs, some still are), told to Serbian TV that they feel little bit under pressure in Poland no matter that they gave Baltic coast to Poland. Tell me, brate Grun, is that truth that Kashubs are under pressure in Poland?

the borg have assimilated him. there is nothing left.

Do we here talk about the Pope, our brother in Christ but not in Svetovid?
27 Mar 2025
News / Building regional alliance to stabilize Eastern Europe. [200]

Besides both modern Hungary and Serbia being very small in comparison to their historic size ....... Is it just the shared feeling of betrayal and humiliation?

You may be surprised but first thing that connects Hungarian and Serbian state is Vatican-Germanic joint venture in the region, as part of wider Drang Nach Osten. Interestingly, even in deeper past, when first embryo of Hungarian statehood was formed in the region on the Slavic ground in Panonian basin, it come to existence as the alliance with Slavs against Roman conquests, so again resistance to the Drang Nach Osten.

Since the middle age, Vatican favored Germanic factor, while when dealing with Hungarians and Serbians knew only for the dictate. As a result Hungarians were eternal younger partner in every Germanic led conglomerate, while Serbians were object of the hunt. Ultimately, idea was that all of us in South-Eastern Europe are Germanized.
27 Mar 2025
News / Building regional alliance to stabilize Eastern Europe. [200]

World agencies openly about Hungary*Serbia*Slovakia military alliance

Izvestia News

Serbia talks about possible alliance with Hungary and Slovakia

Serbia is proposing to form alliances with Hungary and Slovakia in response to the agreement on military cooperation between Croatia, Albania and the self-proclaimed Kosovo,

Simultaneous Game Alliance: Serbia wants to form alliances with Hungary and Slovakia

"Serbia will also form alliances with states such as Hungary and Slovakia, that is, with states that today do not obey this Nazi pack from the European Union and Brussels,"

26 Mar 2025
News / Building regional alliance to stabilize Eastern Europe. [200]

A military alliance between Serbia and Hungary is being prepared


"USKORO POTPISUJEMO VELIKE STVARI" Vučić razgovarao s Orbanom: "Ubrzano ćemo da unapredimo odnose u svim sferama, uključujući i VOJSKU"



Combined, this is a force to be reckoned with.