The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Crow  

Joined: 14 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - O
Last Post: 13 hrs ago
Threads: Total: 154 / Live: 56 / Archived: 98
Posts: Total: 9260 / Live: 4012 / Archived: 5248
From: Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Srbija.
Interests: New Commonwealth (Sarmatia), Slavic Union, Poland, books, sport, traveling

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13 hrs ago
Off-Topic / Serbia etc. thread 3 [288]

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13 hrs ago
Off-Topic / Serbia etc. thread 3 [288]

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14 hrs ago
News / Should Poland pay for gas in rubles? [169]

pay whatever and how they ask... give them di*k and pussy even if they ask... be cool.. but profit, accept partnership when they offering, don`t be stupid when even all the wealth of western Europe now coming from background deals with Russia..

Go Go Go!

Serbia has woken up! Let us hold the balance
14 hrs ago
Off-Topic / Serbia etc. thread 3 [288]

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21 hrs ago
UK, Ireland / "Strange " English language.. [253]

Better Vestice then Pachamama. We Serbians don`t have complexes. We love what is ours. Only fools love all what is outside of their world.
23 hrs ago
UK, Ireland / "Strange " English language.. [253]

To explain you how we know

See. Why is stupid to say that English and Serbian originate from some unknown proto-European language. Those who wrote that history call it indo-European. Liars and morons.

Now, why is that nonsense?

Because Serbian is older then English. Serbian is that proto-language to English.

Because we see word WICCA and WITCH, WHITCHCRAFT have no any deeper meaning and explanation in English. And how ancient Witch functioned? By yelling loudly, shouting words. See? That was logic of ancients in forming the language. It had meaning. In English we don`t have background word for WICCA. Its just WICCA. Out of tin air. But then you look at Serbian language and you learn that WICCA coming from VIKATI (to yell loudly). That is science.

No. From Englisc "ƿiċċa".

and you are crazy.
23 hrs ago
Off-Topic / Music Thread - part 2 [360]

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1 day ago
UK, Ireland / "Strange " English language.. [253]

a WITCH, WHITCHCRAFT and WICCA from Serbian VIKATI (to yell, to shout), Veštica (female Witch), Veštac (male Witch)

Its all very simple and very clear. You know, Tolkien studied Serbian language with a reason. All is in Serbian language. All the deep meaning of primary English words. The bottom line meaning and MORE.

What a stupendous comment that only Serbian word that entered English is a Vampire. Ha, ha, ha. All is Serbian. You English won`t know your language if you don`t consult Serbian language.

What to tell you. Karma is kur*a. When the circle is closed you are Serbs. As all other Whites, you are Serbs in ethnicity. Nation is something else.
1 day ago
News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 15 [813]

I think that most Poles are completely indifferent to it.

Don`t say that. Force of ancestors is strong in Poles.

Spot >

"Sol Invictus" - Polish Slavic Pagan Fesitval Song [Lyrics + Translation]


1 day ago
News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 15 [813]

Hey, Crow, take my advice and don't become Strzelec 2.

What have become of him?

Russia opens criminal case against US mercenary

Wow, Russia started to complicate.

and it's frequently used on anybody who criticizes the thieves and rapists that run the place

Go complain to the aunt Queen.
2 days ago
News / Poland Sports News [1079]

That is why Poland hosted the sumo wrestling world championship this year.

Congrats to Poland. Very good.
2 days ago
News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 15 [813]

Poland`s politics once was impotent on the contrary to glorious dicki*g past. Poland became only dildo in a waving hand of western Europe. Also, condom of a papacy.

Then, Serbians came and Poland got erection and now carefully look where to penetrate its restoring power. EU is confused so it would be EU. Confused always get it.
2 days ago
News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 15 [813]

NATO is hostile on Serbia. That`s it. It increases military personnel all-around Serbia, not just in Croatia. Romania, Bulgaria, Albania. All they boosting their army and plus NATO troops from other countries. Hungary, too. Just, Serbia and Hungary have kind of mutual protection pact. Very strange situation.

Crow, where are you.

To tell you frankly, thinking of one nice pussy these days.
2 days ago
News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 15 [813]

Let us listen once more... while understanding its about Russian Kyiv on the funeral of British Queen. Understand it correctly, not in the light of daily politics.

The Russian Kontakion of the Departed | Committal Service for HM The Queen Elizabeth II

Plus, singing as it is, is exceptional art. Let us listen.
2 days ago
News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 15 [813]

Not a single other country in human history managed to do the same.

Too few have the British Queen for an aunt.

The Rome and Habad are powerful foes. Russia had to hold front, while Britain acted from the flanks. When front collapsed under the pressure, aunt protected.

All had and have their role. Now, front is consolidated and grinding. As we all see.

Let me show you >

Kievan Orthodox chant: Kontakion of the Departed (Choir of St Albans Cathedral)

2 days ago
News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 15 [813]

Russia collapsed twice in a single century.

Brate you don`t understand politics.

The Russian Tsar`s aunt was the British Queen. They confronted Roman black nobility and rogue Jewish Habad satanic sekt. Other players had to choose side. That`s it to this moment.
13 Oct 2024
News / The Baltics states rely on Poland as their main defender against Russian aggression?? [99]

What you want from Poland, man? Poland gave what can be given. Is it not. Many times Poland died for the cause. Poland is spent for the time being. Must recuperate.

The have a permanent military contingent there as part of NATO.

Its nothing to them. They are very smart and enormously powerful. They can give more. They owe it to the cause and all involved.

Poland gave to Anglos more then anybody else. More then Nepalese or Indians. Or Marokans. Now Anglos should do something for the cause. And no worry. I know Poles. They are vigilant and they will be ready just behind Anglos.
13 Oct 2024
Polonia / Serbia`s free trade agreament with China, great chance for Polish business [30]

New reason for Poland to be closer with Serbia

Serbia made a historical breakthrough with IG rating

most credible credit rating agencies Standard and Poor's (S&P) has just released its latest report on the review of Serbian economy,

- lower financing costs,
- greater access to international capital markets and
- increased investor confidence.

Serbia Wins First Ever Investment Rating as S&P Lifts Bonds


Now think twice before thinking that USA disapprove growth and strengthening of Serbia. On Serbia, USA, Russia and China agree. Its about new architecture of Europe, in a Multi-Polar world.
13 Oct 2024
News / The Baltics states rely on Poland as their main defender against Russian aggression?? [99]

Fortunately the Suwałki Gap is fortified to the teeth because of the threat that r*SSia poses.


Suwalki is neutral ground. Who sane would fortify Suwalki and threaten global peace?

The military budget of Poland is seven times higher than the combined budgets of the three Baltic states.

He, he. Very wise.

Poland. Poland. Well, it won`t affect mediation, you know. But may help. He, he.