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Building regional alliance to stabilize Eastern Europe. [200]
Yes, of all today`s Germans it is scientifically proved that at least Eastern Germans are Serbs in origin. That is why there are Lusatian Serbs in Germany. They are not newcomers but remnant of what was populace of the back then Roman province of Germania. But they lived there since time immemorial, of course prior to Romans. That is why early Roman Empire in oldest Roman maps, when speak of Europe, speak only of Romans bordering with Sarmatians. On West, North, East, South. It is because Romans were not able properly to pronounce name of Serbians. So comes to name Sarmatians. So even now you have points in even Catholic online encyclopedia that all Slavs originate from Serbs and that there is correlation between Serbian and Sarmatian name.
Terms, Venetia, Veneti, Wendi... all come from name of Serbs. As it is said even in ancient Sanskirt. SRBINDI > SRVENDI. After all, same as are Lusatian Serbs even in our time designated by Germans. As Wends.
Not to say that oldest Frankish maps when speak of Slavs speak of Serbs. So comes the `Limes Sorabicus`. Frankish term for border of Frankish and Slavic domain. Also, oldest maps of Europe speak of Baltic as of Sarmatian and Serbian Ocean or Sea.
See. Europe has its dark secrets. Its untold truth.
You don`t want to be Serbian? Fine. But don`t fu*k science. Because when you fu*k science you steal from the future of all of mankind.