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Posts by Kojak333  

Joined: 22 Feb 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 1 Mar 2010
Threads: Total: 3 / Live: 0 / Archived: 3
Posts: Total: 12 / Live: 3 / Archived: 9
From: USA
Speaks Polish?: no
Interests: history, politics, sports, documentaries, business

Displayed posts: 3
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1 Mar 2010
Love / They seem nice, but could Polish girls be "gold diggers"? [196]

This is an interesting thread (topic).

I've thought about scenarios like these before, where a guy marries a woman, then a short while later, or maybe a few years later, she files for divorce and gets HALF of everything.

I think it might be a good idea for a guy, to carefully think everything out beforehand. If he has some degree of money or wealth, he should put the majority of it in a trust, before he gets married. Then make his mother (or someone he really - really trusts) to be the executor of that trust. The guy would become a beneficiary of the trust.

There are smart landlords that do this type of thing, here in the United States. Let's say some guy has a few duplexes or rental properties. He puts every single property in a seperate TRUST. Then if 1 of his stupid tenants tries to sue him......too bad, everything - all the properties are in different trusts. As far as the tenant is concerned, this guy only owns just 1 duplex.

The plaintiff's attorneys aren't going to file a major lawsuit against somebody, who doesn't appear to have any real wealth or money. Why would attorneys sue somebody, if they can't verify that this person has any real money, and that he will be able to get their attorney fees ?

A lot of women you can't trust. I remember years ago, my sister had some kind of boyfriend standing in our driveway, working on her truck, putting in a brand new carbeurator. This was years ago, in the early 1990's.

Anyway, I said "Hey, your boyfriend is out there putting that carbeurator in your truck. You should at least go out there and talk to the guy." - She said.....she really didn't even like the guy, she was just using him, so he would pay for a new carbeurator and install it for her.

Another time, she needed a car. I gave her a car I had, after I bought a new car for myself. I gave it to her for FREE. A few days later, I notice she has several department store bags, with brand new clothes. I ask her where she got the money to buy the clothes. She said she got the money, by selling the car that I gave her. She said she sold the car for $600.00 - Again, this was in the early 1990's.

Geeez.... If I knew she was just going to turn around a few days later, and sell the car, I would have SOLD the car myself and put the $600.00 in my own pocket.

But there are a lot of bad / freeloading guys out there too. A lot of guys that don't work, but expect their girlfriends or wives to do everything --- work, cook and clean.
2 Aug 2009
Genealogy / Adopted from Poland; trying to find my biological parents [99]

contact me thru Polish Forums. Try to officially register with a username.

My story is similiar to yours. I already located my family - back in Poland.

I have a few ideas to suggest.

If you have a name and maybe some other information, like approximate age and a city, I could check a couple Polish social networking sites for you.

Send me a message - okay...
22 Mar 2009
Genealogy / Adopted from Poland; trying to find my biological parents [99]

My story is basically the same as yours.

You were born in Poland and adopted by American citizens ? -Yes ? Me too !!

Okay, where you are in your search, is pretty much were I was at, 1-year ago. But my search has had some speed bumps along the way. I just received the address for my mom (back in Poland), just this week.

This week I also got the address for my step-sister's mother. My step-sister was adopted from the same orphanage as me. We are not biologically related. We began the search for her mother, about 5 months ago.

If you want to trade notes, feel free to contact me thru this website or post a message. -I'll check back periodically.