30 Oct 2007
Life / Poles are not racist [873]
Generally Poles are not racists yet there's quite a few that are (just like in any other nation/race) and have a good reason to be. They have been betrayed by their fellow europeans over and over again (Remember WWII?). There was a great number of Poles who fought for Britain when your cities were burning from nazi airstrike raids. Where were the Chinese or the Pakistani then? Do you easily forget such events? Maybe you should give credit where credit is due instead of insulting people for silly, stupid reasons. You complain about immigration and racism but remember, you were the ones migrating all over the world conquering other races. How many Native Americans have the British infected with small pox, enslaved and slaughtered because of their race? You Brits and your groupies should be damn ashamed to come on this forum and sput all the crap and insults about people who have done nothing wrong. You are the inferior and just plain pathetic.
Generally Poles are not racists yet there's quite a few that are (just like in any other nation/race) and have a good reason to be. They have been betrayed by their fellow europeans over and over again (Remember WWII?). There was a great number of Poles who fought for Britain when your cities were burning from nazi airstrike raids. Where were the Chinese or the Pakistani then? Do you easily forget such events? Maybe you should give credit where credit is due instead of insulting people for silly, stupid reasons. You complain about immigration and racism but remember, you were the ones migrating all over the world conquering other races. How many Native Americans have the British infected with small pox, enslaved and slaughtered because of their race? You Brits and your groupies should be damn ashamed to come on this forum and sput all the crap and insults about people who have done nothing wrong. You are the inferior and just plain pathetic.