6 May 2022
Language / Polish Accusative / Genitive case [20]
something i can't seem to find any info on: there seems to be a change when negating a direct object noun.
example: he has a car "on ma samochód" vs. he does not have a car "on nie ma samochodu".
i can find a lot of info about the accusative case but nothing that seems to address this one specific issue. can anyone shed some light on this or have a link?
Accusative case grammar question
something i can't seem to find any info on: there seems to be a change when negating a direct object noun.
example: he has a car "on ma samochód" vs. he does not have a car "on nie ma samochodu".
i can find a lot of info about the accusative case but nothing that seems to address this one specific issue. can anyone shed some light on this or have a link?