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Posts by Matt Guy  

Joined: 26 Jul 2016 / Male ♂
Last Post: 26 Jul 2016
Threads: 1
Posts: 2
From: United States
Speaks Polish?: No

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Matt Guy   
26 Jul 2016
Genealogy / I am hoping to find a woman in Warsaw but I need a little help... [16]

I am from the United States. I will make a long story short as I am not sure if this is an appropriate forum for what I need help with...

I am trying to locate a woman I dated back in 2004. She was working in Nevada (United States) back in 2004 with a work visa. Her name is: Magdalena Palys. She is either 30 or 31 I believe. I have her physical address/ two phone numbers/and her email address.

We dated that summer but when she went back to Poland we lost contact. She has been on my mind lately and I would love to hear about her and catch up.

I understand, that my chances of finding her/or talking with her are pretty slim. I was unable to find her through any social media sites.

I suppose the help I am looking for is: if someone lives close to her address, that person would be able to visit her address to see if she lives there still or her family? Another request, is for a person to call the number I have. It is a number from Poland. It is: 22-672-11xx....I can PM someone all the info I have. I am sure no one appreciates their info on the Internet and respect personal information.

Lastly, thank you for taking the time to read this. I hope someone is available to help me find this woman. Nothing ventured, nothing gained...This woman is truly a sweetheart. I do not know if she is married...? In a relationship? Regardless, I have to try to find her/contact her as she was a great find as well.

Please respond or private message me if you think you can help or perhaps if have some suggestions? Thank you....

*Note* I understand everyone is busy. The world is a busy place. It doesn't matter if you live in Turkey or China. If you have Internet, chances are you have minimal free time. I mention this because if you do help I am more than willing to send you something from the United States. Perhaps a souvenir of some sort? I am open to whatever you think would be adequate to compensate for your time. If anything, In the name of Love..? :)
Matt Guy   
26 Jul 2016
Genealogy / I am hoping to find a woman in Warsaw but I need a little help... [16]


Thank you for your response. Perhaps she is married. Nonetheless, she was/is a very amazing woman. At a minimum, I'd love to find her in hopes of just renewing an old friendship.

We sent one another emails probably seven years ago...? However, I did not receive a response in which I assume she no longer checks her old email account.

You mention "registered post" as in UPS or FedEx? Thank you again...
Matt Guy   
26 Jul 2016
Genealogy / I am hoping to find a woman in Warsaw but I need a little help... [16]

Thank you both for your responses. I am not accustomed to the culture at all in Poland and what is socially acceptable or not...haha..

@ Gshegosh, I am not familiar with Nasza Klasa. Is that similar to Facebook? Or is it just an online people search engine? I sent you some specific information...

I will send a letter...I do know she did travel quite a bit but she was to begin her studies there in Warsaw back in 2005 and then onto Law school. She has a grandmother in Kraków, I believe her brothers name is Chris or Thomas I think and her father was a pilot...