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Posts by cesitliolaylar  

Joined: 6 Jan 2014 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 Jan 2014
Threads: 1
Posts: 1
From: Turkey, Istanbul
Speaks Polish?: No

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6 Jan 2014
Study / Information on studying at Torun University and rental costs for apartments [4]

Hello to you all,

I'm currently considering to study in Copernicus University Torun to get a MBA degree. From what I've seen from the Internet, it really does look great and I visited the university's website to know more about Torun. However, it would really great if someone around here who is living / lived in Torun could give some information about the city.

- What do you think about the university, the academic stuff, are you satisfied?

- Are there many foreign students in the city? Would I find a hard time finding foreigners at the university?

- How much does a non-fancy studio apartment rent cost, assuming it would not be far away from the city centre. .( Or any web-site about rentals in Torun would be appreciated)

- I did take some time and read some topics about racism. Should I be worried about racism in Torun? (Let's say I'm a gay, black Turkish Muslim.)

- Do young people play bridge (the card game)? Could I find some bridge partners in Torun?

- And the music? Are there any blues/jazz bars that any good? Are these genres any popular? Are there any good music studios that I can jam with some friends?

I'd really love to get in touch with any of you who lived / lives there so please send me a message.

Kind regards,