The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Sky Night  

Joined: 8 Jul 2012 / Male ♂
Last Post: 8 Jul 2012
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Posts: 3
From: Warsaw
Speaks Polish?: A little.
Interests: Electric Guitar, Driving, Paintball, FPS.

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Sky Night   
8 Jul 2012
Life / 3 reasons why you hate Poland. [1049]

Well, I could start with the main three things why I could be hating Poland.

I really hate the Intolerance and Racism in this country. Why is it when they know you are not Polish they look at you at a lower angle. I find this that the Polish "nation" being "better then others" to become a bit Fascist. I mean, I wish if they were at least good at something, not economically, or educationally, or even culturally. I am not saying it is bad, it's just not as economic as Germany or educational as England or cultural as Spain (Just as an example). I always get swear words (ku**a) from people at night just because I am from another country. Heck, I even get the "Go Home" slogan of these hooligans. I am not even dark skinned, not at all.

Why is it that when Polish people know that you are rich, they envy you so much that they start to lean into hatred? I mean, right, I know I get a lot of money from my country to support me in my studies. I get my tuition payed, plus a monthly allowance of 1800 Euros. And it might not look fair, but I don't think we expect communism in Poland anymore, I was smart enough to gain a scholarship from MY OWN COUNTRY to study medicine in Poland (I didn't even pick the country or the university).

The Polish Language is only spoken by Polish people, which is roughly 32 Mil people, yet so little people know English, what is worse is that I was told to learn Polish if I was to study here, even tho I study in English and only for 7 years, what on earth would Polish language help me in for anything or in anyway? It's not like Chinese or Spanish where they are popular languages. However, I know enough Polish to get me around the city for my daily routine, I think that is more then enough. But mainly, I dislike the lack of English language among many people, specially in important jobs like in government officials, taxi drivers, shop assistants... etc.

That is three stuff now, I guess...

However, I could award few things to Poland.

There are many nice looking buildings here, they are amazing, and very pretty, I always look stunned at them.
Girls here are as beautiful as it's lovely cities, they are breath catching, really kind and friendly, I fall in love every single day.

I love the weather as well, very cold in winter and not so hot in summer, I enjoy every season that passes during a year in Poland. Seriously.
Sky Night   
8 Jul 2012
Life / 3 reasons why you hate Poland. [1049]

Yes, and what I can't stand is when some Poles think that they are perfect, in everyday, living in their own worlds, and everyone else is not.
Sky Night   
8 Jul 2012
Life / 3 reasons why you hate Poland. [1049]

I don't show off, act different or in an odd way. You are missing the point where other countries were much welcoming and pretty nicer to incomers. Why is it just Poland?!

I know very well how students in capitalist countries are put against to study and have a degree. I didn't come to study here in Poland just because I come from a rich country, I was put against a series of exams, exams that are based on IQ, SAT, ACT and MCAT, then we had to do IELTS, and out of 300,000 students that applied, only 500 was granted to study abroad. I think that is pretty much a bragging right. You think I go and talk to people about this straight away?! I usually don't even mention it! I had been to other countries and I act the same everywhere. Why is it only in Poland where I get cursed at by a strangers; "Ku**a Po (Country-Name)" "Go Home!"?! And it is often. Like almost evert two other days.

My friend got busted inside his flat by an angry racist hooligans.

jasondmzk, I don't do anything that would be mean to people, I am often smiley and laughable, I don't walk around wearing gold all over me, just a normal jeans and a shirt and a shoes. I say "Hello, Thank You and Goodbye" in Polish at shops. I don't see any other nationality/race inferior to mine, I think equal of everyone.

Women were approachable to me as well, I made good friends with classy Polish people. However, I find that there is an unbelievable amount of hate from ignorants that don't even know me, and that happen to be quite much in Poland then anywhere else.

But now that I moved in to Warsaw, that became less often. It was worse in Olsztyn.