The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Holly5  

Joined: 14 Apr 2011 / Female ♀
Last Post: 14 Apr 2011
Threads: 1
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From: USA, NY
Speaks Polish?: No
Interests: Modern

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14 Apr 2011
USA, Canada / Polish women are not to be trusted! They are out to get American men just for money. [62]

Two out of two friends got stuck! Friend number one got taken advantage of by this one Polish woman who lied, lied, lied! Let's just say V from Poland met a friend who trusted her. She hid the fact that she had been married to a nice Jewish professor, claimed abuse (there was none --- there seems to be a plastic surgeon these Polish girls go to in NY and they get injected so it looks as if they were bruised and then then go to the police for an order of protection. The next thing you know the American is arrested, he can not go near his place --- she aims for a pay off and then he finally gets to divorce her. She told my friend that her husband had died and then my friend married her --- I told him to look up the last person because I was suspicious that he was not dead. Bingo! Alive but this Polish girl had done the same thing before and now my friend got stuck with thousands in legal fees and paying her off just to get her out of his life. Now I have another friend who is dealing with another Polish girl user who is trying to destroy a family --- what my advice is to men --- is open your eyes, realize that these girls are out for money to send back to Poland and improve their lives and they do not care who they hurt! Two out of two were the same and that is why I have such a negative view of these users. Fake sweetness and smiles will cost you!